Turkey pan: recipes from around the world. How to fry a turkey in a frying pan tasty and fast: legs, steaks, stews with vegetables


The bird, previously known as the favorite American delicacy on Thanksgiving, gradually entered Russian cuisine, debunking one after another the myths about themselves.

Previously it was thought so: it is a dry bird, from which little can be prepared, and even that little promised great labor, fraught with questionable results.

But this bird, contrary to rumors, has significant nutritional value and low price, and is also able to replace beef or pork in any meat platter. And you can cook it at least every week, using a variety of recipes, sauces, combinations and your own imagination.

Turkey in a pan - the general principles of cooking:

• It is better to roast a turkey separately from the other ingredients. Of course, if the subsequent quenching is provided for in the recipe, then there will not be a crisp crust. But it will taste good: put out a turkey in a frying pan without frying, you will not achieve it.

• Chilled turkey is always better than frozen.

• Never start cooking a turkey if it is still cold. Her meat in this case loses juiciness. Take the bird out of the fridge in advance so that the temperature rises to room temperature.

• Frozen birds need to be “thawed” slowly: in water that needs to be replaced regularly, or indoors. A carcass of about 8-9 kg, for example, is defrosted for up to two days.

• It is necessary to purchase a turkey no sooner than two days before cooking: you must thoroughly rinse a fresh carcass in running water, wipe dry both inside and outside, cover with foil and refrigerate.

• Home-made turkey in a frying pan fried without oil - she will let the fat, and the oil is not needed. To store the bird always have to add vegetable oil.

• Each piece of turkey in the pan takes its time. Fillet will be ready to eat in 25 minutes. It takes 20 minutes to chop the fillet, roast the legs for about 35 minutes.

• Fresh bird skin should be light, a slight yellowish tint is possible.

• If the turkey is pre-soaked in marinade (suitable for any recipe), the turkey meat will be much softer and richer. Marinated carcass from 2 to 4 days depending on size. The marinade can be just salted water with spices or vinegar (ordinary or wine), dry wine, as well as pomegranate, apple, orange and any freshly squeezed juices. Natural kefir or yogurt - the same excellent marinades for turkey.

• There are a lot of spices suitable for marinating turkey. Marinate bird with pepper and ginger, cloves and cardamom, turmeric, cinnamon and many other spices. Well suited oriental and Caucasian spices. However, it is not recommended to use ready-made black pepper for such purposes - it will give your dish with bitter turkey. Better to crush the peas themselves pepper. Salt is desirable to use cooking, coarse grinding. If desired, you can change it to soy sauce.

Common ingredients for all recipes: vegetable oil (usually 2-3 tablespoons), pepper and salt.

Tender Turkey in a Stroganoff Pan with Mushrooms


• Meat from turkey legs: 300 g

• White mushrooms: 100 g.

• Bulbs: 2 pcs.

• Sour cream (high fat): 0.25 cup.

• Mustard: 1 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

The meat from the legs required to cut into "cubes" and put on a hot frying pan with butter and fry a little. Then the onion is cut into cubes, and each white mushroom - into quarters. Mushrooms and onions are added to the turkey in the pan, the resulting mass is stewed over low heat until the water evaporates.

Then sour cream, mustard, pepper and salt are added here. It remains only to mix, bring the dish to a boil and stew for another 5 minutes.

Turkey in a pan "Hercules" in oatmeal breading


• Poultry fillet: 1 kg.

• Egg: 1 pc.

• Onion: 1 pc.

• Mayonnaise: 3 tbsp. l

• Flour: 1 tbsp. l

• Some oatmeal.

Cooking method:

The cooking process begins with pickling a turkey according to one of the above principles. The fillet is cut into not very large pieces and placed in the marinade. Then, when the marinating process is over, you can proceed to the preparation of the dish itself. Before putting the turkey slices in the pan, rub the onion on a large grater (or simply chop the onion), mix it with the egg, flour and mayonnaise, add the vegetable oil to the mixture, pepper and salt it. The resulting mass is poured fillets, the products are mixed, and in this form remain for some time at room temperature. This is an additional marinade in mayonnaise.

After 2 hours, you need to heat the pan, pour two spoons of any vegetable oil into it, and, paning the fillet pieces in oatmeal, spread the turkey into the pan and fry until it is well reddened.

Turkey in a pan in klyare country


• Turkey fillet: 0.5 kg.

• Egg whites: 3 pcs.

• Flour: 3 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

First you need to separate the whites and yolks. In a container with proteins add flour, salt and pepper in a small amount, and how to whisk or whisk or blender. Cut turkey meat into pieces, repel, pepper and salt. In a frying pan, heated with butter, each piece of turkey is laid out after it is dipped in batter. Roasted turkey pieces in a frying pan about 10-15 minutes from all sides on low heat without a lid until cooked.

Breast Chicken Breast Chops "Crunchy"

This healthy and completely dietary turkey dish in the pan is cooked as fast as the previous ones. The turkey chops according to this recipe will save you in case of unexpected guests, when you need to act promptly and feed tasty.


