Is it possible to get pregnant before menstruation - myths and reality. Find out if you can actually get pregnant for 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 days before the month.


The beautiful half of the world's population at the age of childbirth can be divided into two parts. Representatives of one desperately dream of having a baby, the other is eagerly awaiting menstruation in order to be relieved to see that there is no pregnancy. Strange, but those and others are extremely worried about a similar question - is it possible to get pregnant before menstruation, how realistic it is. But the common opinion is that the last days before menstruation there is no need to protect themselves, fertilization is impossible. How true is this statement?

Is it possible to get pregnant before menstruation - we learn to identify fertile days

Approximately in the middle of the cycle, the duration of which is different for each lady, a ripe egg cell ready for fertilization occurs. For this event, the mucous "cushion" of the uterus has already been formed for a more comfortable location if necessary. For this period there are so-called fertile days - the most favorable for a successful conception. Simple calculations show that they last 5-6 days. Given that active spermatozoa retain vital activity for 3 days, and an egg cell that is completely ready for an intimate date can only be fertilized within 24 hours, the maximum suitable time for successful conception is three days before and four after ovulation occurs. Accordingly, the exciting question, “Is it possible to get pregnant before menstruation?” We get an unequivocal answer “No!” Many important factors and permissible options disprove the seemingly obvious truth.

Can I get pregnant before menstruation? Yes, for certain reasons.

1. Features of the menstrual cycle

Most often, the cycle duration ranges from 28 to 32 days, but not all women can boast of its ideal parameters. If the duration is too short, there is a real possibility of conception at the beginning of the cycle, immediately after the end of the menstrual flow, and during menstruation. A long cycle carries a different danger - ovulation can move slightly in time, and a woman, assuming its end, will actually allow unprotected sex on the most risky days. And then the question of whether you can get pregnant before menstruation for a week or less will have to be answer. Even too experienced ladies, knowing perfectly the timing of their ovulation, are quite capable of making a mistake because of the change in the duration of the menstrual cycle.

The irregularity and irregularity of the cycle is the main reason for the affirmative “yes” to the question whether it is possible to get pregnant the day before menstruation. Untimely, late ovulation is especially characteristic of girls with an unstable cycle - quite safe days last month easily turn into fertile. The displacement of the onset of ovulation happens in every woman for a variety of reasons - stress, climatic conditions, various infections, hormone levels. Therefore, you can get pregnant 2 days before the month, a week, and even in the presence of discharge.

2. The second ovulation - a joke or a reality?

Not a fiction at all, but a completely proven fact confirming the affirmative answer to the still pressing question of whether it is possible to get pregnant before the monthly for a day, two, a week. Moreover, it is thanks to an unexpected re-ovulation that fraternal twins can be born, increasing mother's happiness exactly twice. Experts say that re-ovulation is not so rare, just sometimes women do not pay enough attention to its obvious manifestations:

- unilateral pain in the lower abdomen;

- increased sexual desire;

- increase in basal temperature;

- swelling of the breast and aggravation of its sensitivity.

From here and another positive answer for those who are inquisitively interested in whether you can get pregnant the day before the month - because repeated ovulation can happen anytime.

3. Hormonal contraceptives - are they reliable?

Many do not even think about whether it is possible to get pregnant 3 days before menstruation, taking hormonal contraceptives. Meanwhile, if you suspend their reception, it is possible to obtain the maturation of several eggs, which will cause a possible pregnancy on any day before the menstruation. The effect of hormonal drugs is based on preventing the implantation of the egg into the cozy bed of a prepared uterus, but they do not object at all to her intimate encounter with the brisk spermatozoon. That is why stopping the drug is fraught with a confirmatory answer for anyone who seeks to find out whether you can get pregnant 3 days before the menstrual period. But even in the case of continued use of this method of protection, one should not forget that the effectiveness and guarantee of hormonal contraceptives is 99%. And only under the condition that the pills are carefully selected by the doctor, taking into account your unique features, and the adjusted regimen is not disturbed. Otherwise, you can see for yourself whether it is possible to get pregnant 2 days before the month and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Attention! Acceptance of any hormonal drugs, even non-contraceptive, can significantly affect the balance of hormones and the possibility of a successful conception.

4. "Familiar" sperm

Is it possible to get pregnant the day before menstruation, if, as mentioned earlier, the spermatozoon is able to remain viable for only three days? It turns out that the rumors about his short stay in “foreign territory” do not quite correspond to reality. Many sperm cells ingloriously die in an unequal fight against female immune cells, which rather aggressively perceive a “stranger”. But the picture changes radically when a woman has a regular partner. The immune system gradually gets used to alien cells, and the chances of their survival increase to 6-7 days. That is, again we get confirmation about whether you can get pregnant the day before menstruation or it is unattainable. The percentage of the probability of a successful conception is not too large, but it does exist. Moreover, sexual intercourse before short “critical days” allows the sperm to wait patiently in a secluded place and then fruitfully meet with the egg during the ovulation. This is quite likely for a short cycle, when ovulation occurs almost immediately after the end of the discharge, and even during them.

