Women, why do you hate freedom?


The question is, frankly, rhetorical. I know the answer, but you just will not understand it. In real life one could hear: “How is it hated? Quite the contrary! It’s you, men, wring everything you want under your freedom: care, responsibility, laziness, unwillingness to grow up…” Right?

Do you know how you designate what we call freedom? "Allegedly" freedom. And when you once again hear: "Do not push me ... You try to limit my freedom ... you oppress me ..." - you really do not understand what we are trying to say. Because you do not understand what this very freedom is. A prisoner who considers himself free will not seek freedom. Because they simply will not understand what it is.

Girls, women, grandmothers and other citizens, imagine your reaction to the proposal that everyone, without exception, pull the veil over themselves. I do not think that any of you would show joy and experience happiness from such a perspective. Naturally, except for those who are already wearing it. And if you were obliged to wear it, forced, what would you say? Would you remember the violation of women's rights? But the faithful Muslim women, on the contrary, would have been outraged if someone had decided to tell them that the burqa demonstrates their lack of freedom. Probably, everyone heard about the anger caused in France the ban on wearing hijabs?

* Hijab - the personal choice of every woman

And right! This is not the absence of freedom, but the very opposite - their personal choice. It cannot be otherwise, because the face of a decent, “real” woman should be seen by only one man - a husband. Well, even eunuchs were allowed, but these are not considered. It must be that way! And those women who do not understand this - they can not be considered women, they are "dirty." Well, or as eunuchs - not women at all.

And there is nothing surprising in such reasoning, because this is exactly what they all know from childhood. Their mothers, aunts, grandmothers and great-grandmothers walked only this way. So it is right. And the freedom of such women will be that no one forbids them to wear what they WANT to wear themselves.

And, it would seem, Allah is with them, most likely, these lines are mostly read by emancipated, civilized, moderately feminist and ladies brought up on traditional European culture values? But precisely "it would seem." Because you are no different from the supporters of the burqa. Each has its own "burqa", which has become so familiar that you can not remove it. And you will fight in the same way for the right to carry it on yourself. Because sincerely you do not understand that you can live without it. To live in a different way - a free man.

I have the courage to express persistent conviction - almost no woman knows, does not understand what inner freedom is. He does not understand that such a concept exists at all.

Do you know how wild elephants are caught in India? They are so strong, free. But the domestic elephants, tamed, help - they drive the "wild" fellow into a trap. After this, the elephant is starved, and then they begin to feed. And he gets used to the feeling of unfreedom, to the stern and obeys the person, begins to do what is “necessary.” But without his relatives, practically traitors, he would not have been able to get into this trap.

* Here they are - wild and free!

With women, everything is absolutely the same. From early childhood, some women, older ones, do not allow others to breathe freely, those who are brought up. Remember the compulsory instructions familiar from a young age: a woman should be able to cook, sew, wash ... and hundreds of other "must". But what will happen to such a terrible thing if you don’t learn to do something from the above? There will be the worst female tragedy, worse than that can not be! No one will take you marriage! I do not believe that there are girls from good families who have never heard this terrible pugalki. Have you ever tried to ponder the content: won't it? Like a thing, like an item in a store, like a product. Just do not throw reproaches men, because you heard it, mainly from women? And I am sure that you yourself continue to say all this to your daughters. Is not it?

Women from early childhood are deprived of the perception of the very concept of "freedom". And they do not just obey, but take it for granted. Already for life. See what boys play? It doesn't matter if he runs with a wooden sword or a plastic machine gun, but he imagines himself to be a hero, he dreams, he represents something to strive for. And what should a good good girl play? To school, to the store, to the hospital or to the "home". Even in their games, they are already not free, they are preparing for something obligatory, for a precise fulfillment of duties.

Yes, when a girl plays - she also dreams. However, she should only dream about what she really will have to do. And then these “game” dreams come true. And they become boring, boring with their monotony, routine. And God forbid the girl to come up with some kind of their own, unusual, dream. She will be perceived as not quite adequate child. And all the moms-aunts-grandmothers in chorus will rush to redo it into a "normal" - correct. Like those elephants in India forcing a free big animal to become obedient.

And a woman will never be able to understand how men seek such an incomprehensible "freedom"? Why do they not want so much to strive to that, the desire for which they drove into her still small head - to be unfree, to lose the opportunity to dispose of themselves, their lives, to become an obligatory supplement to someone else.

After all, you are utterly seriously uttering some kind of another nonsense that men do not want to take responsibility because they are late in maturing. You really think so? Because you perceive our freedom as a kind of childhood or even infantilism. You just do not know how to understand that you can remain free even when you become an adult.

* Female stereotype

From infancy, you knock out the right to be free from your daughters. You inspire them with what they need to be and what they MUST do. And after such a massive suggestion, the only freedom, its maximum, they realize when they are not forced to do something. It is not by chance that it is considered that freedom in the understanding of a man - I do what I myself want to do, but in the understanding of a woman - I do not do what I do not want to do.

However, all this is not necessary for most women. After all, they KNOW that "the veil must be worn." That a woman must desire to become a mother. Must want to marry. She is obliged to remake her husband in order to deprive him of this desire of freedom, which is completely incomprehensible to her.

However, I am almost certain that the absolute majority of women will not even be able to understand what I was talking about here. Therefore, I will try (in spite of the fact that I understand it is practically impossible) to explain what freedom is, which you are trying to deprive us of.

Freedom is far from having to do something that will be "bad." No, it's just an inner understanding that everything that you do, you do because you chose. CAM, understand? Not because it is necessary or necessary, not because you are obliged to do it and not so that your spouse does not nag you. And just because you just wanted it yourself.

Do you think that freedom is “like a man” - is it to get drunk with friends, to mourn the whole evening in the garage, when there are lots of things at home or something else like that? Nothing like this. Freedom is when you do what CAM decided to do. Because I wanted to. He left for the whole day with the child to ride the hill, not because he had to fulfill his father’s duty, but because you want him to feel good. In the morning, while she was asleep, he managed to run for the freshly prepared cakes, which she loves so much, not to achieve anything from her, but simply because he loves her. Or he nailed this damned locker in the bathroom not so that he could be cut off, but because it was more convenient with him.

* So you see our freedom ???

And you always strive to deprive us of these sensations, of which happiness consists. And we run for the whole evening to the garage or after work we get drunk beer. Not even because we really wanted it, but because ... No, it is even more difficult to explain. But, exaggerated, can be compared with the day when you skipped school. Just like that, for no reason. To feel the breath of freedom, just to feel - even if it is nonsense, but the one that you chose yourself.

By the way, really, to goosebumps and heart-stopping, so as to choke with tenderness, stroking how she sleeps, to the joy of understanding - I breathe with HER one air, we can love only those women who do not deprive us of this freedom. Because they are free themselves.

Although, most likely, it is also necessary to try to explain?


Watch the video: 'Female Freedom Has an Expiration Date': Being 35 and Single. Op-Docs. The New York Times (June 2024).