Propolis: indications, contraindications, medicinal properties and use. Doctor's opinion on the benefits and dangers of propolis


Propolis is most often used for the prevention and treatment of wounds and infections of the respiratory tract. It has an antifungal and wound healing effect. More recent studies show that propolis modulates the activity of the immune system and the growth of tumor cells.

Propolis and contains about 50 components, mainly resins (50%), wax (30%), essential oils (10%) and pollen. Propolis has traditionally been used because of its antiseptic and antifungal effects to treat various infections. With the advent of alternative medicines, it was no longer prescribed in modern medicine.

According to the NIH, propolis is effective in treating herpes, relieving oral pain and inflammation. However, its effectiveness has not been proven to strengthen the immune system. There is also insufficient evidence of its effectiveness in cases of colds, other infections, digestive disorders, tuberculosis or cancer.

The European Committee found that there is no connection between the consumption of propolis and the rate of recovery from various diseases. Propolis should be taken with caution to people with identified immunodeficiency

Since ancient times, propolis has already been used as a popular medicine in the treatment of wounds and infections. The stories of medicines of Chinese, Tibetan, Egyptian and Greco-Roman civilizations contain hundreds of recipes in their ancient writings. The healing properties of propolis have been known for over 2000 years.

Injuries and inflammation

Doctor's comment: according to Chinese studies, propolis improves wound healing, reduces inflammation of the skin or mucous membranes. Often after injuries, bacterial or viral infections appear. The main indication of propolis is the prevention of infections after joint injuries.

Propolis can prevent the division of bacterial cells. The substance clearly destroys the cell membrane of microbes and interferes with the metabolism. This mechanism also works similarly for fungi and viruses. If the virus is located on the surface of the cell, it can be destroyed by propolis. This is especially true for herpes viruses.

Propolis accelerates cell repair in injuries due to the presence of resins. On the other hand, and this makes propolis something special. The resin inhibits the excessive growth of cells and tissues, thereby preventing the formation of scars.

The active ingredient is able to interfere with the cascade system of inflammatory processes. Propolis blocks the building blocks (enzymes) necessary for the production of inflammatory hormones. As a result, the drug reduces inflammatory reactions.

Due to its wide range of applications, propolis is suitable for the treatment of various skin diseases. Propolis is also recommended for severe acne, boils, and carbuncles.

Upper respiratory tract diseases

Doctor's comment: propolis has a special place in respiratory diseases. Most upper respiratory tract infections are caused by viruses. Propolis has been proven to have a local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. Although this effect is generally well known, it has not been recognized by science due to a lack of research.

Depending on the origin and composition, the effect of propolis can vary significantly. Many people report from personal experience that propolis significantly alleviates the symptoms of infections of the cardiopulmonary system. However, the effect may be comparable to placebo.


Doctor's comment: inflammation of the tonsils is almost always caused by bacteria. The most common symptoms are sore throat and difficulty swallowing. Since propolis has a pronounced antibacterial effect, the drug is often prescribed for tonsillitis. Propolis damages the cell membrane of microbes and, thus, penetrates into bacteria. Inside, it can affect the genetic material of the microbe so that it can no longer multiply. Propolis is suitable as an adjuvant, but should not be taken for longer than 3 days.

Urinary tract inflammation

Doctor's comment: the effect of propolis on urinary tract infections has not been adequately investigated. However, an anti-inflammatory effect due to inhibitory growth of bacteria is known. Due to the lack of evidence, patients with urinary tract infections should refrain from propolis.

Cancer and Immune System Disorders

Doctor's comment: the anti-cancer effect is partially refuted by numerous experiments. Propolis could be considered an adjuvant treatment for cancer, but there is no evidence of effectiveness.

Propolis showed in several experiments immunomodulating, but also anti-inflammatory effects. It has been found that it relieves inflammation of the eyes, stomach and joints. In laboratory experiments, the propolis component inhibited the death of HIV-infected cell cultures. Other tests confirming this effect are not yet available.

Propolis: contraindications and side effects

Propolis is a drug with a wide spectrum of activity. It can be used externally for damage to the skin and mucous membranes. Allergies to propolis are relatively common. People with atopic dermatitis or asthmatics are at an increased risk of allergies. Main propolis contraindication - allergic reaction.

About 3-4% of people are allergic to propolis products. These are usually delayed allergic reactions, that is, symptoms do not occur immediately. Patients with an allergy to chamomile often experience hypersensitivity symptoms when taking propolis.

The daily dose should not exceed 6 g of propolis per day, since side effects may occur.

Side effects may include intolerance or allergic reactions. Propolis preparations should not be used if it is known that there is an allergy to the active substance.

The patient must use high quality products with a standardized composition. It should be tested for pesticides and foreign substances. Propolis is increasingly being processed into food additives and cosmetics. However, due to its allergic potential, it is not recommended for use in cosmetics. The following are the uses of propolis.

Purified Propolis:

  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract: chew 1-2 g of propolis up to 3 times a day


  • Acute conditions: up to 5 times a day, 20-30 drops;
  • Chronic conditions: 10 drops up to 3 times a day;
  • Rinse the mouth: 10 to 20 drops in a glass of water.

Ointment for external use (10-20% of the active ingredient):

  • Apply on the affected area 1-2 times a day.

Tincture for external use:

  • 1 time per day with 30-50 drops of propolis tincture.

The most commonly used alcoholic extract, tablets, dragees and capsules for internal use. Ointments, gels, tinctures for external use are used less often.

Propolis is an obsolete natural antibiotic that has been replaced with safer and more effective drugs. The benefits of propolis are not comparable to modern antibiotics, but it helps to reduce pain and inflammation.
