Famous women abandoned during pregnancy


How you can swear in love, and then change from another, how you can call yourself a man with a capital letter and throw the woman at her most joyful moment. But, unfortunately, many face such difficulties in life, and famous girls are no exception.

What kind of stars, being pregnant, were left without a man’s shoulder? What was their further fate?

Anna Sedokova

It’s hard to imagine, but this beauty survived the betrayal by her last boyfriend, who left her in an “interesting position”, but cannot but rejoice, the fact that the result of all this ended with the birth of a wonderful son named Hector.

Many people follow this singer’s life, she couldn’t recover for a long time from the fact that her fiancé left her, she even had a post on social networks in which she told her readers that she was currently in a bad state of mind.

Recall that Anna has two more daughters from other marriages, however, she does not give up and moves on, despite the fact that her personal life has not yet developed.

Meriem Uzerli

This is a wonderful actress who played in the famous series “The Magnificent Century”, also faced with misunderstanding and betrayal by the person whom she idolized and considered ideal.

It all ended with the fact that the celebrity told her groom that she was pregnant. To that, in response, she received a reaction that she did not expect.

Turkish businessman Jan Atesh reacted very rudely, citing the fact that he already has two children, and he does not need a third, to put it mildly.

As the actress herself says: I disappeared into it, and besides him, I did not represent anyone near me. What a pity that I was mistaken and made a mistake, I met with a beautiful picture, and inside which there was always a huge emptiness. Nevertheless, I have no regrets about anything, because I have the biggest gift in my life, this is my daughter.

Julia Baranovskaya

Successful girl, TV presenter and mother of three children. It is difficult to imagine that she also faced such a blow when she was pregnant with her third child, from the well-known famous football player Andrei Arshavin.

He called and said that he was leaving her, Julia for a long time could not believe it, thought that it was some kind of evil joke, the child was in her stomach, and her mother was sick.

As we know, there is a very wise, and correct saying, however, "there would be no happiness, but misfortune would help."

The girl gave birth to a beautiful son Arseny, from a housewife turned into a TV presenter.

Linda Evangelista

The famous model met only a few months with the father of his unborn child, but when he found out that she was in an “interesting position”, he immediately left her.

Linda even had to prove the paternity of a man who had so meanly and ugly done to her and even after the birth of the baby refused to pay child support.


Beloved singer, broke up with her lover when she was in her seventh month of pregnancy.

The businessman said that he was leaving for another girl with whom he later legalized his relationship. But, the star does not get upset, but wishes his ex, only happiness.

Now she is raising two daughters.

Heidi Klum

Now she’s breaking the hearts of men, but it wasn’t always so. She survived a sad relationship, her beloved walked and cheated on her after she found out that she was pregnant.

As a result, the model gave birth to a daughter and married singer Sila, who adopted the girl and in this marriage, they had three more children.

Valeria Gai Germanicus

This girl can hardly be called a “victim”, most likely, on the contrary, according to her, becoming a single mother with two children, she does not see anything so shameful in this, most likely the opposite. Here the situation is a little different, she herself abandoned her lover after she found out that he has a wife in America, that is, being married to Valeria, in another country another was waiting for him. This double game, of course, did not suit the scandalous director, and she immediately broke up with her husband. Actually, their views on life were completely different.

When a man turns away from a woman at the most wonderful moment in her life, it is still unknown who is lucky. You should not keep males near you if they are doing this, because there will not be anything good, let them go their own way, the main thing to remember and know is that children are the best that can happen to a girl, and men come and go .

No one is immune from betrayal, even if you are a public person, the main thing is to always remain strong, despite life's difficulties.


Watch the video: Woman Whose Daughters Claim She Abandoned Them As Teens Hears How They Feel About Her Now (June 2024).