Horoscope for March 2016 for all signs of the zodiac - favorable and unfavorable days. Love and horoscope haircuts for March 2016.


Horoscope for March 2016 Aries

The first days of March will delight Aries with "good weather" in the house. You will sincerely want to return to your native land after a hard day’s work, where your family will look forward to you. If you live alone, then it's time to visit parents or other loved ones. Aries will be sincerely happy, they will be greeted with bread and salt and regale as the highest guest.

The middle of the month will bring the desired news. There is something that you have been worried about for some time. Wait for the resolution of problems or information, as they can be resolved in the most painless way.

In March, and especially after the twenties of the month, it is especially desirable for Aries to take a break from everyday worries and labors. However, you will need not a vacation or a few days off, but such an interesting pastime as watching movies, reading modern literature, visiting theaters and cinema. It is the time spent in this way that will relax Aries and bring them the most pleasant emotions.

Especially favorable days of the Aries horoscope for any business and undertaking: March 2, March 9, March 17, March 22, 2016.

Days in which Aries should be careful: March 3, March 11, March 29, 2016.

Horoscope for March 2016 Taurus

The horoscope for March 2016 recommends Taurus to refrain from traveling outside the city. If you are sent on a business trip, find the reason not to go or postpone the trip for the future. The fact is that any travel in March can turn into a loss of material things for Taurus. You can be deceived, you can lure money with cunning, or you yourself can lose something by absentmindedness. This is the only caution for Taurus, otherwise the march will be calm for this zodiac sign.

At work, Taurus is recommended not to remain in the shadows. Only if you are in the public eye, loudly announce your ideas and successfully implemented plans, is there a high probability that your leadership will notice and reward you.

Do not forget about our smaller brothers. If you have a pet, spend time generously, especially in the second half of March.

Especially favorable days of Taurus horoscope for any business and undertaking: March 5, March 8, March 16, March 21, 2016.

Days in which Taurus should be careful: March 9, March 14, March 30, 2016.

Horoscope for March 2016 Gemini

For Gemini, March will turn into pleasant shocks. It can be stunning news from your relatives or close people, expensive and unexpected gifts, pleasant and surprising meetings.

It is recommended to be on alert to single twins, since there is a high probability that it is in March that you will meet a person who is close to you in spirit. However, be aware that not always the people destined to us by fate are like the heroes of our dreams. If, for example, in your dreams you are a tall, blue-eyed blond, this does not mean that he will appear to you in real life. It is likely that you will meet a brown-haired man of medium height, with whom, nevertheless, you will be very good.

Do not be afraid of change. They may surprise the Twins in mid-March. Changes may be at work or in your usual way of life. Take it all with joy and ease.

Especially favorable days of the Gemini horoscope for any business and undertaking: March 9, March 11, March 13, March 26, 2016.

The days in which the Twins should be careful: March 10, March 19, March 30, 2016.

Horoscope for March 2016 Cancer

Sit at home less! March is the time to explore the fascinating world around. Get a bike and explore the area, visit exhibitions and cinemas. Very successful for Rakov will be trips abroad, so you can safely go on a trip.

At work, Cancers are advised to take a vacation or at least a few days for rest. May you not yet feel tired, but know that she is already sneaking up on you. It is better to prevent its offensive than to slowly sink into depression.

The horoscope for March 2016 does not recommend Cancers-women to borrow money. If you can not wait to buy something, wait until you have your own funds for this. Be sure that any purchase can wait and do not rush things, borrowing material values ​​from someone. You will not be able to give back the borrowed money for a long time.

Especially favorable days of the Cancer horoscope for any business and undertaking: March 9, March 14, March 19, March 28, 2016.

Days in which Cancers should be careful: March 12, March 18, March 31, 2016.

Horoscope for March 2016 Leo

March is ideal for Leo in order to improve relations with loved ones. If you have a falling out in the past, take the first step towards the meeting. The world will be established, and you will again be able to communicate with loved ones.

Mentally release all the problems that are bothering you. Agree that nothing serious actually happens, and you deliberately fill your head with difficulties and virtual turmoil. Know that in the near future nothing bad will happen to you, so do not worry in vain.

Pay some attention to your health in March. No matter how old you are, it is never too late to take the path of development of your physical culture. Such sports as yoga and Pilates will be very favorable for you. You will not only stretch your muscles, but also relax morally.

