How to make a charm for all occasions with their own hands?


Amulets and protective amulets protect people on the energy level. They can be purchased and charged from experienced witches and magicians. However, practice shows that the most powerful are the talismans made with their own hands. In this article we will describe how to independently make effective amulets and amulets on your own.


Amulets are created both for personal use and as a gift to people close and dear to people. Depending on who the amulet is meant for, its purpose may be different:

  • For spouses:
    • Contribute to the preservation of love in marriage;
    • Protect against cheating;
    • Preserve from conflicts and help save the family;
  • For woman:
    • Protect against diseases of the reproductive organs;
    • Help in achieving inner harmony;
    • Charge with energy of life;
  • For a man:
    • Carry out the function of guarding against danger;
    • Restore male potency;
    • Guard in conditions of war or dangerous travel;
  • For a child:
    • They protect health and protect against serious illnesses;
    • Protect from damage, the evil eye and the black sorcery slander;
    • Contribute to the harmonious development of mental abilities;
  • For singles:
    • Give their owner a special charm and appeal;
    • Attract fans of the opposite sex.

If you make a magic amulet for yourself, its purpose may be to protect your physical health or aura from the attack of astral parasites. In addition, you can create for yourself a talisman, charged to attract good luck, happiness or attract lovers. There is also a separate class of amulets designed to protect against unfair charges and imprisonment and bad habits (smoking, drug addiction and alcoholism). You can do all these magic talismans with your own hands.

General rules of manufacture

Regardless of what kind of magic talisman you decide to make, in the manufacturing process you should follow some rules:

  • Absolutely all the manipulations from the beginning of the manufacture of the amulet to charging it you must perform alone. The presence of pets in the room is also excluded. The exception is cats, since these animals have their connection with the subtle world;
  • Create a charm, being in a state of creative inspiration. You should like the work process. Otherwise, the magical talisman cannot be charged;
  • The best time to create a protective amulet is midnight. The most energetically powerful phase of the moon for such actions is the full moon;
  • If the amulet is made for another person, you need to think about it in the manufacturing process. Imagine how a talisman will bring him happiness, mentally desire goodness and well-being;
  • While you are doing the talisman, read any prayer or magical conspiracy. Religion and denomination in this case do not matter.

If you adhere to the rules listed above, you will easily create a strong talisman.

Wood Charm

Powerful Slavic amulets and protective amulets are most often made of wood. To create a strong talisman, the following wood species are used:

  • Birch tree - suitable for healing talismans and amulets that protect the health of its owner. In addition to wood, birch leaves, bark and catkins are used;
  • Hazel - used for making amulets to increase capital;
  • Oak - a tree with the strongest male energy. From it make amulets for little boys. They help the child grow up strong and courageous;
  • Rowan and Aspen - Trees-defenders from sorcerers and the evil afterlife. Powerful amulets against astral parasites, damage, evil eye and sorcery slander are created from the wood of these varieties.

An important condition for the manufacture of an amulet made of wood is that the tree chosen for this must be perfectly healthy.

To make a wooden talisman, follow the instructions:

  • Go to the tree of your choice, worship him and kindly ask him for permission to cut a branch from him;
  • Do not take more wood than you need. The less wounds you cause to a tree, the better;
  • When leaving, leave a few coins and a piece of bread under the barrel;
  • Bring the twig back home. Keep it in a dark place for several weeks so that it absorbs the energy of your home;
  • At midnight, cut off from the workpiece a small circle. Draw on it with a scalpel, a knife or a piece of wire sacral symbol. This may be a hieroglyph or a rune with a specific meaning, a symbolic pattern or the initials of the future owner;
  • Make a small hole in the amulet into which you can pass a ribbon, thread or cord to wear it as a pendant;
  • To protect the magic talisman from damage or dust, cover its surface with varnish or melted beeswax.

