Want to make your eyes brighter? Nothing is easier!


Over the years, many of us have our eyes lose their usual brilliance, edemas appear, the look can no longer convey inner optimism and good mood. All this, however, is easy to fix. It is enough to be able to properly apply makeup on the eyes to make them brighter and more expressive. Believe me, by following these five rules, you can give your look the same brilliance and unusual beauty.

Start with shimmering shadows.

Skin without makeup naturally reflects light, therefore, to give shine to the eyelids, it is necessary to apply appropriate shadows. Choose a neutral color, for example, a champagne color that is suitable for any skin, from very light to olive or dark skin. Apply eyebrow shadows.

Apply the shadows correctly

As the skin on the eyelids sags with age, it gives the face a tired look. Mix dark gray shade with matte (use brown for dark skin) and apply on the crease over the eyelid. This will create a shadow that will give your eyes the illusion of a facelift.

Lift eyelids

Using eye shadow without a pencil hardly gives your eyes the desired look. Therefore, it is recommended to sum up the eyes with a very thin brown pencil. Draw a thin line with a pencil along the upper lashes, and then use a finger or a cotton swab to rub it a little.

Take care of lower eyelashes

Use the same eye shadow as the eyelid to apply a little under the lower eyelashes. This will make eye puffiness less noticeable.

Use mascara

Do not forget to mascara and lower lashes to add volume to them.


Watch the video: 13 Ways to Improve Eyesight Without a Doctor (July 2024).