What is energy binding


Any communication causes a connection at the energy level. This is a kind of contact that remains on the subtle plane after the cessation of communication. But this connection does not last long, and if a person no longer causes interest, emotions, both positive and negative, then contact on the subtle plane is interrupted.

It is another matter if, after contact, a person continues to remember the interlocutor, his image, and thoughts of him constantly conquer, then this is evidence of the formation of an energy attachment.

How and why bindings are formed

An attachment at the energy level is formed when a person becomes addicted. Such a dependence can arise not only from another person, but also from objects, goods, for example, money, events, things, and the past.

An energetically attached person loses his independence, will, his own path. Peace of mind continues to be lost more and more, and a person becomes irritable and unassembled.

At a higher level, any soul is independent and free, but when a strong attachment occurs, it causes some kind of dissonance and loss of energy, which can lead to various diseases. As a rule, this process proceeds unconsciously.

The energy binding on the subtle plane is a tube with flowing energy, the color of which depends on the chakra and the person's emotions.

What is the difference between the energy channel and the binding

Through this channel, energy is exchanged between people, and they do not experience a breakdown after contact. Energy flows from one individual to another and in the opposite direction. As for the attachment, everything is obvious here, the energy goes in one direction, that is, from one person, and from the second in the opposite direction - no.

When channels are created, it is quite normal and does not bear any damage to the energy and mental state of people.

Binding is a dependency, as already mentioned, but the binding is not always negative.

Some bindings are necessary and useful, such as, for example, to a normal extent between parents and children.

What are the bindings

There are artificially made bindings, and the most striking example is a love spell. When a magician conducts such a ceremony, he is lined up, from the future bewitched to the customer of such an action, a binding that clings to hooks or knots to a specific chakra. All this can be seen on the subtle plane.

The attached person will depend very much, but the soul will try to free itself from the impact on it.

After such a rite and speech there can be no love, the charmed person simply suffers, loses energy, but he cannot leave the charmer.

A person can independently and unconsciously make energy binding a large release of negative or positive energy. So, if a woman is obsessed with owning a man and on this occasion constantly worries, gets angry, jealous and experiences other emotions, then she independently creates a dependence on this man.

A man on an unconscious level will feel the flow of energy and an astral attack from a woman. In this case, you need to let the man go, this will help restore strength.

It also happened that as soon as a woman released her lover, not with her mind, but with her soul, the man felt that the energy no longer came to him and sought contact with her.

But relationships that were originally created on addiction will not bring happiness and peace.

But the most powerful attachments arise between children and parents, where there is a place for personality suppression. This may be the total control of parents, their excessive custody. In such conditions, it is very difficult for the soul to fulfill its true purpose. In such families, children only after growing up and starting an independent life gain true emotional freedom.

Examples of energy bindings

  1. Resentment. This feeling can be attributed to the strongest, which takes away health. This is due to the fact that the offended very often returns to thoughts about the offender, giving him his energy.
  2. The desire to help, save. Most people think that they are good and that’s good. But often they begin to use this quality and pull from the helper more and more, although in essence they can cope with their problems themselves. The one who helps thinks that they will not do without his support and generously gives energy to the detriment of himself.
  3. Revenge. Thinking of revenge, making plans in your head, you can do serious harm to yourself with such an attachment.
  4. Guilt. It is a punishment for oneself. Often a person simply thinks about what he has done, but this does not change in the physical world, which creates a strong bond.
  5. Call of Duty. If a person has provided some kind of support, then just gratitude is enough. No need to feel indebted to someone, this leads to a loss of energy.
  6. The crowding out of true feelings. Many couples live because of habits, responsibilities to children, property, trying to hide their true feelings and treat each other kindly, although deep down in their hearts they are unhappy, because you can’t fool yourself. Such a link does not allow a wife or husband to develop as an individual, and children can also experience discomfort in such a family. A constant internal struggle with oneself can provoke large energy losses.
  7. Unrequited love. Even with positive feelings, there may be an energy binding that is harmful. This includes unrequited love, in which the flow of energy flows in only one direction, from lover to lover. This attachment can be attributed to one of the most powerful, exhausting and vampire ones. It is worth remembering that until a person is released from such an attachment, he will not be able to meet a new mutual love.

Some attachments are so strong, especially those based on negative emotions, that they can provoke attraction in the next incarnation.

All karmic connections are based not on the bindings that were created in past lives. To clear karma and get rid of a person, you need to forgive him, not to feel any emotions for him, which will lead to the destruction of attachment.


Watch the video: Nuclear Binding Energy tutorial Post 16 physics (July 2024).