Cream soufflé - the best recipes. How to quickly and tasty cook cream souffle.


Cream soufflé - general cooking principles

If you are tired of baking, ordinary chocolates or cakes, it's time to treat yourself and your loved ones with something unusual. Have you noticed which desserts are usually served in restaurants? For guests to order more, chefs pamper customers with very light delicacies, such as meringue cakes and cream souffles. Let's stop at the second dessert. Such sweets are shown even by fashionistas following the figures because the main ingredient of a light cream soufflé is not flour or fat cream, but sour cream, which is light in fat content, or even milk. Varying the amount of sugar and other additives in your power to create an almost dietary meal.

Cream soufflé - preparation of products and dishes

For this dish only fresh products are needed. If you use sour cream, it should not be old, long lying in the refrigerator. Use missing milk for pancakes, but not for cream soufflés.

The second essential ingredient is sugar. It is best to use powdered sugar, this product is much more suitable for creating airy desserts.

Cream souffle will freeze in the fridge, so we recommend using a silicone mold. Then the dessert will not lose its shape when you get it.

Cream Souffle Recipes:

Recipe 1: Cream Souffle

One of the most common cream soufflés is a delicacy on sour cream. It is best to take the sour cream is not homemade, as it is very fat and thick, and more sour store with a low fat content.

Ingredients Required:

  • Sour cream store 360 ​​grams
  • Milk (2.5-3.2% fat) 130 ml
  • Iced sugar 140 grams
  • Gelatin 12 grams
  • Pinch of vanilla

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve gelatin before cooking. You can use warm water for this, but it is better to dissolve gelatin in milk, in a water or steam bath. Fill the powder with milk, stir, and then you need to cool the milk to room temperature.
  2. After the gelatin has dissolved, combine the sour cream with a mixer or blender with vanilla and powdered sugar. Sugar powder should be gently poured into the sour cream in a thin stream, so sour cream whip up much better. The volume of smetana mass should increase as a result, and therefore whip at least five to six minutes.
  3. Pour the cooled milk with gelatin in a thin stream into the sour cream mass with a thin stream, while continuing to whisk it with a blender.
  4. Pour the mixture for cream souffle into a mold and let cool for 2-3 hours in a refrigerator. After this time, when the cream souffle hardens, remove it and serve, watering with condensed milk or whipped cream.

Recipe 2: Cream souffle with jelly cubes

More beautiful dessert can be prepared if you spend more time preparing it. You will need two or three types of store fruit jelly of different colors, sour cream, powdered sugar and cream.

Ingredients Required:

  • Shop sour cream 320 grams
  • Cherry Jelly 1 pack
  • Apricot jelly 1 pack
  • Jelly "Kiwi" 1 pack
  • Icing sugar to taste
  • Gelatin - 15 grams
  • Cream - 140 ml
  • Icing sugar 150 grams
  • Vanilla

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare jelly. It is best to take different colors, for example, yellow, red and green. Three hours before cooking dessert, you need to fill it with warm water (each in different containers), stir and refrigerate for 3-4 hours until it solidifies. In order for the jelly to freeze more quickly and be dense (namely, this is what is needed for dessert), you need to pour less water than recommended on the package.
  2. When the jelly hardens, go to the second part of the preparation of the dessert. Dissolve gelatin in a water or steam bath in the cream. For this recipe, it is better to take a fatter cream, so the cream soufflé will be tastier.
  3. Using a mixer or blender, mix sour cream, powdered sugar (it should be poured in a thin stream) and vanilla. Beat sour cream with a mixer for at least four to seven minutes until the mixture is doubled in volume.
  4. In cream add cream with gelatin, continuing to stir with a mixer. Pour into the form.
  5. Take jelly out of the fridge, cut it neatly into cubes and add colored pieces to the creamy cream mixture.
  6. Put the dessert in the fridge and leave it there for 2-3 hours to thicken.

Recipe 3: Cream Souffle with Cheese

If you are not engaged in meaningless counting of calories, then cook a delicious cream soufflé with cheese. The most suitable ingredient is Maskropone, but for the recipe you can take any fatty curd cheese.

Ingredients Required:

  • Muscropone cheese 410 grams
  • water 50 ml
  • 130 ml of heavy cream (20-25%)
  • 150 grams of powdered sugar
  • vanilla
  • 15 grams of gelatin

Cooking method:

  1. In a small amount of warm water, dilute the gelatin until completely dissolved.
  2. Whip creamy fat by gradually adding icing sugar, vanilla and curd cheese to them. As a result, you should get a dense and thick curd mass.
  3. To the cheese mixture trickle pour the dissolved gelatin, continuing to beat the mixture with a mixer.
  4. Pour the finished homogeneous mixture into a mold and let it cool for two hours.

Cream - soufflé - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

  1. In the preparation of cream souffle can not overdo it with fragrant spices. You can add a little vanilla or rum essence, but not much, otherwise you will lose the tenderness of the dish.
  2. The finished cream souffle can be served with condensed milk, caramel or dissolved chocolate.
  3. When you are preparing a cream soufflé, you can add to the mass of fresh berries - raspberries, currants, strawberries. You can also use dried fruits, such as raisins and chopped dried apricots.