Especially favorable days of the Lviv horoscope for any business and undertaking: March 6, March 12, March 18, March 26, 2016.

Days in which Lions should be careful: March 4, March 10, March 31, 2016.

Horoscope for March 2016 Virgo

It would not hurt the virgins to be more open with others and boldly express their feelings. Aloud, approve of the faithful actions of people, praise their good deeds and decisions made. By this you will induce them to even higher accomplishments. Do not be afraid to express your indignation to those people whose actions seem to you wrong. Sometimes the villains are outraged just because no one stops them. If you witness a public humiliation or unjust insult of someone, feel free to stand up for the unjustly offended person. The public will support you, and the guilty will be ashamed.

Those Virgins who are in a relationship, you can think about how to make a pleasant surprise to his half. Do not buy anything expensive. A hand-made postcard will also bring considerable joy, especially if you back it up with pleasant words.

At the end of the month, some Virgos, due to winning the lottery, bonuses at work or a bargain, can be enriched.

Especially favorable days of the Virgo horoscope for any business and undertaking: March 1, March 6, March 12, March 28, 2016.

Days in which Virgos should be careful: March 10, March 21, March 30, 2016.

Horoscope for March 2016 Libra

Weights, which are in the relationship, it's time to think about the continuation of the species. March is very favorable for planning and conceiving a child. If you have been working on it for a long time, the stars promise you good news this month.

At work Libra waiting for good news. Perhaps the project you were working on was finally approved, the reports were accepted and approved.

Remember about family holidays and birthdays of people close to you. Recently, Libra could be blamed for forgetfulness and for missing important events. Arrange in writing all the noticeable dates and do not forget to pay attention to people close to you, especially since in March you may have several such holidays.

Do you like poetry? Read at the end of March poems of your favorite poets, best of all out loud - the beauty of the lines and a clear rhythm will become for you a kind of relaxing session.

Especially favorable days of the Libra horoscope for any business and undertaking: March 10, March 13, March 14, March 27, 2016.

Days in which Libra should be careful: March 16, March 21, March 25, 2016.

Horoscope for March 2016 Scorpio

Think of people close to you with whom you have lost contact. This may be former colleagues, friends who live far away. It will be useful to call them, inquire about their health and current affairs, make an appointment.

Scorpions who do their own thing, be careful! There is some possibility that your subordinate will try to deceive you. The case may involve fraud because of money or "drain" information to competitors.

To prevent this, keep your finger on the pulse. Carefully keep track of all your subordinates, how wide the range of their potencies. Perhaps you yourself have given too many powers to one of the employees.

At the end of March, single Scorpions can fall under the spell of a new acquaintance or fall in love. The stars advise you not to fall into a pool with your head, but to remain cautious.

Especially favorable days of the scorpion horoscope for any business and undertaking: March 7, March 12, March 15, March 23, 2016.

The days in which the Scorpios should be careful: March 10, March 30, March 31, 2016.

Horoscope for March 2016 Sagittarius

Watch out for casual connections! In March, they can lead to extremely unpleasant consequences. There is a possibility that you will try to blackmail or use some information against you.

March is a time for reincarnation. Look at yourself, at the course of your life. Are you satisfied, do not you live "Groundhog Day"? Perhaps it's time to change something and break the usual routine! Go to the hairdresser to an unfamiliar master and ask them to change your hairstyle to your liking, change your wardrobe and makeup. Right now it will be very appropriate to think about changing jobs. Perhaps you have been working for a long time by education, and your soul is drawn to something else. Why not realize your real desires? The horoscope for March 2016 promises Strelets Troops that everything you do will lead you to something better.

Especially favorable days of the Sagittarius horoscope for any business and undertaking: March 5, March 13, March 19, March 28, 2016.

The days in which Sagittarius should be careful: March 7, March 15, March 26, 2016.

Horoscope for March 2016 Capricorn

Be yourself! You may have been playing for some time, wearing the mask of another person. Even if you like the role, do not forget that the best quality is naturalness. The longer you pretend, the farther away you are from the present. Remember that it is impossible to please everyone, and if someone is unhappy with you, then this is his own problems.

