May 17 rune prediction for all zodiac signs


Runes tell us what to do in a given situation. They can support us, cheer up. Let's find out what the runes predict for representatives of various zodiac signs.

The rune of the day for all is waiting for you at the end of the article. And now the layout is separate for each character:

Aries - today rune Eyvaz protects you. This is a rune of growth and achievement of goals. But you can leave the dream unfulfilled if you do not make active attempts to change something. Do not sit back on the side of events, be faithful to your seventh feeling. If a conflict is brewing in a relationship, do not support such an initiative. Make it clear to your soulmate that you are set for a calm day.

Taurus - Today, the rune of Thor protects you. One of the most powerful runes that portends victory in any of your undertakings. But are you ready for the result, are you aimed at it? Or are you more inclined to wait? To expect the desired? Think about it, maybe today you should take the initiative, both in personal relationships and in work. Any dispute will turn in your favor, but do you want this? They can be offended by you very much, therefore, try to be fair in relation to others.

Twins - Today, the rune Uruz protects you. This is the rune of search and new opportunities. Do not be discouraged if you go too long toward the goal, which means that such an experience is what you need. Be sure that soon your inner spiritual search will end and you will finally find peace. But today continue to strive for what is so important to you. Do not lose sight of household chores, they are also important.

Crayfish - Mannaz patronizes you today. This is the rune of intuition and hidden knowledge. It’s just impossible to fool you today. You see the root of the problem and know exactly how to solve it. So proceed further - plunge into a situation and find a solution. Do not delay, do everything on time, otherwise problems and worries will accumulate, and you will become nervous over trifles.

Lions - Today you are patronized by the rune of Soul. This is the rune of the sun and inner growth. You are ready for victory, but not ready to listen to the inner voice. Your emotions and thoughts may diverge; you cannot come to harmony within yourself. You may doubt the right choice, but doubt will lead you to new and right decisions. Trust your sixth sense, it will not let you down.

Virgin - Today, the rune Hyere protects you. This is the rune of the hearth and the world. On this day, you will be able to achieve harmony within yourself and this will positively affect your relationships with others. You can better understand their needs and the motives of their actions. If you want someone to take care of you, then today you will likely have to take care of others. Since your affairs will not be as important and urgent as they might seem at first glance.

Libra “The Ingus is patronizing you today.” This is a rune of honest, frank conversations and balance. If you want to learn something, or you need to ask something important, do not postpone it until another day. It is better today to solve all the accumulated issues than to wait for the right day. Today can be happy for you if you yourself share with others joy and happiness. And even if at first glance there is no reason for them, do not rush to such deplorable conclusions. Sometimes a reason is simply not needed for happiness.

Scorpions - Today, the rune Fehu protects you. This is a rune of financial stability and a breakthrough in business. For those who have planned purchases this day will be very favorable. If you have important meetings and negotiations on this day, hold them without fear and fear. Everything will work out for you. Do not lend today. It is better to pay off your debts and close them ahead of schedule.

Sagittarius - Today, the rune of Nautiz protects you. This is a rune of artificial intervention, a stop in business. If you don’t succeed on this day, agreements break down, then take a look, if nobody is bothering you, if nobody is standing in your way. Perhaps you do not want to notice enemies or ill-wishers? It is time to cleanse your environment from those who are not friends, who sincerely do not support you. Then things will be argued.

Capricorns “Laguz is patronizing you today.” This rune speaks of an important clue that you may soon receive. Do not miss the gifts of fate, believe in your uniqueness. Look for a way out of even the most hopeless situations. And if even on this day your problems are not resolved, then you will be able to move forward to solve them on that day.

Aquarius “The rune of Vunyo protects you today.” This is the rune of the family hearth and beautiful harmonious relationships. Rejoice, because soon the negative period of your life will come to an end. And for those who planned a happy event, this rune promises even more happiness and warmth. Make sure that your home is comfortable and warm today. Do not hold back evil and let go of old grievances if they still bother you.

Fish - Today you have rune Turisaz. This is a rune of labor, painstaking work. You should not retreat halfway. Pay attention to work and earnings. Do not refuse to work part-time if you are offered one. Today, money requires special attention, do not spend it on trifles and empty acquisitions. Spend them on what you really need. The results of your work will not be long in coming.

The general forecast from Rune on May 17

The rune of this day is Raido. This is the rune of movement and desire for the goal. Today, only one will succeed who knows exactly what he wants, who does not stop in front of obstacles and does not betray his goals.

Anyone who wants to stay in the shadow of events, who wants to evade responsibility - will fail.

Today, negotiations and new undertakings will be successful. But, if you are trying to quarrel with someone, to enter into conflict, it is better not to do this. In any case, you will expect failure. The conflict will turn into your defeat. Children can be especially active today, therefore, protect them from injuries.


Watch the video: May 2017 Mini General Readings with Runes For all Signs! (June 2024).