Concentrated strawberry compote for the winter. Try


If you like fragrant fragrant strawberries, then for sure on the shelves of your bins you can find blanks with this berry. Today we will make several jars of bright and fragrant billets - we make concentrated strawberry compote.

Such a compote will be a great variety of winter diet, you can cook a lot of different drinks based on compote. So, you can just dilute the compote with sparkling water - it will turn out gorgeous, but you can make excellent jelly on the basis of such compote, decorate with berries and fruits - here you have a ready-made dessert for the holiday table.


  • Strawberry - 400 g
  • Water - 700 ml
  • Sugar - 120 g
  • Citric Acid - Pinch

Cooking process

Prepare everything according to the list. Wash the compote jar thoroughly and sterilize in a convenient way. After you need to boil the lid in boiling water for 10 minutes. Sort strawberries and wash, dry slightly, remove all tails. Fill the jar with strawberries so that there are more than half the jar of berries.

Pour sugar and a pinch of acid directly into a jar of strawberries.

Boil clean filtered water on the stove, then pour boiling water into a jar of strawberries.

Prepare a pan for sterilization of the workpiece - pour warm water, cover the bottom of the pan with a cloth, set a jar. Sterilize the compote from the moment of boiling water for 20 minutes, while covering the neck with a sterile lid.

After a while, roll up the blank, then put it upside down and wrap it up, leave it for a day. After a while, transfer the workpiece to the pantry.

Enjoy your meal!


Watch the video: Homemade Strawberry Lemonade Concentrate Recipe (July 2024).