Sore side during pregnancy - what to do. What causes pain in the right or left side during pregnancy.


Upcoming motherhood fills a happy woman with some kind of incredible light that warms everyone around. But this sensation is seasoned with a hint of uncertainty, because there is a colossal restructuring of the work of the whole organism, and any deviations from the norm seem suspicious and cause concern. Especially when your side hurts during pregnancy.

It is important to understand which symptoms indicate a serious problem, and which of sufficiently safe processes. The future mom should understand that she will have to go to the hospital anyway if painful sensitivity arises. The only question is whether it is necessary to do it urgently, or you can wait for a routine examination by a gynecologist. To conclude, it is worthwhile to get a general idea of ​​the predicted sources of pain, its signs and how to alleviate the general condition before referring to a specialist.

This will help us visual image of how the internal organs in the normal state and during pregnancy:

Why does the side hurt during pregnancy

The pain is unpleasant in any case, but it is necessary to distinguish the discomfort associated with normal changes in the female body from exacerbations of old and new pathologies.

Short-term and unpleasant symptoms that go away on their own within half an hour are most likely not dangerous. They occur for the following reasons:

1. Impaired digestion. In case of periodic constipation, a pregnant woman often has a dull pain of a pulling character on the left side of the ileum. In this case, you should pay attention to the mode of eating and solve the problem, while even taking laxatives should be coordinated with the doctor who is leading the pregnancy.

2. Enlarged uterus. The tiny man grows inside my mother's tummy, along with him grows his reliable refuge. In this case, the internal organs are displaced, clamping of individual nerves and arteries. The mass of the uterus with its size increases, because it hurts the side during pregnancy due to stretching and quite significant tension of the ligaments with muscles under its action.

3. Later, in the third trimester, growing fruit brings enough inconvenience. He shows more and more activity, his tiny heels with elbows during movement bring tangible discomfort. But the soul of the parent becomes only lighter, because it is incredibly pleasant, even though sometimes very painful, sensations - to feel the movement of the baby.

What to do to alleviate the condition with such indications? Virtually nothing, because neither treat nor anesthetize Mom herself should not. Professionals can recommend the following:

- competent organization of the day regimen by a pregnant woman: alternation of moderate activity with proper rest;

- comfortable, spacious clothing that does not interfere with breathing, movements; it is excellent if she is beautiful, and not just comfortable - it helps the lady to realize her attractiveness and to maintain her sense of self-confidence;

- the use of a special bandage for future moms with certain indications.

In some patients it hurts in the side during pregnancy under the arms. This is due to the fact that preparations are underway for the lactation process, because the mammary glands are increasing in mass and volume. As a result, the load on their supporting muscles increases. Removed trouble, if properly selected reliable and high-quality bra.

Causes of acute side pain during pregnancy

A completely different situation if there is a long, lasting over half an hour, sharp pain. Most likely, it is a sign of a serious violation, pathology. It is better to prepare and know the main symptoms that cause anxiety to respond quickly.

1. The sharp onset of severe pain in the right upper quadrant, accompanied by nausea, sometimes indicates cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Difficult tolerated rez in the left hypochondrium, turning into shingles - a potential symptom of acute pancreatitis, especially if it is accompanied by vomiting, high fever.

3. Localization of acute painful sensations on the right or on the left below the abdomen together with bleeding are dangerous signs of ectopic pregnancy (early) or ovarian cysts (late). The process is sometimes accompanied by loss of consciousness.

4. Severe pain on the right iliac bone with nausea is one of the symptoms of acute appendicitis. Along with this, the temperature may rise.

5. A common cause of acute, sometimes intolerable pain is kidney disease (renal stone disease, pyelonephritis).

It is difficult to protect a woman from such a condition, when her side hurts during pregnancy, even if a full medical examination was completed before planning a child. The restructuring of the body is so significant that old, chronic illnesses and new ones can become aggravated.

If a sharp complication arises, then it is necessary to help the pregnant woman lie comfortably, put a cold to the stomach for a short time and immediately call an ambulance. The future mom should remember that she is now responsible not only for herself, but also for the tiny little man who will soon be born into the world. Therefore, even if you really, really don't want to, and it seems that the indisposition will soon disappear, you should still, without delay, see the doctor. This is necessary in order not to harm yourself and the child by triggering a developing disease.

