What men want: the necessary and unnecessary New Year's gifts


What to give a man for the New Year to really please him? Do not get in response a tense smile and a duty "thank you", but make it glow with happiness? The task is not easy, but we will try to make it easier: here is a list of gifts from which a man jumps like a child. Well, for contrast, we list what is not recommended to give.

What can and should be given to a man


Best of all is some kind of good universal set (hint: they are sold in such compact suitcases, there are lots and lots of metallic and shiny inside). The tools in the house are like dumbbells under the bed: a man can never use them, but they should be. An avid motorist can give a set of tools for the possible repair of his "swallow". What exactly - experts will prompt in the auto parts store.

Gadget or accessory

It can be anything: from a cool "flash drive" or an external hard drive to a super modern video card for a computer (gamers will especially appreciate it). When choosing is to take into account the interests and preferences of men. For example, a music lover will be delighted with compact headphones with a professional sound, and a connoisseur of Apple products will be crazy about any device for his smartphone or tablet.


No matter how trite it is, most men are ready to go into childhood if they donate a helicopter or a car on the control panel. Naturally, the toy must be of high quality and functional. Do you want to see the brilliance of admiration in the eyes of your second half, regardless of his age and social status? This gift will cause it - guaranteed. Well, at the same time confirm that men do not grow up.

Good alcohol

A bottle of high-quality expensive drink is almost a universal "men's" gift. Even if a man “consumes” very, very rarely, he will be pleased if this bottle stands and mysteriously flicker with glass in a secluded place, which it is not a shame to drink with important guests or just occasionally taste elite alcohol with close friends.

What he wants himself

Men - they are. They are pretty cool about surprises. Therefore, do not be offended if you know in advance what they want as a gift and (oh, horror!) - just donate what you ordered on a holiday. No romance. But then the soul will be calm, a lot of time will be freed, plus - the man will be completely satisfied.

What to give is not recommended

Gifts with a flat humor

These are those that special gift shops abound: all kinds of "alkonabory", aprons with the silhouettes of naked women, underwear with ears and other "masterpieces". A bit of wit in this, maybe there is - but only if friends give this in some kind of informal atmosphere. And from the woman he loves, the man still wants to get a more serious gift.


This is a dead end. According to the man, a tie is given to him in the event that you just don’t want to choose a gift. This is akin to shaving foam on February 23rd. In general - moveton. Even if this tie is from the latest collection and costs a couple of hundred dollars.

Shirts, cufflinks, sweaters and more

Most men are not enthusiastic about donated clothes and accessories. It's simple: they do not consider it as gifts. But there are exceptions, do not argue.

Bouquets of sweets, statues and other trinkets

A statuette in the form of a lion, symbolizing power? Wow. Thank you darling. Smack-smack. The on-duty smile slips from his face, and the expensive figurine sets off gathering dust in the back drawer. Therefore, leave these gifts for girlfriends: a man prefers something more practical.
