The makeup rules that girls most often ignore


There are makeup rules that girls stubbornly ignore, being dominated by stereotypes ... or out of ignorance.

Sun protection

In the conditions of a quick makeup procedure in the morning, girls often forget about applying the foundation for makeup, although it is a prerequisite for the procedure. Before you start using decorative cosmetics, experts advise applying SPF to your face. Such a choice becomes especially relevant after 35 years. The foundation on the face with the function of protection against the action of sunlight will help the skin to maintain a natural moisture balance all day, as well as prevent the appearance of fine wrinkles and dry skin.


Often, girls, especially in the summer, refuse to use foundation. Among the townsfolk there is an opinion that using the tone can harm the health of the skin: clog pores, pull extra dirt to the face. Modern manufacturers of tonal foundations take into account the influence of the external environment on the skin of a woman, so every year the formula for the manufacture of creams is improved. Famous brands, both mass and elite consumption, create creams that do not include “heavy” components. Therefore, it is impossible to harm one’s own beauty using the tone, even in the conditions of summer heat.

Number of cosmetics

The better the girl buys makeup, the better. Do not fill your cosmetic bag with a lot of dubious purchases. It is better to give preference to an expensive brand and buy one unit of cosmetics than to buy 5 unlicensed lipsticks for the same amount.
The same rule, cosmetologists insist, applies to cosmetics for the eyes. On a weekday, abundant application of cosmetics on the eyes is considered to be a bad manners among professionals. For everyday makeup, three standard tools are enough:
1. carcasses;
2. pencil;
3. shadows.
Their quality must be given special attention.


Immediately after the foundation, in the process of makeup, the girls apply face powder. It is with this tool that they disdain the least. Instead of scattering on separate areas, many girls powder all over their faces. Experts recommend that when applying this tool it will stop only on the T-zone - this is the forehead, nose and chin.
Powder is needed not only in order to remove the imperfections of the skin and obscure the oily sheen. She also perfectly evens out the tone on different parts of the face. Girls with a uniform complexion are not required to apply powder at all. In order to hide bruises under the eyes or local inflammatory processes, it is enough to work a little concealer.


Watch the video: 8 Skin Habits That Make You Look Older (June 2024).