If your right side hurts during pregnancy

Unpleasant sensations on the right and on the left can be caused by the same prerequisites, or they can be completely different, characteristic of a particular case. Consider the situation when the right side is sick during pregnancy.

1. Varicose uterine vessels in the lateral parts of the female organ. The development of the disease contributes to the weakness of the walls of the uterus and the state of pregnancy against the background of increased blood supply. Most often there is a combination with varicose blood vessels in the legs, but it is impossible to engage in self-medication: the appointment, including phlebotonic agents, to bring the uterus walls to normal tone, is done exclusively by an angiosurgeon (vascular surgeon) or another specialist.

2. Disruption of the normal functioning of the kidneys is one of the most common reasons for hurting the right side during pregnancy. Depending on the indications, diagnosis, treatment should be carried out by a nephrologist, a urologist.

3. The cyst of the right ovary may begin to develop before pregnancy, or be provoked by it. Concentration of discomfort occurs in the lower abdomen, they are either dull, pulling in nature, or are very strong and sharp. They arise because of the stretching of the cyst or at its rupture, "twist". The doctor will hardly make an unambiguous appointment, since with such a delicate situation each method will have its own contraindications. The available range of means and methods - from taking antispasmodics to the prompt removal of a cyst, all depends on the specific symptoms.

4. It happens that the right side hurts during pregnancy and in connection with spasm of the circular muscles of the intestine. Inconvenience occurs with prolonged constipation, deficiencies in the daily diet. A gynecologist prescribes antispasmodics if the symptoms have not gone away on their own after a bowel movement.

5. The source of problems can be fatty degeneration, other liver ailments, problems with the pancreas, gall bladder. All women with similar difficulties are under the scrutiny of therapists, as the threat is likely for both mommy and the fetus.

If your left side hurts during pregnancy

The reasons for the troubles associated with the fact that the left side hurts during pregnancy, quite a lot. A doctor should be consulted in any case if discomfort occurs, but the patient should be able to describe her feelings in order to facilitate the diagnosis of the disease. To do this, you need at least a little to navigate what is happening.

1. Problems with the spleen. It is located in the upper left quarter of the abdomen not far from the surface of the body; in a number of diseases, its capsule begins to increase, causing soreness.

2. Disorders of the stomach. In inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the body begins to develop inflammation (gastritis). The pain is usually aching, sometimes with the appearance of vomiting against the background of nausea.

3. The pancreas sometimes causes trouble. Stretching through the upper part of the abdominal cavity, it becomes the reason that hurts in the left side during pregnancy. The signs are sharp, internally soreness, which is encircling. Can give back, associated symptoms - fever, urge to vomit or vomiting directly, nausea.

4. Another side pain during pregnancy due to inflammatory processes in the left (or right) ovary, long-existing or newly formed cysts.

Any of the situations mentioned in the article can provoke such problems. Perhaps the only exception is appendicitis, which causes pain only on the right side.

What not to do if your side hurts during pregnancy

A big mistake for a pregnant woman is the desire to endure a relatively minor discomfort, although it may be a precursor to serious problems. A more serious situation arises if a woman tries to do self-medication, forgetting that there are no safe medicines:

- painkillers can cause a violation of the stability of the fetal respiration and dependence on the drug;

- antibiotics can lead to allergic (anaphylactic) shock;

- drugs can cause heart failure in a child, abnormalities in the development of the skeleton, provoke future deafness;

- uncontrolled intake of drugs sometimes leads to premature birth or even miscarriage;

- seemingly safe herbal preparations often cause harm to the child in the womb of the mother, for example, disorders of the immune system.

Fully aware of her responsibility for the life and health of a helpless, only emerging baby, a woman should always consult with a doctor when in doubt. And if the side hurts during pregnancy, then this is a reason for a mandatory visit to the gynecologist. All further actions to eliminate the trouble should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.


Watch the video: Preventing Back and Pelvic Pain in Pregnancy (July 2024).