Soup with tomatoes - a classic. World recipes for cooking soups with tomatoes: tasty, healthy, unusual


You can diversify the first course menu with simple, interesting recipes for making soup with tomatoes.

It would seem that he added a tomato to the roast for any soup and is ready. But there are many recipes for making soup with tomatoes using a certain technology. Among them - there are unusual, which you, most likely, have never tried.

In each country, tomato soups are prepared according to their own unique recipes. Consider the general principles of cooking soup with tomatoes.

Soup with tomatoes - the general principles of cooking

Regardless of the recipe of preparation use such products:

• meat to taste: pork, lamb, beef, chicken;

• fresh tomatoes;

• onion;

• carrot;

• potatoes;

• vegetable oil;

• regular salt;

• spices.

The principle of cooking soup with tomatoes:

1. Meat is washed, cut and put in a pan with cold water for boiling broth.

2. Potato peeled, cut into strips.

3. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrot and fry the vegetables in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

4. Tomatoes are doused with boiling water to remove the skin. Then grind into a homogeneous mass on a blender or mixer. You can chop the tomatoes with the skin into cubes and add to roasting. It all depends on the recipe.

5. When the broth begins to boil, to it add the prepared vegetables, spices, salt. Before the end of cooking, you can spice up the soup with small noodles, noodles, or dumplings. It also depends on your taste, desire and recipe used.

Soup with Tomatoes and Chicken

This is the easiest recipe for cooking chicken soup with tomatoes. Due to the chopped tomatoes in a blender, the dish is quite dense. At the end of cooking, it is recommended to add lemon to make a slightly sour taste. Of the spices - be sure to bay leaf and black pepper.


• Two chicken breasts.

• Four tomatoes.

• Garlic.

• Vegetable oil for frying.

• One hundred grams of small vermicelli (gossamer).

• Two onions.

• Salt.

• Pepper.

• Fresh greens.

• Two or three lemon wedges.

Cooking method:

1. Chicken fillet washed and boiled saturated broth. If you do not like the "floating" onion in the soup - add the whole onion, salt.

2. In the meantime, tomatoes are dusted with boiling water, they are freed from the skin and passed through a blender.

3. Garlic is passed through a press and fried on a slow fire.

4. Add the resulting tomato paste to the garlic and allow another six to seven minutes to sweat.

5. Cooked chicken meat is divided into pieces.

6. Tomatoes with garlic shift in a separate pan, add boiled broth and bring to a boil.

7. In soup, throw small vermicelli and chicken pieces.

8. I cook the finished dish with lemon and freshly cut greens.

Soup with tomatoes "Senor Tomato"

This recipe is especially loved by hostesses in the summer in the summer season. Because meat is used instead of stew, which reduces cooking time. A fresh tomato is rich in any vegetable garden.


• 6-7 tomatoes.

• 250 grams of any stew.

• One celery or parsley root.

• 3-4 potatoes.

• One onion.

• Five tablespoons of grated cheese.

• Cumin, pepper, salt - to taste

Cooking method:

1. Boil water in a saucepan. Meanwhile, peel potatoes and cut into strips.

2. Put the stew in boiling water, chopped vegetables and cook until ready.

3. Shred the onion, cut two or three tomatoes into cubes and fry in oil in a frying pan.

4. Stir-fried vegetable mixture is added to the soup along with cumin and pepper. Bring to a boil.

5. When serving, put on each plate several slices of tomatoes and sprinkle the soup with grated cheese.

Tomato and Pork Soup

Broth from pork meat will be more saturated and rich in fats. Fresh tomatoes will give the soup a fresh summer scent and sourness.


• 400 grams of pork.

• Five pieces of potatoes.

• One carrot.

• One onion.

• One red bell pepper.

• Four fresh tomatoes.

• Parsley.

• Salt.

• Pepper Peas.

Cooking method:

1. Pork meat washed, separated from the veins and excess fat, cut into medium portions.

2. Pour cold water into the pan, put the meat in and put the broth to cook, do not forget to remove the excess foam.

3. After boiling, put chopped onion, chopped potatoes, grated carrots. Leave on slow gas.

4. Remove the core from the pepper, finely chop.

5. Cut tomatoes into cubes or circles.

6. Add the remaining vegetables to the soup.

7. Leave to languish on slow gas for ten minutes.

8. At the end of cooking, we throw fresh cut greens.

9. Give boil hot and pour into plates.

Soup with tomatoes "Mr. Tomato"

If there is a surplus of tomatoes in the fridge, do not rush to let them into tomato paste or juice. Use this recipe to make a tasty, unusual soup. For the broth you need a piece of meat, you can on the bone, or minced.


• 500 grams of minced meat or meat.

• Four to five cherry tomatoes or two ordinary tomatoes.

• Three medium sized potatoes.

• Two onions.

• One carrot.

• 50 grams of rice.

• Sunflower oil for roasting.

• Salt, pepper - to taste.

• Two bay leaves.

• Fresh herbs (dill, parsley).

Cooking method:

1. For the preparation of broth using beef, pork or meatballs from minced meat. To taste and desire - chicken fillet will do.

2. When using meat - it is washed, cut into portions and set to cook broth. When cooking soup with meatballs - first, balls of the size of one or two centimeters are formed from minced meat, then thrown into boiling water.

