The Ministry of Health has determined the temporary standards of admission to doctors


The Ministry of Health has developed a document defining the standards for visits by patients to a pediatrician, general practitioner, gynecologist, ENT, ophthalmologist, and neurologist. According to the new trends, the admission of patients should correspond to the following time frame:

- pediatrician and therapist - 15 minutes;
- ophthalmologist - 14 minutes;
- ENT -16 minutes;
- family doctor - 18 minutes;
- Neurologist and obstetrician-gynecologist - 22 minutes each.

Repeated visits to these doctors is 70-80% of the primary. Those who want to turn to the above-mentioned specialists for the purpose of prevention will be able to spend with the doctor only 60-70% of the norms associated with a particular disease.

The length of the visit by the doctor to the patient is determined by the officials: taking into account the travel time, the visit of the pediatrician and therapist should not exceed 30 minutes, the family doctor - 33 minutes.

Recall that a similar initiative was already considered last year. However, at that time, officials offered such a short timeframe for reception by specialists that they caused an incredible amount of criticism from both medical experts and patients.


JULIA 01.28.2016
Apparently officials comrades are not of this world and far from reality. As it is possible, let's say even a genecologist, a nervopathologist, in certain minutes (strictly) tell the patient his problem, prepare to be examined, look around (and even preferably CAREFULLY!) A doctor, the doctor must draw conclusions, give recommendations (AVAILABLE!). I think that Well, no one just lingers in the doctors' offices for no reason, none of the patients will be. So, as officials, it is necessary to look at life more realistically !!!!!!!


Watch the video: Court temporarily stops hiring of foreign doctors (July 2024).