Month is not monthly, but there is no pregnancy - what does it say? Find out the reasons why a month, two or three are not monthly and what to do.


Usually, women are very closely watching the menstrual cycle. They calculate its duration, they know how long the menstruation itself lasts, they see how rich the discharge is, how much their color is. Some even manage to calculate the amount of blood leaving the vagina. Now one can only imagine in what shock many of them introduce a delay. What to do when there is no monthly period, for what reason the failure occurred, why the menstruation does not come even ten weeks later? Let's figure it out.

Month no monthly

If a woman has no monthly menstruation for a month, but there is no pregnancy either, this often indicates the presence of hormonal disorders that can cause endocrine disorders, changes in climate, image, living conditions, etc. The infectious factor can be responsible for everything. Often the delay occurs due to the development of a follicular ovarian cyst. An ovarian cyst does not always delay menstruation, it can also cause dysfunctional bleeding in the uterus. To find out the exact cause of the menstrual cycle, you can pass the examination in the clinic. After this, conservative, surgical treatment may be necessary. Sometimes doctors, examining the patient, take a wait-and-see tactic. For example, this position is used for small cysts in the structure of the ovary.

But still, when a lady has not had her period for a month, while she had unprotected intimate contacts before the delay, then the first thing a woman needs to check is whether she is not pregnant. After all, menstruation occurs only if an unfertilized egg leaves the uterus. Together with it, the functional layer of the endometrium is rejected, which is accompanied by bleeding. If a woman becomes pregnant, special hormones begin to be released in her body. Their goal is to block the generative function of the ovary, the essence of which is the development and maturation of the eggs. It turns out that there is nothing to reject in the following months after conception, since a new gamete in a certain period will not be able to exit because of its absence.

So, if a woman has no monthly periods for a month, she should, without postponing the decision of a question for a long time, try to confirm or deny the fact of conceiving a baby. Delay with this can not be. After all, having become pregnant, a woman is obliged to immediately reconsider her lifestyle, begin to eat well, not overwork, forget about bad habits. But often there are cases when ladies, having thought that they have no menstruation month because of stress, begin to drink potent sedative, antidepressants, putting the health of the future baby at risk. Bagging is impossible and when the child is not desirable, because there is a risk to miss the period in which it is allowed to carry out an abortion.

When a month is not monthly, to find out whether a new life is developing in your womb, you should take a pregnancy test. It is sold in almost any pharmacy. Antibodies of the hormone are applied to one of the test strips, which begins to be produced when pregnancy occurs. This hormone is called chorionic gonadotropin. When a urine of a pregnant woman containing hCG is taken for a test, the second strip with antibodies begins to appear, signaling the conception occurred.

To accurately confirm the pregnancy, you need to go for a visit to a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound scan of the uterus. An early ultrasound examination will save a woman from rupture of the fallopian tube, which can occur due to the development of the ovum if it is not properly nested.

No monthly 2 months

If there are no monthly 2 months, then this may indicate that the "legs" of the problem grow from the hypothalamic-pituitary region. The reason for the failure of work in this area of ​​the brain are most often stresses. For example, a woman who is constantly in stressful situations may not have cyclical hormone production in the hypothalamic-pituitary system. As a result, the egg does not mature. The cause of malfunctions in the pituitary gland, which regulates reproductive function, often becomes a neoplasm. In fact, any pathological processes in the pituitary region, including inflammatory diseases of the brain, can lead to amenorrhea.

Some girls, worrying that they do not have 2 months, write off the situation as genetic problems with the ovaries. Indeed, such problems sometimes occur, for example, the ovaries may simply not have hormone receptors produced by the pituitary gland. But in this case, girls usually complain of pathological amenorrhea, and not at the absence of menstruation for two cycles.

When there is no menstruation for 2 months or more, while the regulations are scanty, this often indicates the development of polycystic ovary syndrome. Especially it is necessary to be wary of women who have not only amenorrhea, but also central obesity is progressing, acne, stretch marks, depression, bald patches on the sides of the forehead have appeared. These are just some of the symptoms that indicate polycystic ovary, in the event of which there is a violation of estrogen secretion, the cyclical process of alteration of the uterine mucosa is lost. Such violations and lead to amenorrhea.

The absence of menstruation for 2 months in women with an affected uterine lining mucosa is not unimaginable. As a rule, the cause of these lesions are inflammatory processes. Inflammatory diseases sometimes lead to obstruction of the exit from the uterus, as a result of which the girl may complain that she has not had her period for 2 months, when in fact her menstrual blood simply does not come out.

No monthly 3 months

When a lady has no monthly 3 months, this often indicates the development of the above problems. For example, a woman could fail in the hypothalamic-pituitary system, or she had problems with the ovaries, uterine lining, etc. But the older the lady, the more likely that she has no menstruation for 3 months due to the completion of the fertility function. That is, roughly speaking, such a delay is a signal of the onset of menopause.