3. Rice grits are washed several times with running water and added to boiling broth.

4. Potatoes are peeled, diced, added to soup.

5. Carrots are passed through a grater, the onions are peeled and finely chopped.

6. Prepared vegetables are fried in a frying pan with oil on medium gas for ten minutes.

7. Tomatoes are washed, cut into cubes and added to roasted carrots and onions. Stew another five to six minutes.

8. Prepared roasting is poured into broth, left to cook on slow gas for another fifteen minutes.

9. At the end of cooking, throw bay leaf, salt and pepper to taste.

10. Fresh greens are washed, finely chopped.

11. Soup is poured into plates and decorated with greens.

Soup with tomatoes "Vitamin"

This recipe for making a light tomato soup will require silent, unripe tomatoes. And walnuts will add a dish of refinement and calorie. The soup is served cold, so it will be perfect for dinner in hot weather.


• One kilogram of tomatoes.

• Three feathers of garlic.

• One sweet red pepper.

• Half a glass of crushed walnuts.

• Salt, fresh greens.

• Pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Pour pure water into the pan and leave to boil.

2. Tomatoes cut into small slices.

3. Nuts are crushed and mixed with garlic, passed through a press.

4. Salt boiling water, add chopped peppers, tomatoes and garlic-peanut mixture.

5. Bring to a boil and cool.

6. When serving, decorate with greens and chopped sweet pepper.

Fresh Italian Tomato Soup

As soon as different peoples do not use tomatoes in the preparation of first courses. Italians do not pour tomatoes for soup with boiling water and do not fry. They are added fresh to the finished dish.


• Six potatoes.

• ¼ medium cauliflower head.

• 24 pods of beans and peas (in equal weight).

• One pod of pepper.

• Vegetable oil.

• Two or three fresh tomatoes.

• One carrot.

• One stem of green onions, herbs, salt, spices.

Cooking method:

1. Peel, wash and cut carrot, onion and greens into thin strips.

2. Vegetables are passaged in oil and water.

3. Bean pods and peas washed and cut

4. Potatoes are peeled, washed, cut into slices and dipped in boiling salted water for ten minutes.

5. In the pan add sliced ​​pods, "pass" and disassembled into small cabbage cabbage.

6. Allowed to simmer for ten minutes on low heat under a lid.

7. At the end of cooking put sliced ​​tomatoes and salt.

8. When serving sprinkle with fresh herbs and chopped peppers.

Soup with tomatoes "Chegem"

One of the most interesting and unusual recipes for a soup with tomatoes is with the addition of lentil beans and eggplants. Serve garlic croutons or toasted bread to the first course.


• 100 grams of dry lentils.

• 200 grams of eggplant.

• 60 grams of seed onions.

• One red pepper.

• Two garlic feathers.

• Two large tomatoes.

• Vegetable oil.

• Salt to taste.

• White bread.

Cooking method:

1. Lentils are sorted, poured with two liters of cold water and set on fire.

2. An hour later add peeled onions.

3. Eggplants are peeled, cut into thin slices and added to the soup.

4. Peeled finely chopped tomatoes are fried and dipped in soup.

5. Cook for fifteen minutes on low heat.

6. Ready soup is filled with pounded garlic and peeled finely chopped pepper.

7. Bread is fried in vegetable oil, if desired, rubbed with garlic and served to the soup.

Soup with tomatoes "Pyrenean"

Eat the first dish cooked according to this exquisite recipe, having the Pyrenean landscape in front of your eyes. Mountain air and light breeze will help your appetite.


• One eggplant.

• One pod of red, green and yellow sweet pepper.

• Two pods of red hot pepper.

• Three fresh tomatoes.

• Two cloves of garlic.

• Vegetable oil.

• Salt, seasoning.

• Dry greens.

• Magazine colored clipping with the Pyrenees.

Cooking method:

1. Eggplant cut into circles and salt.

2. From the sweet pepper, remove the core and cut.

3. Hot pepper is cut, freed from seeds and cut into rings.

4. Tomatoes cut into cubes.

5. Onions and garlic peeled and finely chopped. Fry with hot peppers in oil.

6. Add the eggplant, sweet peppers and stew a little more, stirring.

7. Then pour the vegetables in the pan with hot water and salt.

8. Fill with dry greens and bring to a boil under the lid.

9. To “heal” the aroma tickling nostrils, seasoning is put in the soup three minutes before the readiness.

Tomato Soup with Tomatoes

This cream soup is especially relevant in the summer-autumn period, when tomatoes and basil greens grown on the backyard are really juicy. The highlight of the recipe is that the tomatoes for the soup are baked in the oven.


• One kilogram of ripe tomatoes.

• Three tablespoons of vegetable oil.

• 4 feathers of unpeeled garlic.

• Half a liter of chicken broth.

• One hundred grams of fresh green basil.

• Half a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar or tomato paste.

• Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Tomatoes are washed and cut in half.

2. Put on a baking sheet, covered with parchment or foil paper. Put garlic cloves between the tomatoes.

3. Sprinkle with olive oil, salt, pepper and put in the oven before baking (for one hour).

4. In baked garlic, cut off the tips and squeeze the juice into the dishes. Add baked tomatoes, acetic acid or tomato paste.

5. Pour in the broth and turn the whole mixture in a food processor until a creamy mass is obtained.

6. In the process, add broth, salt and pepper.

7. Cream soup served both cold and hot with crackers. Sprinkle with basil.

Tomato soup - tips and tricks

1. To make the soup light, the primary broth cooked in meat is recommended to drain. Meat is poured with cold clear water and brought to a boil.

2. So that the rice cereal in the soup does not turn into a porridge, it is washed at least five times in cold running water.

3. Catching potatoes or carrots - the soup is checked for readiness. If the vegetables are soft and cooked - you can turn off the fire.

4. It is not necessary to use all cooked broth. It can be added to the prepared first course gradually, in the process of boiling off part of the broth. Or pour into the pan after the first two plates eaten. Then the soup must be boiled again.


Watch the video: 4 quick & easy soup recipes. classic healthy weight loss indian soup recipes (June 2024).