Features of Russian paternity. What was the luck of the children of a large country, but what was not so?


My dad is the best! Almost any child believes in this. But what is he the best?

Russia is an original country, therefore fathers who grew up in its midst are unique. It leaves its mark on the territory of residence: Siberians instill endurance in their children, Caucasians - veneration of elders, Volzhans - industriousness. And yet, regarding the upbringing of their offspring, all Russians share common eccentric features.

Funny features of Russian fathers

Behavior of an unplayed child

A typical situation for a Russian family is when dad enthusiastically tests a brand new helicopter or radio-controlled car, and the child patiently waits for his turn. The roots of this strangeness of Russian fathers are in the average poor childhood, devoid of tricked out toys. So daddy with enthusiasm and burning eyes will buy everything in the children's world that he himself dreamed of in his early years.

In the harsh realities of life in Russia, you can’t do without a sense of humor, so the Russian father likes to be naughty and playful no less than his child. Sometimes it seems to his wife that he is one of her children. Dad relieves stress with pleasure by playing football with the kids, rollerblading with them or building houses from Lego's constructor.

In a playful manner, he teaches his children basic skills. For example, swim. To do this, he throws his child to the depth of the pond and waits, watching him, until he begins to make the right movements.

Knowledge of the answer to any question

Children about 5 years old - annoying "how-tos". They are interested in everything: why the grass is green, why cats catch mice, how the refrigerator is arranged, and so on. Preoccupied with household chores, mothers only brush aside from endless questions. Then the child goes to dad, and his curiosity is completely satisfied. This is easy to explain. Firstly, Russian men are very erudite and well-read. The Soviet past is also affected here with its strongest education system. In those years, almost every boy had a collection of encyclopedias at home. Thanks to this, the current generation of dads is able to answer any question of their son or daughter and masterly help them with homework. Secondly, the Russian father does not like to drop the authority and his status as a hero in the eyes of children. He will come up with an answer to any tricky question, he will turn out using national ingenuity, but he will never say "I don’t know." For this we love.

Belief in the perfection of offspring

For a Russian man, his children are the most intelligent, beautiful, talented. He often focuses only on the positive qualities of his child. If the latter hit a classmate who lifted him up, then dad will certainly praise his son, because he was able to fend for himself. If the girl gets "bad." for behavior, then she, in his words, is cheerful and active.

Foreign dads "do not wear pink glasses" and punish children for such offenses. They criticize what is objectively bad.

What Russian popes are superior to foreign

Russian "flowers of life" can be proud of their dads, because they have qualities that foreign parents lack. Curiously, they coincide with the traits of fathers who are highly valued by children, according to a recent study. So there they are.

"Skillful fingers"

A skillful man in the house is happiness not only for the woman, but also for their offspring. Such a dad can assemble furniture from Ikea, fix electricity, fix appliances, solder something, replace the processor in a laptop, build a swing, deal with the complex mechanism of a toy, etc. It’s very interesting with such a parent, because he can teach all the secrets of working with equipment and electricity. Not only sons, but also daughters involuntarily begin to understand all this. American and European popes are losing a lot in this regard. The maximum that they know how to do is hammer a nail. There, at the slightest problem, it is customary to call a specialist.

Equal communication

Normal average Russian popes do not hang over children, do not put pressure on them and do not clutch at the belt when the child behaves badly, as in Germany, Turkey and the Arab countries of past years. They have no arrogance in relation to their offspring. Most often, they manifest themselves as cheerful friends with sons and good protectors with daughters. They compete with boys in games, and girls pamper like princesses.

Because of such trifles as a deuce behind a control window or a broken neighbor’s window, the Russian father will not swear. Maximum, will assume a strict look and conduct an explanatory conversation. This, by the way, works better than any scandals, because no one wants to upset such a wonderful dad again.

Lifetime Financial Assistance

A parent in Russia helps his daughter or son in every possible way. He gives them valuable advice, encourages them for good grades or sports achievements. When children grow up, Russian parents cheer for them and even help financially. Many consider it their duty to buy an apartment and a car for a child. Such behavior sometimes spoils the child, who later relies on a good daddy for everything.

In the individualistic countries of the West, the situation is different. As soon as the child turns 16 years old, he leaves his father's house and begins to work. So they bring up independence.

What needs to be fixed in the Russian parent

It is noted that Russian fathers consider their main task - the full provision of children. It happens that they do not go beyond this - there is no strength, no time, no desire. This situation is often formed after a divorce, when the presence of the father in the lives of children is replaced by alimony.

For a man from Europe or America, the title of “Good Father” is the highest praise. Even a divorce from the mother of their children does not change this. Communicating with your children is very valuable to a western parent. It is important for him that they love and respect him, praise him in front of their friends.

Material support they take for granted the obligation in relation to their offspring. But the most important thing for Europeans is the time spent on the child, his development. If in Russia all the concerns for raising a child lie on the shoulders of a woman, then in the West, parental responsibilities are divided between husband and wife at the negotiating table. Emancipated Europeans and Americans are not attached to men and often abandon their families, so Europe and America are full of single fathers.

The Chinese are very emotional towards their children. The latter love to walk along the street with their children, trumping their status as an accomplished man. In Russia, unfortunately, there are almost no fathers in the playgrounds. Interestingly, the Chinese even take their little ones to work. For example, at the University of the Celestial Empire you can see a child at a lecture by his father, a professor, and in a restaurant - a kid who "helps" his dad cook. At the same time, society treats this with understanding. In Russia, only women bring children to work, and that is rare.

A journalist based in Thailand said she was struck by an open demonstration of feelings about her father's Thai fathers. "They look at the child with such adoration that he is the center of the world. Even the most serious men next to their children become sentimental. They kiss little hands and heels, not shy about anyone around. If you leave a Russian man with his baby, he will think about affairs, quickly dreaming of freeing herself from the role of a nanny, "the Russian woman compares. In addition, Thais give children complete freedom of expression: they are allowed to do whatever they like. Where the Russian father can pull the child, the Thais will only smile, but on condition that the baby does not bother anyone. At the same time, to the surprise of observers, the kids here are not capricious and obediently fulfill the requests of their elders.

So, Russian fathers should spend more time with their children, more openly demonstrate their feelings and allow them to be themselves, when circumstances allow.


Watch the video: Putin Reveals His Secret Service Code Name to Russian Child Prodigies (June 2024).