Who can jinx and who not. Is it possible to jinx yourself?


Evil eye - many of us encounter it, someone even more than once has cast the evil eye on relatives and friends. What is the evil eye? Who can jinx it?

At the end of the article you will learn how charity will save you from the evil eye.

Evil eye - what is it, how to relate to it

The evil eye is an energy program that one person sends to another. People have always been divided into "believers in the evil eye" and "completely denying him." Scientists have proven the ability to influence the energy body of another person through the power of thought, the power of a word. But the evil eye is not a conspiracy, not a specially prepared and conducted ritual.

In many cases, the evil eye happens involuntarily. That is, one person, by virtue of his personal qualities, character, energy, sends the evil eye to another. Are there any special conditions for the occurrence of the evil eye? One condition is the presence of the one who jinxed and the one who jinxed. Sometimes it can be the same person.

Should the evil eye be afraid? Definitely not. Fear destroys our energy, destroys ourselves, does not allow us to accumulate enough strength to resist external negative factors.

The evil eye should be treated wisely and especially to its symptoms:

  • A sharp deterioration in affairs and well-being after communicating with a specific person (it can be easily confused with energy vampirism);
  • Things do not go well after you tell another person about them;
  • The breakdown after visiting a particular place or event, soon the forces return;
  • Bad sleep of a child, without apparent psychological and physiological reasons (spinning and constantly muttering in a dream, sobbing);
  • A sharp deterioration in the state of health of the pregnant woman, minor problems, persistent minor troubles and injuries, abrasions that pass over time.

Everyone who has experienced the evil eye can give a lot of examples of how it manifests itself in everyday life and in life. Especially about the evil eye are mothers of newborns, pregnant. They try not to show their children to strangers, so that they do not jinx the child, "they did not steal fate," as they said in ancient times.

The evil eye is not a spoilage. Do not be mistaken. This is a separate negative program, which implies the loss of good luck, happiness, peace and even health. Having opened the concept of "evil eye", it's time to talk about who can evil eye.

People with a black eye

This is what they say about those who often take away someone else's luck, who with one glance are able to make them feel some kind of pressure, oppression, outflow of forces. There is an opinion that representatives of the gypsy people, especially women, are endowed with the ability to cast evil eye from birth. They are all brown-eyed, black-eyed.

Yes, there is some truth in this, it is people with heavy energy, with heavy thoughts, anger and envy concentrated inside them that can easily jinx even with a simple look.

Sometimes this happens involuntarily, you just end up at the wrong time and in the wrong place. As they say, under the hot hand, and get your charge of negativity. Someone else's problems are with you.

You can often notice that people change eye color when they harm others, when they bring the evil eye. Eyes become dark, shine and can "run" from corner to corner. Worst of all, if people with such abilities are part of your family and impose such negativity unconsciously.

Close, dear people can jinx

You can often hear phrases: “I will tell my mother everything, everything goes to dust”, “I had a girlfriend, she only finds out about my relationship or what she asks - there’s a quarrel right away.” There are many such examples. Very often, close people bring the evil eye, because you are more open to them, you are confident in them.

They, unfortunately, can also be angry because of your successes, they can also envy. This may seem absurd, but psychologists say that it is easiest to influence loved ones on our lives. We are not so protected from them.

Self-evil eye

Self-evil eye is a kind of evil eye in which we ourselves take away opportunities and luck. If you look at it from a psychological point of view - we block our development and block our future, in a split second we close new opportunities for ourselves. Remember, it happened to you so that you rejoice at something, but inside there are doubts, a little tightness, and here again, and it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out. You inside understand that there were all chances, but at the same time you know - you doubted for good reason.

You can jinx yourself through the mirror. People with a "black eye" can jinx themselves, just peering at their reflection for a long time. Beauty will begin to dry up, and luck will also go away.

They never noticed if they planned something in advance, most likely it will not come true, it will not work. Why? Induce the evil eye to yourself, close these opportunities in front of you. How to get rid of such an evil eye - we will discuss in the following articles. Now let's talk a little bit about what we can jinx ourselves and when we complain a lot.

We can complain about one thing, for example, about relationships and suffer and worry so much that the outflow of energy, negative will also go to our financial sphere. We can suffer because someone told us something, and during a period of negative emotions think about how good it is that everything is calm at home. Immediate effect - a scandal may break out at home that evening, and no one will understand why and why.

Beggars, weak people can jinx

We have been given alms since ancient times. By submitting coins to the poor, feeble, you protect yourself from the fact that he will jinx your normal, in his opinion, life. The beggars themselves have chosen their fate and themselves choose their thoughts.

Often these are people who earn on their own and others' grief. This does not apply to those people who are in a difficult situation and are trying to get out of it. On the contrary, they can give you a positive. If you help them, then you feel relief and peace.

Not all beggars need to be given, help. You just need to avoid close communication with them and not let them get in your way. Try not to feel any emotion towards them, just follow your road if you decide so.

Can all be jinxed and why? How to get rid of the evil eye, protect yourself? Read in the following articles.


Watch the video: Dont Jinx Anything by Celebrating. Hardly Working (June 2024).