Folk remedies for cough for children: really more effective than expensive drugs. The most useful recipes of folk remedies for dry and wet cough in children


Cough is a natural reaction of the body, a reflex response to irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, nose and pleura. Like many diseases and painful conditions, cough can be treated with folk remedies, that is, in fact, it can accelerate the discharge of sputum from the bronchi, which irritates the mucous membrane.

Folk remedies for coughing children: general rules

A cough can be caused by several reasons, of which the following are the most common:

- microbes and viruses that have got into the respiratory tract;

- irritation of mucous by gas, dust, cold, dry air,

- stress and nerves.

In this article, we will only talk about coughing caused by the first cause, because for the treatment of coughing caused by the second reason, it is enough to exclude this cause, and for the treatment of nervous cough, you should use sedatives and anti-stress remedies, which are the subject of a separate conversation.

Cough is divided into dry (non-productive) and wet (productive). With an unproductive cough, you need funds that soften sputum and facilitate its discharge from the bronchi. When productive coughing, the use of any folk remedies or means of modern medicine is no longer necessary, everything goes as it should, the body copes very well and does not need help.

When you cough a child, we go to the doctor if:

- cough long (more than one and a half weeks);

- blood appears in the sputum;

- if dyspnea occurs when coughing up sputum (it may be a symptom of various diseases: chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, etc.);

- if there is pain in the chest.

Folk remedies for cough for children with dry cough

To soften the sputum and facilitate its withdrawal are used:

- hot drinks (any and many).

Hot milk with honey and / or butter and / or soda works great (at the tip of the knife). You can boil a couple of onions and a small garlic head in milk, you can boil a tablespoon of pine buds in milk;

- saline gargle.

When a strong cough irritates the throat mucosa, which in turn enhances the irritation and mucous of the respiratory tract. To reduce this effect, gargle with salt water obtained from half a teaspoon of salt and a glass of water. Rinse as often as it will be convenient;

- inhalation.

Humid air gets into lungs easier, therefore, having made to the child inhalation even from usual water, you facilitate its state.

Inhalation with mineral water or drinking soda will be even more effective, but all records on the effectiveness of inhalation beat from ordinary potatoes. We take a saucepan with freshly cooked potatoes, cover a child with a head with a large towel or blanket and learn to breathe alternately with your mouth, now with your nose. Course - 3 - 4 days, 10 minutes before bedtime.

Inhalation can be done with a decoction of pine buds. You need to boil them for 15 minutes in a proportion of 0.5 tablespoon per half glass of water, add a few drops of cedar essential oil before inhalation;

- warming means.

Potato warmers are made elementary: freshly boiled potatoes are kneaded, olive oil (a tablespoon) and iodine (a couple of drops) are added to it, the resulting mass is laid out on the chest and back over a layer of paper, covered with plastic on top and wrapped. Holds to cool.

Bearish or badger fat (usually with honey) is applied directly to the skin (it must naturally be heated beforehand). Compress is done at night.

Compress with salt water is also done at night, the efficiency is noticeably inferior to a compress from fat, so if there is a choice, then it is better to choose a bear or badger fat. Compress with salt is done in proportion 1 tablespoon of salt on a plate of water, applied with a woolen cloth, wrapped with a blanket or sweater on top. Unfortunately, salt can cause irritation, so the first time a compress is best done during the day and to track the body's reaction to it.

Mustard plaster of cabbage with honey is made simple: honey is applied to the cabbage leaf as the base, the sheet is applied to the chest, covered with paper, fixed with a bandage or adhesive plaster, a sweater is put on top.

- foot warmers.

Mustard solution showed itself well (a couple of tablespoons of dry mustard with as much water as needed to cover the legs). The procedure is done 15 minutes three times a day, after it warm socks are put on - and under a blanket.

- massage of the chest and back. It is done several times a day, the direction of the massage is from bottom to top, to the throat, as if expelling sputum on the way out;

- radish with honey.