• Fillet: 400-500 g.

• Eggs: 1-2 pcs.

• Breadcrumbs: 5-6 tbsp. l

• Provencal herbs (or other spices): 0.5-1 t. ​​L.

• Flour: 1 tbsp. l

• Some oatmeal.

• Baked or butter (in addition to vegetable): 1 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

We must begin by washing the fillet and thoroughly drying it with paper napkins or towels. Then the meat is cut into pieces - always across the fibers. A half-kilogram piece of fillet is from 4 to 6 slices about 20 mm thick. Place the chunks in the bag and beat with a wooden mallet, with little effort, until they "lose weight" to 13-15 mm. Sprinkle with pepper.

Then follows a fork or a whisk to beat the egg, pouring the Provencal herbs there (you can replace them with any set of dried greenery that exists in the farm). In a mixture of eggs and herbs should be dipped chops, then put them in a container and pour the same remains of a beaten egg. Leave to stand at least a quarter of an hour at room temperature. If your guests did not come out unexpectedly, then such a marinade can be made in advance. In this case, the container with meat and eggs can be covered with film and left overnight or even half a day in the refrigerator.

It remains only to deeply breaded chops in breadcrumbs just before the frying process. Put a frying pan with a thick bottom on an intense fire and, when the vegetable oil "perekalitsya", add a little cream (taste, not necessary). By themselves, turkey chops in a pan are roasting faster than the preparation process. After almost a minute, the bottom of the chop becomes ruddy, you need to turn it up a bit, “remove” the fire, add salt to the already roasted side. The second side is ready as quickly. The main thing - do not overcook, the turkey in such cases quickly becomes hard and dry.

Spicy turkey drumstick in a soy sauce


• Shin: 1 pc.

• A little bit of olive oil: about 2-3 tbsp. l

• Paprika: 1 tbsp. l

• Garlic: 2-3 teeth.

• Dried basil: 1 tsp.

• Soy sauce: 2 tbsp. l

• Balsamic vinegar: 2 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

Shin the bird should be cut across into pieces of approximately 2 cm. Put the pieces in a deep plate or bowl. Then grind.

Now you need to cook the sauce: mix olive oil and balsamic vinegar and soy sauce, adding paprika, basil, and salt. The resulting mixture is poured over shreds, the whole mass is covered with a lid and remains marinated for at least one hour (at room temperature). Pieces periodically need to be turned. The longer the cooked mass will stand, the tastier and more tender the dish will turn out.

When it comes time to fry spicy turkey in a frying pan, you will need to heat the frying pan with olive oil on low or medium heat and put the pickled pieces there, leaving the marinade in the container without pouring. The drumstick is fried in this case for 5 minutes from all sides, then it is filled with the remaining marinade. Stew for another 10 minutes.

Juicy turkey in a pan with vegetables in Samarkand


• Turkey fillet: 0.5 kg.

• Zucchini: 1 pc.

• Bulgarian pepper: 1 pc.

• Tomatoes: 2 pcs.

• Carrots: 1 pc.

• Onion.

• Garlic: 2 teeth

• Olive oil: 3 tbsp. l

• Parsley: half bunch.

• Turmeric: half tsp.

Cooking method:

First, heat the pan with 2 tablespoons of oil, then - lay out the turkey and fry, occasionally stirring the pieces, about a quarter of an hour on low heat, without covering with a lid.

At the same time, you can have time to peel and cut the vegetables, if everything is not ready yet. Onions and peppers are cut into half rings, carrots should be grated with a large grater. Tomatoes should not only be washed, but also poured with boiling water and peeled, then cut into small pieces. Zucchini also need to be cleaned from the skin and remove the seeds. Chop the garlic in any suitable way.

For vegetables, you first need another pan. On it in turn, with a break of five minutes laid out vegetables in a certain sequence:

• Bow.

• Carrot.

• Tomatoes.

• Squash.

After the products on both pans will look like ready-made, they should be mixed together and fry together for another 20 minutes, adding seasonings.

Mix vegetables and fillets, sprinkle them with salt, turmeric, pepper, add garlic, pour half a glass of boiling water, then stew for 20-25 minutes under a lid on a low heat.

The final note of taste to the turkey with vegetables in Samarkand will be given to chopped parsley and sour cream - already on the table, as seasoning and decoration.

Mexican Roasted Turkey with Green Beans, Tomatoes and Garlic


• Turkey fillet: 0.4 kg.

• Tomatoes and onions: 2 pcs.

• Garlic: 2 teeth.

• Green string beans: 2 cups.

• Olive oil: 2 tbsp. l

• Parsley, other spices.

Cooking method:

Turkey fillet in a pan with vegetables is an easy and “quick” dish, which is enough for a large family.

First, the fillet is finely chopped, then it is fried in olive oil until lightly browned. Put the pieces on a separate plate using a skimmer.

