Cranberries - just a delicious berry, which is endowed with a "superpower"? The real healing properties of cranberries: indications, contraindications, use


Cranberry is a “Russian” berry; it has long been used by residents of cold regions of vast Russian territory. Due to its unique properties, residents of the northern regions withstand weather extremes of temperature (now this is common for all regions), rarely suffer from colds, cranberry masks have an excellent effect on the skin condition.

Cranberries: medicinal properties of the northern berry

The berry has been popular with the people since ancient times, people have stocked it up for the future until the next harvest. Due to the high content of vitamins - it is the best cold-fighting, restorative remedy. Cranberries contain useful elements that provide a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, heart, and nervous system. The presence of ascorbic acid determines its traditional sour taste. Ascorbic acid is always recommended for a strengthening effect on human immunity.

Iodine in its composition disinfects the body as a whole, is an antibacterial fighter with viral diseases. It is with iodine and vitamin C that the effective use of cranberries for colds is associated. This marsh berry is called a natural antibiotic. Like any other herbal medicine, cranberries have contraindications. Therefore, in order not to harm the body, it is worth learning about the "northerner" closer.

Cranberries: indications for use

Cranberries have a lot of indications for use: colds, fever, thyroid disease, weakened immunity after infection, non-healing wounds, malfunctions of the heart. As far back as the 16th century, doctors made ointments on the basis of cranberries to heal the wounds of warriors; children were given cranberry infusion when mass epidemics occurred. Each woman prepared a large supply of berries for the winter. It was dried, soaked, dried. Since then, many folk recipes that people have been using for centuries have been preserved. Currently, it is easy to purchase frozen berries in any store.

The simplest is cranberry juice. It can be used to maintain and strengthen immunity in long-term illnesses. In the cold season, it will become an indispensable prophylactic for children. Due to the fact that cranberries have the ability to bring down the temperature, it is recommended to give it during the heat.

To prepare a drink you need to take:

• 200 g of berries (fresh or frozen);

• 50 g of granulated sugar (can be prepared without sugar);

• 1.5 liters of water.

Crush the berries and squeeze. Let juice drain, remove it from sight for now. Boiled berries and sugar boil in water for 10 minutes. Cool. Pour the juice of the berries into the broth. Such a drink can be without limitation to people during illness or for the prevention of colds and viral diseases. Very like the children. It does not harm pregnant women and nursing mothers.

If honey is used instead of sugar, a greater effect is achieved thanks to the additional beneficial substances of honey.

In combination with lingonberries (berries are recommended to be taken in equal proportions), the drink will give a decongestant effect. Such a drink helps people with kidney disease cope with edema.

Cranberries - a harmless berry? Contraindications

Despite the mass of useful properties of cranberries, there are still contraindications to its use. Berry is called a "sour doctor", it is her sour taste that can play a cruel joke with a person. You can not use cranberry infusions, preserves, decoctions for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. The berry increases the acid content in the stomach and can exacerbate peptic ulcer.

Dentists are not very flattering about the berry. They believe that acid destroys tooth enamel. But this will not happen if, after taking cranberry drinks, a person rinses his mouth.


Any medicine that is taken uncontrollably can be harmful, including cranberries. The use of berries should be according to the indications. Do not eat it with spoons every day or replace the daily intake with only fruit drinks. In addition, it is important to store cranberries properly.

The use of cranberries for hypertension

With high blood pressure, it is recommended to twist a glass of berries through a meat grinder, add a head of garlic (also scroll), add a tablespoon of honey. Such a remedy is taken in a spoon a day. The remaining mass is stored in the refrigerator.

Squeezed juice can be combined with aronia juice or beetroot juice. Apply 3 times a day after meals.

The use of cranberries as a vasodilator

Twist the berries (fresh or frozen) through a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice. Collect the cleaning in a separate bowl. Take a spoon 3 times a day.

Juice, of course, does not need to be poured. Add it to boiled water with honey. It will be an excellent restorative drink.

The use of cranberries for cystitis

Drink half a glass of freshly squeezed juice 2 times a day. Drink the drink 30 minutes before meals. The juice contains anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial substances that will alleviate the condition and bring it back to normal.

The use of cranberries for colds

For colds, it is recommended to prepare cranberry juice as the patient’s main drink. It has a diaphoretic, antipyretic, diuretic. The high content of ascorbic acid in fruit drinks will help strengthen immunity.

Diabetics or people for other reasons not consuming sugar and honey may use sweeteners.

The use of cranberries in pregnancy

As you know, folic acid is of great importance for a favorable pregnancy and timely development of the fetus. And there are plenty of her in cranberries. Pregnant women can eat cranberries in any form. Of course, it is better to take fresh berries. But dry berries also contain a lot of folic acid. Enough a tablespoon of berries per day to replenish its daily norm in the body.

The use of cranberries for diabetes

Cranberries are able to remove "bad" cholesterol from the body. It improves the functioning of the pancreas, normalizes metabolism. It has been scientifically proven that diabetics who drink 200 g of cranberry juice daily have achieved stabilization of blood sugar levels in type 1 diabetes.

The use of cranberries for weight loss

People who want to lose weight, as a rule, lose themselves in the diet of many important vitamins and substances. Berry is a low-calorie product. In addition, it contains the necessary vitamins for the proper functioning of the body. It regulates the metabolism well, is able to break down fats. But be careful with its use. Berry can increase appetite. Therefore, it is also used to treat emaciated people, bringing their body to a normal state.

Thus, the healing properties of cranberries are not criticized. Reasonable consumption of berries does not threaten any consequences. If you use natural gifts instead of chemical drugs, of course, there will be much more benefit for the body. But we should not forget about contraindications. Cranberries are recommended after consultation with your doctor. Then its beneficial properties will bring a person only a positive result.


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