Lighten hair with spices


Everyone knows that spices are used in cooking to bring original flavoring shades to a dish and give it an attractive look.

Many people know that spices are also used in medicine.

However, not everyone knows that with some seasonings you can change the color of your hair, for example, lightening them several tones. And if in ancient times spices were a truly unique product that was valued higher than gold, today home clarification procedure with their help will be almost free for you.

Brightening spices

All of you have probably heard about such classic spices as vanilla, cloves, turmeric, saffron, rosemary, cinnamon, etc. Three of the mentioned ones will help you lighten your hair and then fire you from using harmful purchased products. Want to know what spices are capable of this?

Spices-clarifiers include: cinnamon, turmeric and saffron. Cinnamon is able not only to make brown hair lighter by two tones - it still perfectly wash off the artificial paint, returning the strands to their natural color. Turmeric and saffron are suitable for girls with a dark brown shock, who want to boast locks of straw-honey hue to their friends.

Cinnamon - a clarifier of strands and a harmless wash

Let's start with the main clarifier - cinnamon. This spice is made from the bark of an evergreen tree, which belongs to the laurel family. The finished product is a bundle of several (6-10) thin layers of the inner cortex. True, cinnamon most often comes to the European market not in the form of sticks, but already ground. This spice is widely used in the manufacture of confectionery products (laid in baked goods, chocolate). It is used in the production of alcoholic beverages, tea, etc. Moreover, it is popular not only today. Cinnamon has been in demand since 2700 BC. And in 1566, a “cinnamon tax” was even introduced in Ceylon, according to which all the stronger sex should collect 28 kg of spices annually when they reach the 12th birthday. Ultimately, the rate increased to 303 kg / year.

It is good that we are not the boys who lived in Ceylon in the 16th century, on which the mission lay: to collect a mountain of spices. Our goal is to get a bag of ground cinnamon and begin to lighten hair. To dark brown curls lighten by several tones, you need to prepare a mask from the following ingredients:

- cinnamon - for one mask you need 2 tbsp. l ground spices;

- honey (3 tbsp. l.) - only a natural product is needed (if you have already bought good honey, but it has thickened over time, then you can melt the sweetness in a water bath);

- hair balm - use your favorite favorite products that your hair is used to; take about 7 tbsp. l balm.

Let's talk about how to make a mask. Combine cinnamon and honey in a glass bowl. Stir these two ingredients until the honey has completely absorbed the cinnamon. Next, add the balm to the mixture and again mix everything well. Lightening agent is ready. This mask is also used to wash old paint from any type of hair.

Spread the cinnamon-honey mask over the entire length of the curls with a hair dye brush, and then fold the strands. So that the hair does not fall apart, you can grab the bump at the base with silicone rubber. After that, put on a hat and wrap your head in a towel. After 40 minutes, the towel with a hat or a bag of polyethylene can be removed. But this does not mean that the time has come to wash off the mask. We’ll have to delay the washing of the head for another three hours.

Note: spice particles remaining in the hair are easy to comb out with a massage brush.

Attention: Once again, we remind that such a mask can only lighten fair hair, including dark shades. Brown-haired or brunettes, most likely, will suffer a fiasco in lightening strands. In the best case, changes will come, but they will be subtle.

Mandatory reading: Do not use the above mask more than once every two weeks.

Honey shade thanks to saffron

Even in our time, saffron is a rather expensive spice. It’s normal that it’s not worth a penny, because to get one kilogram of such a classic spice, you will need 200 thousand flowers of saffron seed. Since the price of saffron is very high, many people supply substitutes for it on the market. For example, safflower (wild or American saffron) and turmeric (Indian saffron). But if safflower is mainly used as a harmless yellow or red pigment, then turmeric is not only a dye, but also a great spice.

If you have the opportunity to buy real saffron, then you should try to lighten dark brown hair with it, giving the curls a noble golden or honey shade. You can not afford to spend money on saffron - buy its substitutes, for example, the same safflower.

Be careful: today, under the guise of saffron, they often try to sell it safflower, which is cheaper, inferior to the first in coloring properties and does not have a pronounced aroma.

Thinking out loud: when confronted with a fraud, it becomes a little annoying that now for faking saffron they do not bury it in the ground and do not burn it, as it once did with dodgy offenders in Germany.

So, to make the hair lighten, and also get a beautiful and lasting shade, it is in your interests to look for saffron. In addition, they are not only transformed by curls. Saffron can also be used as a prophylactic against cancer and prolonged depression.

Now let's get down to cooking saffron clarifier:

1. Take a few spoons of spice and put them in a saucepan, after pouring two glasses of water into it.

2. Place a container on the stove and bring the saffron water to a boil.

3. Set aside the broth for 20 minutes - let it brew.

4. Strain the liquid and moisten clean hair in it.

5. Put a hat and towel on your head.

6. Rinse hair with shampoo after 30 minutes.

To improve the result: the decoction will be more useful if you add chamomile to saffron.


Change the shade of the strands easily with turmeric decoction. It is prepared in the same way as a means for clarification from saffron. The reason it’s better to buy turmeric is its low cost. Less brightening agent from cheap spice - it is not always possible to dye your hair in a noble soft shade. Because of turmeric, you risk becoming a yellow chicken.

Interesting: some girls are afraid to use turmeric for dyeing strands, since they have deducted that products that slow down body hair growth are prepared from it. Firstly, no serious studies have been conducted regarding the fact that this spice slows hair growth. Secondly, women do not try to say goodbye to unnecessary vegetation with the help of a decoction of turmeric - they use a thick mask made from it.


Watch the video: How to Dye Your Hair With Tea, Coffee or Spices - Hair Dying Made Easy Homemade tips and tricks 2018 (July 2024).