All green bean pods should be cut into 2-3 pieces, remove the hard parts and veins and boil until softened in a small amount of water. In a pan, where the fillet was cooked (in the same oil), fry the tomatoes and onions, cut into half rings, add chopped greens and garlic, season with spices to taste, salt and pepper.

Mix the resulting mass and fry together for 3-5 minutes over low heat. Then add the turkey and beans. The last stage of cooking is stewing. Some liquid is poured into the pan (just enough so that the ingredients are barely covered with water). Now you can cover the almost finished dish with a lid, and within 10-15 minutes of the final stage of the process, begin to set the table.

French-style turkey steak in a frying pan diet

Because of the ease with which the turkey fat is absorbed by the human body, this dish is perfect for those who follow a diet for weight, although the word "steak" sounds like something high-calorie.


• Turkey meat: 0.5 kg.

• Butter: 1 tbsp. l

• Ground red pepper: 1/3 tsp.

• Oil - olive or corn.

• Paprika: o, 5 tsp.

• Curry powder: o, 5 tsp.

Cooking method:

Rinse the fillets thoroughly in running water and cut into steaks. Stir all the spices together. Each piece of turkey grate with spices and leave for half an hour. You can wrap the steaks in food film - so the spices soak the meat more deeply.

Heat pan with a thick bottom together with a mixture of butter and corn or olive oils.

Put steaks in a hot pan. Then fry for about 10 minutes over medium heat, turning over every 2 minutes.

Then cover the pan with a lid and set the fire to minimum. Thus, steaks should be stewed for another 5 minutes. After turning off the pan, cover with foil for a few minutes and allow the ready-made steaks to “walk” a little.

Pumpkin stew with turkey "Autumn"


• Turkey (leg, fillet or turkey minced): 0.5 kg.

• Pumpkin: 4 cups.

• Onion and sweet pepper: 1 pc.

• Garlic: 1 clove.

• Tomatoes: 3 pcs.

• Greens: to taste.

• Grated cheese: 0.5 cups.

• Sour cream: 0.5 glass.

Cooking method:

Rub cheese and pumpkin on a grater.

If you have prepared shins or turkey fillets for the recipe, fry them in a frying pan until a uniform blush, turning and setting aside.

Peel the vegetables. Onions and garlic are cut smaller than the rest, Bulgarian pepper - into small squares. Put the vegetables in a pre-heated frying pan and simmer over low heat until they are softer. Next, add the turkey to the pan (or turkey mince) and fry until the mass becomes dark golden color.

Add diced tomatoes with pumpkin, add, seasoned with spices and salt. It remains only to put out under a lid on a low fire for another 15-20 minutes.

Grated cheese is useful already for the prepared stew: they serve the dish to the table with cheese, sour cream and green dressing.

Turkey fillet in a pan "Sweet remnants"


• Turkey fillet: how much to eat.

• Sour cream, cream, kefir: any dairy products.

• Onions, garlic, greens, dill, parsley - any vegetable that is in the fridge.

• Spices.

Cooking method:

This recipe is suitable for those hostesses who have a turkey, but nothing is added to it from the ingredients mentioned in other recipes. Therefore, in the refrigerator you can find everything that looks like vegetables and greens, and chop for zazharki.

First fillet is cut. Slices of turkey in a pan fried a few minutes to a light blush. Then chopped vegetables are added to the ruddy pieces. The resulting mass is roasted on a not very high heat for about 15 minutes.

In principle, you can do without sour-milk products by extinguishing the dish under the lid over low heat, topping up with ordinary water. But with kefir or sour cream the taste will be softer and thinner.

Pan Turkey - Tips and Tips

• If you want turkey meat in a pan to be crispy, there should not be any excess liquid in the dish — vegetables or water. Only frying on medium heat, excluding quenching. You can fry the vegetables separately and serve as a side dish.

• If you venture to fry and simmer the whole turkey in the pan, place the bird breast down. This is the driest place in the carcass and so it will turn out much juicier.

• Ready turkey, like chicken, is determined by piercing: a clear liquid should flow out of the thick parts.

• The remaining after frying the turkey fillet in a pan can be used to prepare another dish: a side dish, soup or gravy.

• Adding a few drops of lemon will give the turkey steak in the pan a delicate and subtle flavor.

• Steaks after frying must "rest" for a few minutes.

• Roasted turkey meat is suitable for sandwiches no worse than sausage or bacon, especially if you add a piece of fillet with lettuce and a slice of tomato.

• It is better to water large pieces of meat of this bird during frying with its “own juice”. This is an additional safety net against the notorious dryness of turkey meat.

• Do not forget about the intricacies: the rules of defrosting and marinating. This applies not only to satsivi, chakhokhbili, schnitzel, juliens, but also to meatballs, meatballs, and even to nuggets and turkey pate.


Watch the video: The BEST Smothered Turkey Wings Recipe: How To Make Baked Turkey Wings In Gravy (July 2024).