An affirmative answer to the question “is it possible to get pregnant 2 days before the menstrual period” can upset someone, and certainly will please some. However, it should be remembered that the long-awaited pregnancy, which occurred before menstruation, is fraught with all sorts of trouble. Therefore, if it is really desired, it is necessary to visit a doctor if there is a suspicion of a successful conception. Confirmed pregnancy can be saved with the help of drugs to maintain a normal endometrial reaction.

Attention! With successful conception before menstruation, there is a threat of rejection of the ovum. A timely visit to the doctor can help maintain the desired pregnancy.

Is it possible to get pregnant before menstruation - myths and reality

The unpredictability of the female body makes it impossible to deal with absolute certainty, which days of the cycle for conception are absolutely not promising, and which are most favorable. Many contraceptive drugs and drugs, rigorous maintenance of the cyclical calendar, measurement of basal temperature according to all the rules and other methods can only with a certain degree of probability to clarify the question whether you can get pregnant before menstruation for a week, 3 days or a day. There are many “proven” evidence, but they are all based on personal experience and individual characteristics. We will try to refute or support some of them.

1. A common and popular misconception about whether you can get pregnant before menstruation in a week or 2-3 days, is the statement about the absolute safety of unprotected sex in this time period. In fact, the probability of conception is not so high, but it really does exist. As was discussed above, this is facilitated by the period of vital activity of spermatozoa, the length and temporary instability of the cycles.

2. Many sincerely believe that the duration of hormonal pills guarantees reliable protection even if they are temporarily suspended due to trivial forgetfulness. In that case, if you forget to take another daily pill, the effectiveness of protection is simply significantly reduced. But the cessation of the use of the drug as a protective agent leads to the stabilization of hormonal levels, the maturation of several eggs at once and an increase in the possibility of conception. The question of whether you can get pregnant the day before menstruation, is in this case guaranteed to be in the affirmative. It is worth noting that physicians are well aware of this unique feature, they successfully use short-term hormones in the fight against infertility.

3. Another myth - during the first sexual intercourse, in case it happens on the threshold of menstruation, it is not realistic to become pregnant. This is from the realm of fantasy - the emergence of a new life can happen before the monthly periods even for the first, if only for the hundredth time. The statistical probability of this event is approximately from 1% to 6%. And in order not to suffer the dilemma “Is it possible to get pregnant 4 days before the menstrual period, if everything happened for the first time?” You just need to choose in advance the most appropriate method of reliable protection.

So after all, is it possible to get pregnant before menstruation - sum up

As it turned out, conception is a real opportunity absolutely on any days of the cycle, including the “critical” ones. The highest chance of becoming potential parents is for a couple during the ovulation period, but with less probability, up to 5%, it persists on other days. Therefore, the method of protection with the most careful calculation of the successful days for conceiving cannot be considered guaranteed as reliable. Can I get pregnant the day before the month? Certainly, yes, and even not delayed menstruation does not mean that the conception did not take place. Only a negative test result, carried out 4 weeks after an intimate relationship, will be able to reliably confirm that this time you are not destined to become a mother. The probability of successful fertilization after the end of menstruation is even higher, up to 17%, and the culprit is completely capable of sexual intercourse on the eve of menstruation. Increase the likelihood of successful conception in the last days before the month:

- the termination of the use of hormonal contraceptives;

- irregularity of the cycle and its brevity;

- intimate relationships with a regular partner.

The body of each woman is unique in its own way, so it’s difficult to recommend some general advice; the doctor can do it best. But I want to emphasize once again the most important points that should be paid attention to and which really affect the actual question for many women - is it possible to get pregnant before menstruation:

- conception can happen on any day of the cycle, it may take 7-8 days from sexual contact to the onset of pregnancy;

- If, after an unprotected intercourse before menstruation, a woman has menstrual flow, it is imperative that you do a test after they finish. With continued bleeding for more than eight days, consultation of the doctor is necessary;

- after the first sexual experience may appear discharge, similar to menstruation. Remember - the countdown of the cycle must be started from the first day of their appearance, regardless of the dates of the previous one;

- to conceive before menstruation, full sex is not always necessary, remember this.

After making sure that it is still possible to get pregnant before menstruation, try to find a more effective method for preventing unwanted conception. This is not difficult, modern types of contraception in our time abound, and the doctor will gladly help you choose the most effective one for you.


Watch the video: Trying To Get Pregnant ? Ovulation And Your Monthly Cycle (July 2024).