In the middle of the month, Capricorns can successfully invest in some business. This may be a loan, a game on the stock exchange or the purchase of real estate. You can even risk large sums, the stars promise you good luck and high income.

The end of March is suitable for spending as much time with your family as possible. Joint lunches, walks and entertainment will bring you closer together and bring your relationship to a more spiritual level.

Especially favorable days of Capricorns horoscope for any business and undertaking: March 5, March 12, March 15, March 26, 2016.

Days in which Capricorn should be careful: March 9, March 11, March 30, 2016.

Horoscope for March 2016 Aquarius

Do not sit at home! No matter what you do, a wonderful world awaits you outside the window of your home or office! Dress warmly and hurry to meet the adventures!

In the middle of the month do not abuse the tasty, but harmful food - fatty, fried or sweet, because for this there is not one reason.

Meetings with friends will be very successful. Perhaps you are busy with modeling your personal life right now and you don’t have time to give like-minded people as much time as you did in the old days. However, find at least a few hours a week for mutually pleasant communication.

Especially favorable days of the Aquarius horoscope for any business and undertaking: March 2, March 6, March 16, March 24, 2016.

The days in which Aquarius should be careful: March 8, March 19, March 30, 2016.

Horoscope for March 2016 Pisces

If a loved one has appeared in Pisces life, then it is time to introduce it to parents or close people. Stop hiding your happiness from your family, feel free to share with them the good news!

Do not forget about your direct responsibilities at work. Let your personal life is now much more interesting, but no one will do your work in the service for you. Do everything in good faith and within the allotted time, otherwise do not get away with trouble with the leadership. If you have your own business, then give it enough attention. After all, it is worth Pisces a little distraction, and subordinates begin to be lazy and things will not work out.

The end of March will bring unexpected news from your old acquaintances.

Especially favorable days of the Pisces horoscope for any business and undertaking: March 6, March 12, March 18, March 24, 2016.

Days in which Pisces should be careful: March 1, March 8, March 30, 2016.

Horoscope haircuts for March 2016 (common to all signs)

1, 3, 6, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 28, 31 March - these days of March it is recommended that all zodiac signs not to go to the hairdresser in order to change the length of the hair. Hair can be quite successful, but hair will grow back slowly, and the flow of vital energy will decrease.

2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30 March - feel free to model your hair, trusting the master's scissors. You can do whatever you want: trim the ends of the hair a little, cut the length or change the shape of the hair. Such metamorphoses will not only transform you, but also improve your well-being.

March 2, 6, 9, 11, 16, 18, 21, 25, 27, 30 - if on that day you braid your hair, you will make the day successful, and your mood will be consistently good.

March 1, 5, 10, 12, 13, 14, 24, 31 - use a scarf or silk fabric as one of the elements decorating your hair. Tie your hair in the manner of how it was worn in the seventies, weave a silk ribbon in a braid or wind it with a tail. Such hairstyle decoration will bring you financial prosperity on this day.

2, 3, 6, 10, 12, 13, 15, 19, 20, 24, 25, 29, 31 March - if you want to change the color of your hair these days, then use natural dyes in the form of herbal and decoctions. Very improve the quality of dark hair henna. But coloring chemicals can damage your hair, making it fragile and lifeless.

March 1, 5, 9, 11, 16, 17, 22, 23, 28, 30 - The Lunar Calendar favors everyone today who has decided to change the natural hair color. You can repaint in any color - the paint will fall flat, and your hair will begin to shine, as if you received a second life.

March 4, 7, 8, 14, 18, 21, 26, 27 - it is not necessary to change the hair color these days. In March, many days are really favorable to dye your hair, but for now it is better not to do it. Chances are that by dyeing your hair these days of March you will attract unkind people and envious people.

Love horoscope for March 2016 (common to all signs)

The month of March will not bring any major changes, both for singles and for those who are paired with their chosen one.

If you are in a relationship, then spend as much time as possible with your soul mate. Not superfluous will be love games, all sorts of romance and evenings dedicated to each other.

Those who are lonely, the stars give advice not to look for adventures in March. Believe me, casual communications will not make your life more diverse, but only bring bitter disappointment. Know your own worth and calmly wait for the one who is promised to you by fate. But you definitely should not stay at home. Take a walk, enjoy the fresh air and the first manifestations of spring.


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