Many women are afraid of menopause, regarding it as a pathological condition. But he really is not. The number of eggs that each woman can produce is limited. It turns out that, already being born, the girl has a strictly defined number of gametes. One of them starts to stand out every month from the beginning of the childbearing period. Over the years, all the eggs are released and menstruation stops. It is possible to say that a woman has a menopause when the delay reaches a year.

Some women do not go to the doctor after they have made sure that they do not have 3-month periods, or, for example, half a year. They assure themselves that this is a simple menopause. In this case, women are at risk to miss the beginning of the development of the disease, leading to disruptions of the menstrual cycle. And only when they feel that something out of the ordinary is happening, they are already running to the hospital. But due to the late visit to the clinic, it is sometimes unbearably difficult to cure the disease that has been progressing for months. How to be?

To make sure that the absence of menstruation for many months - this is really menopause, it is necessary to pass tests for follicle-stimulating hormone. It is he who stimulates the ovary. When the level of the hormone is higher than the established figures, the absence of menstruation really indicates the beginning of menopause.

Month is not monthly, test is negative

When the month is not monthly, and the test is negative, it does not at all mean that you are not pregnant. Just the usual home tests can not always determine pregnancy in the early stages. Especially you should not rely on reliable information, buying cheap tests. Sometimes the test is negative in pregnancy, not only because of the use of poor-quality products. A pregnant woman herself could make mistakes by conducting a home analysis, for example, for a little time she waited for the result, put urine in a polluted container, etc.

To accurately determine whether you are pregnant or not, go to the doctor, donate blood for analysis, undergo a medical examination by a gynecologist, etc. If tests show that there is no pregnancy, and there are no monthly periods for about a month, then there is the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy. In rare cases, amenorrhea occurs in women due to the onset of psychological pregnancy. You may not have a monthly period for other biological reasons. In order to find out them, you must pass a full examination.

Month is not monthly and not pregnant

If the month is not monthly, and the absence of pregnancy confirms both the test and the gynecologist with the uzost, it is worth undergoing examination to find the causes of the failure of the menstrual cycle. In addition to all the above-mentioned diseases, pathological abnormalities, impaired functioning of the systems regulating the work of the female genital organs, menstruation may not come for a month for other reasons. For example, hypothalamic is also found almost on a par with psychogenic amenorrhea. The last form of amenorrhea develops on the background of weight loss.

Failure in the menstrual cycle is often due to the cessation of oral contraceptive use. Diabetes mellitus can also cause delayed menstruation. When the month is not monthly, be sure to check in the clinic for any abnormalities in the work of the adrenal glands.

Incorrect reaction to the absence of menstruation.

Most women, when they do not have a month or longer, still buy a pregnancy test first thing. And it is right. If it is negative, it is reasonable to go to a gynecologist. If they do not detect female diseases, they will have to undergo a comprehensive examination, having checked the adrenal glands, the endocrine system, and the work of the brain. Women aged should be tested, considering the results of which, without problems, you can determine when the delay is a normal menopause.

But how not to respond to amenorrhea, so it is to take it for granted. It turns out that not all girls understand that menstrual bleeding occurs due to rejection of the uterine mucosa. There are young ladies who are sure that any discharge during menstruation takes place only in women whose body is left in toxins. It turns out that these toxins accumulate until they escape through the uterus into our vagina, and then they crawl out into the light of God in the form of colored secretions. Moreover, ridiculous ladies agitate other ladies never to see a doctor in case of termination of menstruation, but rather enjoy their great happiness and a purified organism.

What guides the above people? They claim that their menstruation stopped immediately after they began to maintain a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, such an image included grueling workouts, raw foods, and sometimes sun exposure. Women really think that if they eat green leaves and constantly train, bloody "toxins" will not come out of them. Allocation, they equate to the common cold, appearing only in diseases.

These girls are guided by their particular logic. And they wanted to sneeze on anatomy and everything else. In confirmation of their words, the pranksters say that as soon as they no longer actively engage in sports and began to eat "garbage" such as hamburgers (which, by the way, contain the body's necessary proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc.), almost immediately from the uterus send toxins.

Girls do not even realize that menstruation disappears because the body perceives their raw foods as a most severe diet. Adhering to this power, you can easily earn a hypothalamic form of amenorrhea. Unbearable loads on an unprepared organism are charged up even when you are engaged in sports before exhausting. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the body begins to recover, finally reinforced by bread, meat and rested from unbearable workouts.

Girls, dear, do not take, please, amenorrhea as the long-awaited disposal of toxins. There is nothing good if the month is not monthly and you are not pregnant, and far from menopause.


Watch the video: No Periods For 5 Months and Not Even Pregnant! PCOS DIARIES. how I got my periods back (July 2024).