Oligarch Potanin shares with his ex-wife $ 100 million


The divorce proceedings of the oligarch Vladimir Potanin and his wife Natalia entered a new phase: the spouses are now sharing jointly acquired property. The businessman himself offered to section 100 million dollars. However, Natalia believes that the Norilsk Nickel company, which is owned by Vladimir, should also participate in the division. The woman claims that she will not take part in business processes, but after 30 years of marriage she has been entitled to decent compensation.

Potanin has not yet commented on the material claims of his wife.

Recall that the desire to Potanin divorce became known in late 2013. It turned out that Vladimir has a new lover - an employee of his own company, who also bore a child from him. Natalya Potanina is offended by her husband, as she always willingly told reporters. Potanin himself always kept brutal silence.

The divorce process lasts for the second year. The next court session, which will consider the division of the oligarch's property, will be held on February 19.


Watch the video: Ходорковский - об олигархах, Ельцине и тюрьме Khodorkovsky English subs (June 2024).