The secret of the perfect figure for every zodiac sign


It’s not news to anyone that the stars have a huge impact on a person’s life and fate. They form his character, affect the lifestyle, habits, appearance and even the state of health. Often there are cases when a person wants to lose weight, acquire a dream figure, and for this purpose he in every possible way tortures his body with painful diets, hard training, which, moreover, that do not help, also destroy his health and psyche.

Why does this happen in most cases? The answer to this question is simple: people prefer to follow fashion trends in the field of weight loss and do not listen to the needs and characteristics of their own body. It is proved that those techniques, tricks and weight loss rules that are ideal for representatives of one zodiac sign can be fatal for another. For this reason, it is important to be able to understand the tips of the stars and competently lose weight under their strict guidance.

Dreams figure for Aries

Aries are extremely temperamental creatures who are used to doing everything quickly and hastily, including there. Nutritionists and astrologers unanimously recommend that they eat, slowly, chewing food thoroughly. They should also not get involved in spicy foods. Aries food should be easily digested. Eating better is few, but often. Aries is perfect for a marine diet. All alcoholic beverages must be strictly prohibited. Aries tend to recover quickly from them.

Aries is not recommended to eat dark meat and abuse fatty foods. The emphasis is better on vegetables such as peas, beets, radishes, carrots. Teas prepared on various herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, mint) will cleanse the body and remove excess fat.

Weight Loss Rules for Taurus

Food for representatives of this sign is not just a way to saturate the body with necessary useful substances, for them food is one of the most important and brightest pleasures, therefore it can be especially difficult for bodies to lose extra kilograms. Among calves, obese people are especially common. Experts recommend this sign to remember an active lifestyle. Without regular training, exercise, they can not lose weight. The emphasis on calves is to do precisely on physical activity.

It is worth doing swimming, jogging in the morning, cycling, and also visiting a fitness club. Taurus can succumb to weaknesses and sometimes indulge in sweets, but it is forbidden to mix two types of carbohydrates (simple and complex). It’s best to eat your favorite piece of cake between breakfast and lunch. Their diet should be based on boiled lean meat, vegetables should also be boiled, or baked. From meat, it is better to give preference to turkey or chicken.

Rules for losing weight for Gemini

Gemini is a connoisseur of diversity. They should lose weight without boring. Mono-diet is not their ideal option. Twins, in order to lose weight, are required to exclude fast food from their diet, to which they are not indifferent. Experts advise them to focus on liquid dishes, in particular, a variety of soups. The diet should also include cereals, salads seasoned with olive oil, herbal teas. Every day, twins should eat at least 5 different vegetables, the same amount of fruit. Boiled eggs and cereal products should be included in the diet.

How to Lose Cancer Weight

Crayfish should put a fat cross on raw foods and reduce the amount of seafood in the diet. Fried foods are also contraindicated for them. Ideally they will cleanse the body and promote weight loss dairy products. Nutritionists do not recommend them to eat beef during the diet, it is worth replacing steamed chicken. Salt also needs to be reduced. The diet will benefit the crayfish only when they combine it with physical activity.

The secret of harmony Lviv

Protein food is the strongest weapon of a lion against extra pounds. Lions are very categorical. Under the influence of emotions, they can dramatically go on a diet and bring themselves to a hungry faint. The most valuable advice for them is not to starve, but to eat fully, drinking as much water as possible (simple, clean). Their weight is directly related to the psycho-emotional state, so lions should learn to hold their emotions in their hands and relax. Then there will be no problems with weight. You can sign up for a massage course, body wraps.

What to recommend Virgo

It is important for virgins to refuse sugary foods, without which they cannot live, as well as bakery products. Sweet foods can be replaced with healthy, sweet foods in moderation (honey, marmalades, sweet fruits, fruit teas). It is better to buy bran bread rather than wheat bread. Pasta should be banned. It is better to start the day with a glass of warm water in which a slice of lemon is thrown. Such a drink will benefit the virgin, improve her metabolism.

How to fight overweight Libra

Blood sugar often jumps from the scales, so the diet should be correctly selected. No sweet foods. Complex carbohydrates are the best solution for virgins. As many vegetables as possible should be in their diet. In the morning porridge from vegetables, in the afternoon soup and baked meat with vegetables, and in the evening a light salad. It’s better not to eat raw vegetables, but to steam them.

The secret to losing weight Scorpions

Scorpions cannot live without junk food (fried, smoked products, sausages, fast food). They need to cleanse the body of everything that has accumulated under the influence of this destructive passion. No lamb, as well as pork in the diet. It is better to pamper yourself with seafood or beef liver. Spicy and fried foods also have to say goodbye. Overeating is prohibited at night. All food should be lean. It is important for scorpions to increase the number of apples, oranges, lemon in the diet, as these products will contribute to the rapid cleansing and weight loss.

The ideal diet for Sagittarius

Sagittarius should not forget about fasting days. To feel good and lose weight they need them. Sagittarius should not lose weight, excluding meat from the diet. But the meat must be properly cooked, that is, boiled or baked. The archers' product is white beans, as well as spinach. Salads with these products will benefit the slimming body of the archer. Instead of lemonade and coffee, it is better to drink tea with berries or lemon water. Before going to bed, you can drink kefir if it is non-greasy.

Diet for Capricorn

Capricorn must lose weight in unusual ways. For example, engage in Latin American dances, devote more time to intimacy, which burns excess fat. You can sign up for martial arts. Experts say that physical activity in combination with the proper functioning of hormones is the best way to lose weight in a capricorn.

Tips for losing weight Aquarius

Aquarians are good at getting rid of excess weight by consuming a large number of fruits, so a fruit diet is their element. You can eat fruits in any form, but you must be careful with citrus fruits. This sign does not tolerate them well. Aquarius for weight loss and maintaining the body in good shape needs milk, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, healthy cheese. All milk should be in the diet every day. You can also do fitness.

How to help losing weight Pisces

It is important for fish to remove all the fluid that tends to accumulate. A salt-free diet is a great solution. No salt in foods, as little meat as possible. It is worth giving up greasy gravy, tasty but unhealthy sauces, spicy seasonings. Fasting day is best done on Thursday. Myamo animals are recommended to be replaced with seafood.

In fact, losing weight is not as difficult as it seems. It is necessary to stock up with patience, willpower and, listening to the advice of astrologers, boldly go towards your dream.


Watch the video: All Zodiac Signs Have A Hidden Addiction, Here's Yours (July 2024).