It should be noted that the image of the magic symbol on the wooden charm is not a prerequisite. If you do not want to do this, say a magic conspiracy:

Strong wood -
The castle is strong.
Tenacious branches -
Tenacious lock.
Wooden castle
Protect from adversity!
Let it be so!

Thus you will create a protective talisman that will protect you or your loved ones from adversity.

Ward your own fur

For the manufacture of a charm or talisman is used almost any fur. However, if you want to give the magic product a strict focus, you should be aware of the meaning of the different types of this material:

  • The wolf is valor;
  • Bear is power;
  • Squirrel - increasing wealth;
  • Beaver - success in business;
  • Bear - power and strength;
  • Fox is an attraction.

However, the easiest way to make a universal amulet of any fur called "Brownie". This talisman is created as follows:

  • From the fur blanks cut a small circle (diameter - 8-10 cm). The edges of the workpiece should be processed;
  • In the center of the circle, put the filler (foam or cotton), sew;
  • In stores for needlework, get eyes for toys and attach to the amulet;
  • A glass bead can be used as a spout for the Brownie;
  • Make the legs of the Brownie from the same fur. Attach small pieces of material to the short laces with a quick-drying glue;
  • In the upper part of the product, fasten the eyelet so that the amulet can be hung;
  • Place the charm on the hallway door. He will protect the house from adversity and uninvited guests.

Despite the external similarity with an ordinary toy, "Brownie" is one of the most powerful magical wards against damage.

We make a charm of genuine leather

Natural leather products have a strong energy. They reflect the negative, broadcast on its owner and protect it from the possible consequences of the dark slander. Therefore, the following leather products are used as amulets:

  • Pendants and suspensions;
  • Bracelets;
  • Sheath for melee weapons;
  • Hair ornaments;
  • Wallets;
  • Belts, etc.

On the surface of leather goods must necessarily be applied the necessary letters or images.

One of the most simple in the execution of leather amulets is the guardian bracelet. It is done as follows:

  • A strip of two fingers thick is cut out of the skin layer of the person who will wear the bracelet;
  • Along the edges of the future magical talisman holes are made for lacing;
  • The image is applied by the master himself, but you can also apply for the services of an engraver;
  • After drawing the image above the product the plot is read:

First skin
From the mud will help
Second skin -
Protect from evil.
Where protection is, there is luck

The bracelet should be worn on the wrist of the right hand. It is not recommended to remove it during the period of life difficulties, as this amulet protects from collapse and emotional turmoil.

Burlap talisman

It is best to make an amulet to attract money from burlap - a small bag with a coin inside. Such an amulet will protect its owner from bankruptcy and damage to lack of money.

A burlap amulet cannot be passed to anyone. To wear it should be the one who made it.

This charm is made as follows:

  • Take a piece of burlap, long and wide with your palm;
  • Sew a bag out of it with a red wool thread;
  • Put a silver metal coin inside the bag and tie it up.

Wear a burlap talisman in the secret pocket of your outerwear. If there is no such pocket on your things, be sure to sew it.

How to make a charm of thread?

The most protective and popular talisman against damage and the evil eye remains the red thread. Make this protective talisman is very simple:

  • Take a small piece of red thread. It is important to consider that it should be natural: linen, silk, ideally - woolen. Synthetic materials to magical energy are insensitive;
  • Tie a thread on the left wrist, tying 7 knots in turn, saying:

I knit the first knot - I'll take it back;
I knit the second knot - I ease the pain.
I knit the third knot - the heat of the curse is cold.
I knit the fourth knot - I bring out evil murkiness.
Fifth, sixth - defend,
The seventh node - I protect from troubles!
Let it be according to my word!