From the black bellied radish, the top is cut off, the flesh is scraped out and several spoons of honey are poured into the resulting space. Let it brew and dispense the resulting juice three times a day for a teaspoon, not more than 3 days;

- bulb with honey.

It is prepared similarly to radish, but, unlike it, after adding honey to the onion, it is not left to infuse, but is baked in the oven for just 15 minutes at an average temperature. When cool - you can eat;

- Aloe with honey.

Chopped aloe leaf mixed with honey (300 gr.), Pour water (500 ml), put on low heat for two hours. The resulting composition to drink twice a day: children under 3 years old - 1 tsp., Older children - 1 tbsp. l .;

- cough mixture.

Honey (150 gr.) + Chopped walnuts (250 gr.) + Lemon juice (2 pcs.) + Aloe juice (50 ml). Use three times a day for 1 tsp. before meals.

Juice of one lemon + 2 tbsp. l glycerin + honey. Mix, insist one hour. Drink up to seven times a day for a tablespoon;

- onion decoction.

Place a medium onion and half a cup of sugar in a liter of water, cook for about an hour on low heat, then let stand for 20 minutes and discard the onions. It is given warm 4 times a day, 100 ml;

- oatmeal broth with raisins.

Add a tablespoon of oats and raisins to a liter of water, cook on low heat until half the water boils away, wait for it to cool, remove the waste ingredients from the broth and add honey at the tip of the knife. Take 1 tbsp. l 3 times a day.

- remedies for healing herbs.

Sage: pour 1 tbsp. l a glass of milk, hold for 10 minutes over low heat, wait until cool, strain, let stand for at least an hour. Use half a cup a day before bedtime.

Lipa and licorice: 6 tbsp. spoons of lime and 4 tbsp. l licorice root pour two cups of water, boil literally five minutes on low heat, let it brew for at least 2 hours. To feed a child three times a day and 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Plantain: dry leaves (1 tbsp. L.) Pour boiling water (1 tbsp.), Do not cook, leave under the lid to infuse for at least two hours. Drink half a glass 4 times a day;

Pine, plantain and coltsfoot: mix 1 tbsp. spoon of each ingredient, add water (up to 1 tbsp.), cook for 15 minutes on low heat, infuse for at least an hour. Drink three times a day, a whole glass per day;

- recipes from vegetables.

The onion, potato and apple are simmered in a liter of water until half the volume boils out. Broth strain, drink a teaspoon, the number of receptions is not limited.

Mash boiled potatoes, add boiled milk and chopped cloves of young garlic, pour potato broth to the formation of mashed potatoes. The resulting puree is 2-3 times a day;

- iodine net.

The distance between the lines is about five centimeters, it is not necessary to part.

Important: warming agents for the whole body or for the legs are not used if the child has a fever.

Folk remedies for cough for children with wet cough

As explained above, it is not necessary to use special clearing agents for wet coughing. However, to warm the body as a whole and to soften the airways nothing interferes, therefore should continue to apply:

- hot drinks, including milk, onion and oat broth,

- salt gargles,

- inhalation.

In addition, do not stop doing massage of the chest and back, as well as monitor nutrition. As can be seen from the above recipes, several products are most often used to treat cough: milk, boiled potatoes, onions, honey. Therefore, all the time, until the cough is over, we try to feed the child with liquid mashed potatoes in boiled milk, as well as with any means prepared (or raw) bulbs. All this is generously flavored with honey, if it is not allergic.

As a rule, when using folk remedies, cough can be treated rather quickly. Most of these tools are made according to the simplest recipes from ordinary, always available in the house products. All these features make the treatment of cough folk remedies promising - this is just the rare case when folk remedies are not only more harmless to the body compared to modern medicine, but also much more effective.


Watch the video: Chronic Cough Treatment for Children - Mindy Ross, MD. UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital (July 2024).