10 most common myths in gynecology


Gynecology is the area where the largest number of diverse disputes, myths, and guesses are collected. The following are common misconceptions.

The cause of this disease is conditionally pathogenic microorganisms - fungi of the genus Candida. They are in the body of every woman of childbearing age, and this is the norm. The enhanced growth of microorganisms causes: a decrease in immunity, the effects of certain drugs (antibiotics), overstrain, stress, etc.

In the modern world there are diseases that do not require intervention, the so-called "commercial diagnoses", and neck erosion is considered such. If the doctor undertakes to treat erosion, prescribes cauterization or freezing, then he does this because of selfish goals or because of his incompetence.

The exception is cases when women with erosion appear pathological discharge with or without smell, in large quantities, as well as spotting after sexual intercourse. Under such circumstances, you need to see a doctor on time, get competent advice, examination, and treatment.

Not a single contraceptive, let alone calendar method of contraception, gives a 100% guarantee that pregnancy will not occur. There are women who feel the onset of ovulation, they don’t even need to make accurate calculations on the calendar, but even in these cases an error can occur. Ovulation can be "late" or "rush" and be carried out both on the 6th day, and on the 18th day, and in any other period of the menstrual cycle. The calendar method belongs to the category of the most ineffective and outdated methods of contraception.

Cramping, aching pains that give back to the lower back is not the norm, but a pathological condition during menstruation that needs to be treated. Many women do not turn to a specialist because of an erroneous opinion, since they do not consider it necessary.

For treatment, it is not necessary to use medications, sometimes it is enough to change the lifestyle, relax more and not worry.

All drugs have a plethora of side effects, and hormonal contraceptives are no exception. Some girls categorically cannot use them, but there are those for whom this is salvation and the only way out. These drugs do not belong to the category of drugs that need to be used in extreme cases.

A woman should be examined, exclude cancer, check blood coagulation, etc. Only after the exclusion of contraindications, the patient will be prescribed hormonal contraceptives. Many women mistakenly assume that this drug only protects against unwanted pregnancy. Hormonal contraceptives are a treatment for hyperplasia, hormonal failure, ovarian dysfunction and other diseases.

Hormonal contraception is a modern tool for family planning, it has a high percentage of effectiveness.

This statement is incorrect, ovarian cysts can be physiological, that is, functional and pass without any surgical intervention. But this does not mean that this diagnosis can be taken lightly, on the contrary, it is worth seeing a doctor, undergoing an ultrasound examination, taking tests. Only after some time, having looked at the state of the ovaries in dynamics, can we draw conclusions. Only 10% of cases of this disease require surgical treatment.

Women before menopause need to be more attentive to their health, since it is during this period, most often under the guise of a cyst, an oncological process can occur.

The root of this myth dates back to the 50s, when drugs had high doses of hormones. It is not surprising that after taking these funds, women really gained weight, became masculine, noticed accelerated hair growth, and also felt a decrease in libido.

Modern contraceptive options have a very low level of hormones, so the above changes in the body will not. Of course, there are cases of weight gain, but in such circumstances you just need to change the drug to a lower dosage (on the recommendation of a doctor).

Women, when they hear this diagnosis, begin to worry, panic, and are ready to go to extreme measures. This behavior is quite justified, because myoma is a tumor. But few people know that it is not necessary to remove it; there is another treatment method - embolization of the uterine arteries. This method is more gentle, but no less effective. Only in cases of accelerated growth of fibroids, surgery is the only way out.

Long-term exposure to cold on the body is just a condition in which immunity is reduced, which increases the likelihood of an infectious disease. Of course, bed rest and warm conditions will give a good result, but it is important to treat such ailments with antimicrobial drugs of the corresponding category. If this is not done, then complications, such as pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, will not be long in coming.

At the moment, the human papillomavirus is not treated, since there is no effective drug for this.

The list of erroneous opinions can be continued endlessly, they will always be, at any time. It is important to realize that health is easy to lose and very difficult to restore. It is worth being attentive, trusting only specialists, not setting up “experiences” at home and starting treatment on time. Be healthy!


Watch the video: Gynecologist Answers Commonly Searched Pregnancy Questions (July 2024).