In addition to red, to create a charm, you can use threads of other colors:

  • White - to protect against quarrels and conflicts, both at home and in a corporate setting;
  • Blue - to invoke inspiration and uncover hidden talents;
  • Yellow - for finding family happiness and comfort in relationships;
  • Orange - to attract the attention of the opposite sex;
  • Rose - to build strong relationships - both love and friendly;
  • Violet - for the development of creative abilities in children;
  • Green - to cure diseases and improve well-being;
  • Blue - for spiritual growth and success in finding your life path;
  • Brown - to increase productivity and success at work;
  • Black - to enhance the charisma and respect for others.

It is not recommended to remove the thread-guardian by yourself. You do not directly harm yourself, but deprive your energy field of additional protection.

If the thread fell by itself - do not be alarmed. This means that the magic amulet took the blow and absorbed the magical slander sent against you. If the thread is lost, do not take any action. If you find it - burn over an open fire.

What herbs are suitable for the guardian?

The choice of herbs and plants to create a charm depends on its purpose:

  • Thistle and hawthorn - to protect the house from evil spirits;
  • Red Rowan - to improve well-being and speedy recovery of a sick family member. Also used for prophylactic purposes;
  • Calamus root - promotes good health, attracts luck;
  • Basil, orange, verbena and birch leaves - to attract love;
  • Myrtle, mint and cloves - to increase wealth and success in financial affairs.

Herbalism is done as follows:

  • Pre-prepared bag of natural fabric. Best of all, if it is flax. The size of the bag depends on whether you intend to carry it with you;
  • At the same time preparing herbs. They should be dried and carefully selected. For a magical amulet fit only healthy plants;
  • On the night of the full moon worship the night light, put the plants in the bag and tie it.

The charm can be hung at the front door - then it will protect your volume. If the bag of herbs is small, you can carry it with you in your bag as an amulet.

How to make a doll charm?

In Slavic culture, dolls amulets and amulets (so-called motanki) dolls of different purposes are often mentioned. The most famous products of this type are:

  • Shrovetide doll - made of straw and cloth, protects from evil and sorcery slander. On holiday the amulet is burned;
  • Lump - magical amulet for babies. The only amulet doll that was also used as a toy for a child;
  • Bell - a doll in three skirts attracts good news to the house;
  • Pinwheel or Baba Baba - two-headed doll, symbolizing 2 stages of the female lobe - girlhood and maturity. To see the second look of the doll, it is necessary to turn it, as if, upside down;
  • Herbalist - version of a magic amulet with herbs in the form of a doll;
  • Lovebirds - connected motanka dolls in the form of a boy and a girl. Promote strong marital or love relationship. Good in the form of a wedding gift;
  • Diaper - Old Slavic magical amulet for a baby in the form of a chubby pupa. It is not accepted to draw a little face on it, the scarf decorates the head;
  • Plantain - motanka, to the handles of which a bag of native land is attached. It is given for success in traveling;
  • Spiridon-Solstice - a doll, depicting a young man holding a circle in his hands. It is done by a woman for a close man. Helps in finding his destination in life;
  • Cleansing - all the negative is put into this ritual coil, then it is burned.

Fabrics for the manufacture of dolls amulets, talismans and amulets are selected exclusively natural. The best fit is chintz and flax.

In the manufacture of each type of coil, its own characteristics are observed, however, the general regulations these are:

  • Dolls must be faceless. It is believed that if you draw her face, she will bring misfortune;
  • The reels are made without a single seam. All the details of the pupa are fastened with the help of knots. It does not matter their number - but it must be even;
  • The basis for such amulets - cruciform frame, made of twigs;
  • The first is the head of the pupa. The center of the fabric blank is placed on the frame and tied at the intersection of the cross bars. The handles of the pupa are the same fabric, tied around a horizontal crossbar of the carcass. Motanka clothes are made from a separate edge of fabric;
  • The filling of the motanka may not be, in other cases, for these purposes, healing herbs or straw are used.

Important! A motanka doll should not cause negative emotions among any family member. If this is not the case, it must be burned.

What else can you make charms?

