Folk remedies for high blood pressure: herbs and diet. Learn how to deal with high blood pressure folk remedies


Periodic pressure increase - a condition that cannot be ignored. With high blood pressure, as a rule, a person experiences headache, dizziness, heart pain, nausea.

In some cases, the disease does not cause any special sensations. The patient thinks that it is enough to lie down, and a slight malaise will pass by itself.

High blood pressure is not for nothing called a silent killer. It can lead to the development of stroke, heart attack, heart or kidney failure, and sometimes to loss of vision.

Therefore, if your pressure exceeds the permissible norms (120/80), then urgent measures must be taken to normalize it. In this case, specialist advice is important so that you receive an appointment according to your individual characteristics.

For the main therapy, you can additionally apply medicinal mixtures, infusions, offered by traditional medicine.

Folk remedies for high blood pressure: herbs

1. For the treatment of hypertension, use a simple proven prescription for the preparation of a medicinal product. collecting. Take 100 g of such plants: chamomile, immortelle, St. John's wort, birch buds. Pre-crushed, mix everything and put in a glass dish.

In the evening, pour a glass of the mixture with boiling water (500 ml) and let it brew for about half an hour. Strain and immediately drink half the infusion. For the effectiveness of the drug, add 1 teaspoon to the infusion honey.

Warm the rest of the infusion in the morning and drink it before eating in 20 minutes. Treatment should be carried out until the medicinal composition is over.

2. Mix motherwort grass (4 tbsp.), Cinnamon grass (3 tbsp.), Hawthorn fruit (1 tbsp.), Mint leaves (0.5 tbsp.), Shepherd’s bag (1 tbsp.), rowan fruits (1 tablespoon), dill (1 tablespoon), flax seeds (1 tablespoon), strawberry leaves (2 tablespoons).

Mix everything well and pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture with boiling water (2-3 glasses). Set aside to insist all night, and in the morning drink the infusion in a warm form throughout the day.

3. Another one collection Medicinal plants are able to regulate pressure. Mix valerian roots (2 parts), caraway fruits (1 part), hawthorn flowers (3 parts), mistletoe grass (4 parts). As in the previous recipe, mix everything. Take 2 tablespoons of herbs and pour boiling water (400 ml).

Insist such a tool should be about 2 hours. Then it must be filtered and drunk all day.

4. Mix the following herbs: tansy and elecampane root (in equal proportions). 1 teaspoon of the product (just follow the dosage. Wormwood is a poisonous herb!) Pour 2 cups of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for quite a long time - 1-1.5 hours. Drink in three doses, half a glass.

5. 30 g of valerian roots, the same amount of anise grass, motherwort mix with 20 g of yarrow and 20 g of sunflower petals. The herbs must be crushed, then the mixture will be homogeneous.

Put 1 tablespoon of the mixture in an enameled container and pour a glass of boiling water. Then cover and let stand for 20 minutes.

Strain through a strainer and take a third of a glass 2 times a day with meals.

6. Peppermint Tea with regular use, normalizes blood pressure. It can not only be used inside, but also rubbed into the neck.

Folk remedies for high blood pressure: we just cope with the problem

1. Grind 5 cloves garlic - medicines for all diseases and lemon (grind with peel). Stir and add half a glass of honey to the mixture. Infuse the drug for a week (preferably in a dark place), and then take a teaspoon three times a day.

2. Consume daily kefir. Throw a pinch in one glass of product cinnamon.

3. Mix in equal proportions (1 cup each) freshly squeezed juices: carrots, beets, horseradish. Pre-chop horseradish roots on a grater or with a meat grinder and add water. Infuse the mixture for about a day.

Add a tablespoon to the healing composition for hypertension. honey and juice 1 lemon. Mix everything and drink 2 times a day in a glass of funds. With prolonged use (1-1.5 months), positive results can be expected.

4. To clean the vessels and strengthen their tone will help cranberry. Grind half a kilogram of berries through a meat grinder and add 1 cup of honey to the mixture. Tasty and healthy medicine is ready! Take it once a day.

