If a man is older: how to cope with the age difference?


As they say about actors and "star" performers: the older the man, the more often wives change. And this depends not only on its complex nature, but also on the fact that young companions are not ready to withstand everyday problems, mutual misunderstanding, reproaches or quarrels.

Now the number of marriages of different ages and extramarital relations is constantly increasing, but more than half of them end in 5-7 years.

Money: expectations and reality

As a result of the experiment, it was found that women evaluate photos of the same men differently if they are told that they are millionaires or criminals. Of course, money helps men get the attention of younger beauties.

On the part of the girls: more often than not, they expect “quick investments” that a man will begin to generously endow his companion, pay for purchases and other expenses. It seems to them that with their young and fit appearance they deserve a worthy reward.

On the part of men: Young students are able to spend the last money on a box of chocolates and a bottle of champagne, and a man aged confident in himself, has a constant stable income and does not try to make a lasting impression. He appreciates predictable, meaningful relationships and is not always ready to pay for time spent together.

Therefore, girls, be patient, if an adult man sees that you really care, you are genuinely interested in his opinion, you are ready to accompany him on a “free” basis, then gradually he will open his heart and his wallet. Will pay for an apartment or study at the university, make practical gifts.

And keep in mind that men at any age do not understand hints at all, if you thoughtfully say: winter is coming, snow will fall - then he will think that you are concerned about the hexagonal symmetry of snowflakes. It’s better to say directly that you need winter boots.

Well, in such cases, it’s difficult to figure out what kind of gift to please your chosen one: expensive, status items should correspond to personal taste, it is difficult to guess what he will like. Skydiving and other extreme pleasures are a past stage. Things to relax and hobbies are an even more dubious idea, so you have to think hard to prepare for the holiday or anniversary from the beginning of the relationship.

Relationship to marriage and family

The people noted that "they are not marrying a man, but his family," because each of us is not in a social vacuum, but has an extensive network of relatives, employees, friends and acquaintances. Many of them are critical of young friends, suspecting them of selfish intentions. It is difficult to combine an ex-wife, adult children and vacation with a new passion.

On the part of the girls: they are guided by the future result, they are ready to register a relationship, become pregnant and, in case of "receive alimony. They are confident that they will be able to create a trusting family atmosphere and overcome all possible differences.

On the part of men: as experience suggests, even an ardent relationship can cool over time, everyone begins to show hidden character traits and “pull the blanket” over himself. Moreover, the new darling is trying to limit contacts with the previous family and reign supreme in the occupied territory. The man prefers not to formalize the relationship in the registry office, but simply enjoy every happy day.

You expect constant signs of attention and affection, and a man who is confident in your feelings simply does not consider it necessary to send countless sms and endlessly admire your mind and quick wits. You have been preparing a gourmet dinner for a long time and choosing a suitable outfit, and a man can come home and change into shorts and a T-shirt, despite the pathos entourage.

Probably, if a man did not have previous marriages, there were reasons for this on his part. He may be completely indifferent to your problems or, conversely, show dictatorial tendencies and regulate each action. At the same time, he tries to control your daily routine, to determine with whom to communicate, but he does not allow himself into his affairs, does not share the situation at work.

In any case, he is not ready and does not agree to change, some concessions are possible on his part, but it is unlikely that he will fundamentally change male habits. Tears, threats, ultimatums, blackmail are a futile undertaking. If you leave and slam the door, such a man most likely will not run to catch up. Miss you, come back yourself.

Intimate issues

The temperament of a person depends on physiology and lifestyle, if he eats properly, maintains his physical form and regularly enters into sexual relations, then he will retain masculine qualities for a long time. Do not try to evade under various pretexts, it is very upsetting and frustrating for men. Even if you really have a headache, take a paracetamol pill and somehow tolerate 10-15 minutes.

It is not necessary to force a partner to numerous acts of mutual sympathy, an experienced man is able to demonstrate skill and unexpected improvisation. But if you want unusual sensations, then you should offer them very carefully so as not to violate the boundaries of male pride.

Do not try to flirt too actively or cause jealousy, an adult man will calmly accept female tricks, but if you give a serious reason for suspicion, you will immediately get a turn from the gate. He will not tolerate an opponent and will not “fight” for your attention, it is better to diversify your life together in other ways.

Tempting prospects

Of course, while you are 25 years old and a man 45, your relationship looks romantic and natural. But think about what will happen in 15 years, he will exchange the seventh ten. All contradictions will aggravate, all diseases will manifest, and you will, by habit, be around, painfully thinking how long this will last.

Life with an elderly person is daily worries and even suffering, you must be sure of your patience and tender feelings. Based on remuneration or a rich testament, women spend half their lives next to a person older than 20-30 years. But no one gives a guarantee that a man will take care of your future, especially if he has children and grandchildren from his former wife.

For a long time, you will have to coordinate your ideas about life and possible actions, and after all, each generation has new concepts and hobbies. As you imagine, general events where people gather, say, up to 30 years old, and only your man will retire soon. This causes serious disagreement and resentment.

The biggest mistake is to shut up in your own pair, to spend time only together. It should often "be in public", get acquainted with each other's environment. Perhaps you will notice rejection from relatives, make some mistakes, but if you do not pass this difficult stage in a timely manner, then it will be more difficult to establish mutual understanding with each passing day.

The same applies to the opposite camp, you will have to take into account the presence of his parents, former women, or even get to know them. You always have time to tell nonsense, better show understanding, restraint, your man will definitely appreciate it.


Watch the video: Does Age Matter? Best Age Gap For A Successful Relationship (June 2024).