In addition to all the charms described above, you can make embroidery amulets with your own hands. Depending on the destination, such a charm can be embroidered on both outerwear and underwear. Embroider protective symbols should be women.

On critical days, it is absolutely impossible to embroider protective amulets.

Protective embroidery charm includes the following symbols:

Ratibor This ancient Slavic symbol is exclusively male. It protects men from death and enemy intrigues. The easiest way to sew Ratibor on a piece of clothing. An important condition - the symbol must be in contact with the body of a man.
Svarozhich. Protects against degradation, prison and alcoholism.
Healer. Relieves mental and physical ailments;
Light traveler. Helps along the way. It also protects its owner from oppressive longing for his native land. 

In addition to embroidery, all of the above magic patterns can be made in wood or metal. Unlike embroidery, by tradition a man should do it.

Amulets of different nations

Each individual nation has its own cultural characteristics. This also applies to the manufacture of amulets and talismans. We recommend to pay attention to the wards of the following peoples:

  • Ukrainians:
    • Of great importance is embroidery. For example, oak leaves protect young men from enemies, and flowers on young girls' embroidered shirts - protection from the evil eye and damage;
    • Bags of well-being. The same talismans based on healing herbs;
  • Udmurtis Representatives of this nation prefer charms from the teeth of predatory animals. The function of these talismans is mainly protective. However, it is believed that the owner of such a talisman becomes stronger and more courageous;
  • Khantytsev. Like the Ukrainians, they have great value embroidery. Protection from damage and the evil eye is guaranteed by such ornaments as the Bear Track, Fox Lapa and Hare Ears. Personal happiness will help to find embroidery in the form of pine cones;
  • Japanese:
    • Maneki neko - cat amulet with a waving paw. Attracts well-being and happiness. Most often it is made of porcelain, so it’s quite difficult to make this talisman yourself. Requires special form and skills;
    • Guardian gofu - magic hieroglyphs, which are drawn in black ink by those who want to achieve a lot in life;
    • Reiki Charm - weaving of silk laces on a special technique. Each pattern has its own meaning. Reiki lagging in for good luck, in search of love, to protect against evil spirits and as wards in extreme situations.

Each amulet, not even charged, has its own strength. Therefore, it is not recommended to choose a character or a hieroglyph as a talisman, the meaning of which you do not know.

How to make a talisman for luck?

To attract happiness and well-being to the house, you can make an amulet that will also decorate your home - the Bird of Happiness. For the manufacture will need:

  • Multicolored wool threads;
  • Box from under the old CD;
  • Jute thread.

The Bird of Happiness is done as follows:

  • About 30 turns of jute are made on the box from under the disc;
  • Then the twine is removed from the box and another thread is drawn through it, from which 2 loops are made;
  • The loops come together and are wound with a red wool thread. This will be the bird's beak;
  • A place is planned where the neck should be, and it is wrapped with a rope;
  • The loops at the bottom of the skein are cut to make a tail;
  • Делается ещё 30 мотков джута, снимаются тем же образом, что и предыдущий. Вставляются в ту часть туловища Птицы-амулета, где должны быть крылья;
  • Ещё одним жгутом следует разделить хвост и туловище;
  • Хвост оплетается шерстяными нитками разных цветов. То же самое делается с крыльями;
  • Петельки на крылышках Птицы разрезаются и выравниваются.

Этот амулет на удачу можно повесить в любой комнате, или разместить в личном автомобиле. Также Птицу Счастья можно сделать из дерева.

Кроме того, можно заговорить на счастье подковку. Желательно, чтобы она была совершенно новой. В полночь возьмите в руки подковку и произнесите:

Добрая подковка,
Чистый металл,
Защити мой дом!
От навета да от зла,
Да от ловкого врага,
Пусть меня минует гром
И будет счастьем полон дом!
На счастье!
На счастье!
На счастье!

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Watch the video: Hand Stamped Jewelry. Tiny Brass Disc Charm Necklace (July 2024).