How to deal with tired leg syndrome


Almost everyone knows the feeling of heaviness in the legs, puffiness and numbness. However, it is not always appropriate to attribute such discomfort to fatigue after a working day, the reason may lie much deeper. Perhaps you are touched by such a nuisance as tired leg syndrome. This is the first signal for the appearance of varicose veins.

Main features

- The appearance in the legs of gravity, fatigue, pain, and not only by the end of the day;

- Unpleasant sensations in the calf, manifested by cramps, pain;

- Swelling of the legs in the ankles and feet;

- Feeling numbness of the legs;

- Burning, goosebumps, pulling pain in legs.


The main cause of this disease is a violation of the normal blood circulation in the legs. This happens due to large loads on the legs, when the veins simply do not have time to cope with their work. People who have to sit, stand or walk a lot are subject to such misfortune. When sedentary, the blood in the veins stagnates, because the muscles of the legs do not contract with enough force to move it up. When standing, blood and lymph also stagnates, resulting in swelling. In women, pregnancy, regular wearing of shoes with heels, tight clothing, and overweight can be causes of tired leg syndrome. All these factors interfere with normal blood circulation in the legs. Bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol can also leave their mark. Causes can also be hereditary.


- Eat more foods that contain fiber, vitamin E, folic acid, and trace elements. Works of the digestive and circulatory organs are closely related.

- Try to drink more water and reduce the amount of caffeine. Water improves blood circulation, caffeine - on the contrary.

- Do a workout for the legs and daily exercises.

- Avoid bad habits.

- Wear comfortable shoes, use orthopedic insoles if necessary, avoid high heels, with daily wear, their height should be no more than 4 cm, the heel should be steady.

- Avoid late meals, because cell metabolism slows down, which interferes with the restoration of veins at night.

- Rest, get enough sleep, play sports.

- Take a cold shower. In cold water, blood vessels quickly constrict.


If, after all, tired leg syndrome has touched you, you should consult a specialist, make a diagnosis and an ultrasound scan. Neuropathologists, phlebologists deal with these problems. They will prescribe a qualified treatment.

At home, you can do water treatments - alternate hot and cold compresses. Apply a hot compress to your feet for two minutes, then a cold compress for a minute and several times. Massage your calves well. Also effective will be aromatherapy and herbal tea. Mix 15 drops of basil oil with three tablespoons of almond oil, rub into the legs. However, this procedure is contraindicated in pregnant women.

In beauty salons you can be offered the procedure of pressure therapy - special pants are put on legs and they are filled with air, as a result of which the legs are squeezed, blood rises up through the vessels, legs relax and rest.

The choice of medical and cosmetic procedures is quite wide. Take responsibility towards your health. Timely preventive measures will help eliminate the main causes of the occurrence of tired leg syndrome, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and help avoid varicose veins.


Watch the video: Restless Leg Syndrome evidence based treatment (July 2024).