People who earn a lot, less often have sex


A survey of more than one and a half thousand Englishmen showed that if a person takes key or leadership positions in the service, then he is quite passive in sexual terms. Studies have shown that people who receive as much as 50,000 pounds (about three million rubles) as a monthly salary have sex only once a week.

Those who receive from 15 to 34 thousand pounds (up to 2 million rubles) enter into an intimate relationship more than two times. The reason is simple: people who earn a lot of money are forced to spend much more time and effort on this than their less successful colleagues. He is forced to think more about his career, as a result of which there is simply no strength left for sex.

The rich are also at great risk, which ultimately affects their sexual behavior: treason or deviant sexual inclinations appear.


Watch the video: 100 People Tell Us Their Number of Sexual Partners. Keep it 100. Cut (July 2024).