The most common fears of pregnant women


If you are pregnant or plan to become a mother in the near future, then you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the most common fears that sooner or later arise in pregnant women. It will also be useful to learn about the various fears and prejudices of your close people who will be waiting with you for this joyful event - the appearance of the baby.

What are future moms afraid of?

1. Fear of antibiotics and other drugs, without a doubt, the most common fear of pregnant women. Almost all women are convinced that it is possible to cause irreparable harm to the baby if you take various medications while pregnant. In many ways, they are right - some drugs do have teratogenic (damaging germ) effects and can significantly affect the health of the unborn child. But it should be remembered that sometimes the disease brings much more harm than medication. You should also be aware that drugs, the negative effect of which has been proven, have not been prescribed by anyone for a long time.

2. Fear of childbirth. Basically, the fear of childbirth is due to several reasons: it is the fear of pain, complications and birth trauma. Most often, the fear of childbirth arises due to the terrible stories of "all-knowing" girlfriends and "well-wishers", and sometimes the doctors themselves do not deliberately "intimidate" future mothers. Pregnant women should not listen and, most importantly, believe all these stories.

In order for pregnant women to feel confident, they are recommended to undergo a special psychological training, which tells in detail about what signs precede the birth, what to do and how to cope with fear. If you do not have the opportunity to attend such courses, then you need to ask all your questions to your obstetrician-gynecologist. Most likely, most fears shatter.

3. Fear of not reaching the end of the term and losing the unborn baby is also quite common. Moreover, it does not depend on whether the woman gave birth earlier or not, whether it was a successful birth or everything ended in a miscarriage. Somewhere it stung, something got sick: as a rule, for pregnant women, this is quite enough to get scared and panicked. In fact, the likelihood of a miscarriage is very small if a pregnant woman does not belong to a particular risk group. You should know that the possibility of miscarriage has obvious signs: bleeding and severe pain in the lower abdomen. Therefore, it is not necessary to immediately worry about the appearance of any slight discomfort.

How to deal with fears?

First you need to decide what exactly scares you the most. As a rule, expectant mothers do not have any exclusive fears and all the answers to their questions can be easily found in many women's magazines and manuals for pregnant women. After reading as much information as possible about what you really care about, you can understand whether your feelings are in vain or not.

If you do not leave the thought that something will happen to your baby, then it will be best to undergo additional examinations, so to speak, to check all the facts.

Do not keep your fears in yourself - you need to share them: with a doctor, a psychologist, a husband, friends. Relatives and friends will certainly be able to help and reassure you, choosing the right words.


Watch the video: Coping with Anxiety and Depression During Pregnancy (June 2024).