Beloved wife of Suleiman Kanuni (photo): what was her real name, what is her real fate


The tenth ruler of the Ottoman Empire, Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, better known in Muslim countries as Suleiman Kanuni, had a reputation as a tough, overly suspicious, but just ruler. He without hesitation gives the order to kill his own son, suspected of treason, for the same reason, easily takes the lives of loved ones with whom he had been connected with many years of friendship, but at the same time he appears to the world as a clear "henpecked man" following his beloved wife. Who was this woman, and how did she manage to conquer the great Sultan?

Anastasia, she is Alexandra

Almost nothing is known about the origin of the future wife of Suleiman the Magnificent, but inquisitive researchers of historical archives claim that this girl was called Nastya, although some believe that Alexander does not provide convincing arguments.

She came from the lands belonging to the Polish Principality (now it is the territory of Western Ukraine), according to some sources - from Rogatin and was the daughter of a priest.

It is this fact that explains the fact that a young girl not only knows how to read and write (at that time this is already an achievement), but also has extensive knowledge in various fields: literature, philosophy and art.

Anastasia got into the harem of the sultan in the usual way: a slave sold at the market was bought by one of the viziers and presented to the sultan as a gift in honor of ascending the throne. At that time, she was 15, and he was -26.

Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska

By Turkish standards, the young Odalisque was completely ugly: thin, red-haired with a snub nose and sharp, angular movements, indicating the presence of too much internal energy.

Green eyes stood out on her face, in which the little devils “jumped”. For the Turkish harem, the Ukrainian girl was too noisy - she joked a lot, laughed out loud and constantly violated centuries-old traditions.

The Sultan quickly noticed her and showed her first special location: he gave a new name - Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska (according to some sources pronounced as Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska), which means "very funny, constantly smiling" and gave the order to bring her to his rooms in the evening.

And here Fate intervenes: the first wife of the Sultan - the Circassian Makhidevran, having learned that a rival had appeared, started a banal fight, tearing Nastya's clothes and scratching her face to the point of blood.

Proud Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska refused to go to the Sultan in this form. Perhaps this particular act became decisive: before that, Suleiman dealt only with obedient women who did not dare to say anything against or freely express their opinion.

The mechanism natural for nature worked: hunter and prey, and since Kanuni was known as an excellent hunter, it was natural that he wished to get what he slipped out of his hands and resisted at all costs.

Makhidevran was sent to the Old Palace as soon as possible, and Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska became the main and beloved concubine, who literally won the heart of the great ruler in just one night.

What was the secret of seduction?

Given that beauty alone was completely insufficient for the sophisticated sultan to turn into an obedient admirer, ready to do anything for her whims, it becomes interesting: how did the young virgin fall in love with Suleiman for all subsequent years?

After all, together they lived a lot - from 38 to 42 years according to various sources, and all this time Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska remained the ruler’s beloved wife.

In addition to her unusual appearance and impudent temper for Turkish women, people who were personally acquainted with her claimed that Anastasia had a special “animal” magnetism that deprived the will of any man, making him a plasticine toy in her hands.

This quality, combined with a domineering nature, a remarkable mind and the ability to cleverly conduct hidden intrigues, did its job: the heart of the sultan was completely in the power of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska.

She easily communicated with Suleiman on various topics, read a lot, studied various philosophical works, and against the background of passive harem concubines who thought only of dancing and costumes, this was a striking contrast and came to her advantage.

Haseki Sultan

This title was created specifically for Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska in 1534, on the day of her wedding with the Sultan. Yes, a simple Ukrainian girl was able to achieve what no one could ever achieve: an official marriage with a ruler. And How? Of course, with the help of his quirky mind!

Once she decided to prove her love to the Sultan and converted to Islam. Refusing your faith and accepting someone else's is a big step, but Anastasia decided to go all the way and get the maximum benefit from her position.

One fine evening, she expressed regret that, as a slave, she does not have the right to build (sponsor) charitable buildings (baths, hospitals and schools) throughout the camp, as well as to erect mosques, although she has enough funds for this from the gifts of the ruler .

The complacent Suleiman publicly endowed her with freedom, which caused the envy of many Odalis women who had been seeking his attention for years. That same evening, the sultan out of habit called on her to share the bed and was refused, for the first time after many years. You can imagine the storm of emotions that he experienced!

And everything turned out to be simpler: a slave can share a bed with a man, not married to him, and a free woman - no, because this is considered fornication and severely punished by Allah.

Literally a few days later a magnificent wedding was played: the sultan got his, and the resourceful Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska - unlimited power and the title of Haseki (beloved wife, ruler).


It was by that name that all of Europe knew her, wondering how a powerful sultan, who in fear half of the whole world could fear, could be so ruled by a simple woman.

She had the right to receive ambassadors and guests of the country, and without using a burqa (which was unheard of for those times), she corresponded with various political figures for a long time, conducting quiet strategic battles, and was the chief adviser to Suleiman in all political matters.

He did everything that she wanted, starting from the petty whims associated with the harem and ending with significant political steps.

Because of her intrigues, the beloved son of the ruler, who was the main contender for the throne, was executed, for the same reason Ibrahim Pasha (Kanuni’s best friend), his second wife, who was essentially a harmless woman, and her own son, were strangled who dared to encroach on the throne of Suleiman during his lifetime.

This suggests that Roksolana was a tough, irreconcilable woman, capable of doing everything to follow her goals.

It was with her reign that the era of the female sultanate begins (in which the sultans' wives had unlimited power), which lasted a hundred years and, according to many historians, became the cause of the extinction of the Ottoman Empire.

For all the time of their life together, Roksolana gave Suleiman six children: five sons and a daughter, which was also considered nonsense, because it is usually rare for a concubine to give birth to more than two children. Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska died in 1558, literally burned out in one day from a fever caused by a cold. Some historians argue that this was impossible, and most likely, the beloved wife of the Sultan was simply poisoned.


"Your hands are not with me - your light is not in me, there is only an ocean of tears left for my Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska" - these words were said to my beloved wife during the burial.

The Sultan lived another eight years after her death, without bringing anyone closer to him.


Watch the video: Did Sultan Suleyman Regret The Death Of Sehzade Mustafa? (July 2024).