5. Onion peel since ancient times used in the treatment of high blood pressure. It has a laxative, diuretic, vasoconstrictive effect. To prepare a healing broth, take a few tablespoons of husk and pour a glass of vodka.

Infuse the mixture for a week (preferably in a dark place), then strain it and drink this way: in 20-30 drops of the product, add 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil. Take twice a day for two weeks. Then take a short break (10 days) and continue treatment.

6. Beetroot Kvass - a tool that is effective at elevated pressure. The recipe is as follows: grind or mince 1 kg of beets through a meat grinder. Put the mixture in a 3 liter jar and pour clean water, add a little apple cider vinegar or lemon.

Infuse the mixture for 2-3 days and drink about a month in half a glass before sitting at the table.

7. Another beetroot recipe. Make a mixture of juice vegetable (300 ml) and honey (200 g). Use a healing agent three times a day for a tablespoon.

Beetroot cleanses and strengthens blood vessels, has a mild laxative and diuretic effect. If you follow the general recommendations, which are slightly lower, this tool eliminates excess body fat and normalizes blood pressure.

8. In the treatment of hypertension successfully used rose hip. Grind 20 g of fruit, then pour them with boiling water (0, 5 l) in a thermos. Set aside to insist all night. In the morning, take a decoction of half a glass before eating.

It is important to know that rosehip is contraindicated in people with a tendency to thrombosis. It is not recommended to use it for those who suffer from gastritis, ulcers, kidney disease, diabetes.

In addition, after eating an infusion or decoction of rose hips, thoroughly rinse your mouth with water.

9. Drug mixture from pressure: onions, walnuts, honey, vodka. Make 3 kg of onion juice. Grind 25 nuts in a convenient way for you. Mix everything and add honey (0.5 l) and the same amount of vodka.

Infuse the mixture for 10 days in a dark place, and then drink until you feel improvement. Dose - 1 tablespoon before meals.

How to quickly reduce pressure at home

Blood pressure rises due to stressful situations, mood swings, and also after severe overwork. Contrast douche will help ease the condition and lower the pressure washing face and collar area with warm water.

In addition, they lower the pressure. vinegar compresses. Apple cider vinegar is diluted with water in equal proportions, moistened with a towel in the solution, then squeezed and applied to the feet. Feet should be wrapped with a wet towel. The compress is kept for 10 minutes, then the feet are rinsed with cool water.

If you feel bad, lie down, but so that the legs are not below the level of the body. Remove bright light, noise. Do not watch TV or sit at a computer or make sudden movements.

If you experience the first symptoms of hypertension, drink rosehip, motherwort or hawthorn tea.

It is even better to dissolve a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice in a glass of mineral water. Mix everything and drink at a time.

In no case during a period of pressure increase Do not take hot baths. At the first sign of illness, go for a walk. This will allow you to relax and saturate the body with oxygen.

Folk remedies for high blood pressure - general recommendations

1. With a regular increase in pressure refuse from eating peas, beans, dark meat. It is also recommended to minimize the amount of muffin, fatty, salty, smoked, canned food.

Such products increase cholesterol, which contributes to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

The menu must include chicory, green tea, hibiscus tea. The latter perfectly normalizes blood pressure, which is proved by scientific studies.

In addition, it is recommended to limit the use of salt so that the fluid does not linger in the body. It is useful to eat vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, oatmeal, buckwheat, whole grain bread, dairy products.

2. Drink enough clean water.

3. Regularly measure your pressure. The procedure is best done in the morning at the same time at rest.

4. Sleeping not less than 7-8 hours.

5. Give up from smoking and alcohol.

6. Avoid stress, learn to relax.

The treatment of hypertension is a process that requires some effort.

The presented folk methods act on the body gently and sparingly.

In any case, before choosing a particular remedy for treatment, consult a doctor.


Watch the video: Treating High Blood Pressure (July 2024).