Joan Rowling: Harry Potter author success story


"By all ordinary standards, I was the biggest failure in my own life."

J.K. Rowling

These words belong to the famous British writer, successful screenwriter and film producer Joan Rowling, the author of science fiction novels about the wizard Harry Potter. Her books have been translated into 70 different languages ​​and sold in millions of copies, so why is one of the richest women in the world recognized in her own failure?

In fact, before publishing the first book, Joan took years of hard work. She went through loneliness, betrayal and poverty. But first things first…

Early years

Joan Rowling was born July 31, 1965 in the British city of Yate. From an early age, the girl loved to dream, she could come up with an interesting story on the go. The main admirer of her talent was the younger sister. It was to her, the six-year-old Joan, dedicated a fairy tale about a rabbit suffering from measles.

Even at school, the girl was in the world of her own fantasies, she came up with funny stories and wrote them in a small notebook. Not surprisingly, literature and English were favorite subjects.

In 1982, Rowling entered the Faculty of Philology of the University of Exeter. Here she began studying French.

Parents dreamed that the girl would make a successful career as a bilingual secretary.

In 1986, after practicing in Paris, Joan graduated from the university with a bachelor's degree in French and classical philology. The girl moved to live in London, where she worked as a researcher and secretary, but she always believed that she had a different future.

Beginning of the Harry Potter story

It was a trip from Manchester to London. The train stopped for 4 hours. For the rest of the passengers it was a usual delay, but not for Joan. At that very moment, a story began in her head about an eleven-year-old teenager with round glasses who was destined to undergo training at a magic school.

Upon returning home, Rowling rushed to the table and began to write. Images arose in her head like lightning, she only had time to take notes.

Once robbers entered her apartment. They carried out many valuable things, but, fortunately, did not touch the shoe box, where Joan kept numerous sketches of her book.

Rowling already understood that they were her main wealth.

On December 30, 1990, the writer’s mother died of multiple sclerosis. In the future, Joan was very sorry that she did not have time to tell her about the wizard boy. This death had a great influence on the plot of the novel. In the first book, the author described in full detail the death of Harry's parents, because she was well aware of the bitter feeling of loss.

Life in Portugal

A few months after the loss of the dearest person, Joan went to live in Portugal, where she got a job as an English teacher. A little later, Rowling met with the television journalist Jorge Arantes, who became her first husband and father to her daughter Jessica Isabelle.

The young spouse turned out to be a cruel and domineering person, so their marriage quickly broke up.

The woman moved to Edinburgh with her beloved daughter, where she rented an apartment and lived on social benefits. This time Joan calls the bottom. She began a severe depression, from which she saved the work on the book. Dementors found themselves in the Harry Potter story for a reason. Fictional creatures that feed on human happiness - this was the condition that Joan experienced after her divorce from her husband.

Later, the writer will say: "The stone bottom became a solid foundation on which I began to rebuild my life."

First attempts to publish a book

In 1995, Joan finished work on the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. In her thoughts, new characters and events are already emerging. Rowling hides the whole magical world in an old cardboard box under the bed. Lists of all students of the school of magic, their ability levels and lineage are stored here. Outlines of Latin terms and drawings are made on pieces of paper.

Joan even prepared images of the main characters and magical transformations to facilitate the work of illustrators.

Now that the main stage is completed, it remains to interest the publisher. Rowling prints several chapters on an old typewriter and sends them to several literary agents. But, in response, refusals come with the same type of explanation: "This is too serious for children," "Children will not read so much." A positive response came from the firm of literary agents Christopher Little. They agree to help Rowling find a publisher.

The book was sent to 12 companies, and all refused to publish.

In August 1996, when Joan almost lost faith, her work received a green light. The case intervened - Alice, the eight-year-old daughter of Nigel Newton, chairman of the board, read the first chapter, and immediately demanded a continuation.

Long-awaited success

In June 1996, the Bloomsbury book publishing house published "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" with a circulation of 1000 copies, half of them sent to libraries. The novel quickly wins the love of not only children but also adults.

The author receives an award for "Best Book of the Year." After the world fell in love with Harry Potter, the following editions break all records and are recognized as the best-selling books in history.

Magic and wizards require a large screen. In 1998, the largest concern Varner Bros acquired the right to film the first two novels. The director is Chris Calambus.

Rowling sets the only condition - actors must be British. Of the thousands of applicants, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint received the main roles.

On November 16, 2001, the premiere took place. The film adaptation, as expected, was a tremendous success.

Personal life

On December 26, 2001, Rowling married the successful doctor Neil Michael Murray. In March 2003, their son David Gordon was born, two years later, the youngest daughter Mackenzie Jean appeared.

The writer spends all her free time with her family in a cozy house in Edinburgh.

Joan is still a kind and sentimental person. She is the head of a charitable foundation, helps single-parent families, finances the study of multiple sclerosis, from which her mother died.

Joan's efforts were rewarded - she repeatedly received the highest state awards for achievements in the field of literature.

The epic saga about dangers and adventures, good and evil, the collapse of children's hopes, has won the hearts of millions of people around the world.

Her life is a great example of the fact that every crazy idea can lead to success.


Watch the video: . Rowling's Top 10 Rules For Success @jkrowling (July 2024).