Lemon cream: recipes are complex and simple. The rules for the preparation of delicious and delicate lemon cream according to the recipes of the best confectioners


Easy, gentle British miracle - lemon cream - is very good not only as a traditional English dessert.

A treat can be an excellent filling for cakes, eclairs, and cake. Lemon cream, the recipes of which are quite simple, goes well with biscuit, shortbread, puff or custard dough.

The cream has a delicate sourness, a pleasant sunny shade and a festive citrus scent. It allows you to play with flavors, as it goes well with cinnamon, vanilla and even laurel.

Unlike many toppings for cakes, lemon cream turns out to be completely non-greasy, has a reduced calorie content and can occasionally please losing weight girls.

Lemon Cake Cream - General Cooking Principles

Recipes for lemon cream most often require the introduction of eggs. According to the method of preparation, the cream can be custard or whipped. Eggs give the filling plasticity, dense texture.

Before using the lemon should be thoroughly washed, dried. Then carefully remove the zest using a fine grater, squeeze out the juice. This is the first training option. There is a second one: cut the lemon into halves, squeeze the juice, and then grate the lemon peel from the skin.

Some housewives prefer to make creams with a coarser consistency. To do this, you need to cut the lemon into pieces, free from the stones, and smoke one or two times through the fine grill of the meat grinder together with the peel. This option is very good for soaking biscuit cakes, as the resulting cream resembles lemon jam.

It is very important to properly prepare the eggs. They should be washed with cold water and dried. If a protein-lemon cream is being prepared, it is important to carefully separate the proteins from the yolks, otherwise it will be problematic to whip the protein mass.

Lemon Custard

Traditional lemon cream, the recipe of which is suitable not only for layering cakes, but also as an option for a children's dessert. It is very easy to prepare, and the result is amazing.


• three large lemons;

• three large eggs;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• softened butter (four large spoons).

Cooking method:

Mix eggs at room temperature with a sugar whisk or mixer until the grains are completely dissolved.

Squeeze the juice of lemons.

Grate the zest.

Pour lemon juice into the egg mixture, mix well.

Heat the lemon-egg mass in a water bath.

It is very important to constantly interfere with the cream base so that the eggs do not clot.

Cook the cream for about ten minutes. As soon as the mass thickens and begins to resemble sour cream, the container is removed from the stove.

Strain the cream through a sieve to get rid of lumps.

Mix in a lot of soft butter and zest.

Beat cream with a mixer so that the butter melts and evenly distributed.

Transfer the finished cream into a glass container, close tightly so that the film does not form.

Refrigerate until use.

Lemon Cake Cream

Traditional lemon cream, the recipe of which is slightly modified by the introduction of cornstarch and cream. A tender, completely non-sugary mass has a fairly dense consistency, does not spread on a sand basis. Perfect for sandwiching and filling pastry baskets.


• two large lemons;

• four eggs;

• a glass of fat cream;

• half a glass of milk;

• two tablespoons of cornstarch;

• one hundred grams of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

Mix starch with a spoonful of cold water.

Make juice and zest.

Separate the yolks and add them to the starch, stir.

Add juice, zest, powdered sugar to the starch-egg mixture, mix.

Put the milk on the stove, bring to the first bubbles boil.

Gradually introduce the cooked mixture, stirring it vigorously and continuously.

Boil on low heat until the cream is thick and elastic.

Carefully remove from heat, cover with parchment paper, cool.

Beat cream until frothy and mix with lemon base.

Protein-lemon cream with gelatin

Gelatin gives lemon cream, the recipe of which is given below, the thickness and original taste. To please the children, you can enter dyes and flavors into the mass.


• half a lemon;

• four chicken proteins;

• a quarter cup of the finished gelatin solution;

• a pinch of salt;

• incomplete cup of sugar (about three quarters);

• a quarter cup of water.

Cooking method:

Squeeze lemon juice.

Prepare gelatin by tool.

Cook sweet syrup out of water and sugar.

Beat egg whites with lemon juice vigorously until stable peaks.

Pour syrup into the egg-lemon base, without stopping beating.

Then enter gelatin in exactly the same way.

Sour cream lemon

Even a child can cook a light, extremely simple, low-calorie recipe for lemon cream. It turns out a gentle, sweet and sour impregnation for the cake layers.


• half a lemon;

• a glass of sour cream;

• half a glass of sugar.

Cooking method:

Squeeze the juice, grate the zest.

Sour cream mixed with sugar or powdered sugar, beat.

Add juice and zest to sour cream, mix.

Lemon Cinnamon Tenderness Cream

Very simple and lemon cream, the recipe of which includes a little cinnamon. Good for christmas cake. It turns out thick, with a pronounced aroma of lemon and a delicate cinnamon note.


• two medium lemons;

• two eggs;

• one hundred grams of sugar;

• twenty grams of butter (mild, room temperature);

• cinnamon powder on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

Make juice and zest.

Grind zest with sugar or powdered sugar.

Pour the juice into the sweet zest, wait a few minutes and pour out the cinnamon.

Introduce the eggs and beat the cream base thoroughly.

Heat the mixture over low heat and boil until thickening for three minutes. To kerm not burned, it must constantly stir.

Remove from heat, cool.

Protein and Lemon Cake Cream

Gorgeous, light, delicious lemon cream, the recipe of which is a must-take.


• half a lemon;

• four egg whites;

• half a glass of water (about 80 ml);

• a glass of sugar (250 grams);

• tablespoon of vinegar.

Cooking method:

Mix in a small saucepan sugar, vinegar, water.

Heat the sugar until completely dissolved, install a thermometer and wait for the temperature to reach 120 degrees. If there is no device, you can check the readiness of the caramel by dropping a drop in cold water. Caramel should roll into a soft ball. If it hardens, the syrup is overheated. You need to add some water to cool the mass.

Remove from heat.

Squeeze lemon juice.

Proteins at high speed, beat with a mixer for one and a half minutes.

Without turning off the device, add a spoonful of sugar, pour in lemon juice.

Pour caramel into the bowl with a thin stream, beat for about ten minutes.

When the mass becomes dense and elastic, the cream is ready.

Lemon cream with semolina

The recipe for lemon cream with semolina is something special. The mass is very lush, tender, and melts in the mouth.


• large lemon;

• two tablespoons of semolina;

• two eggs;

• half a liter of milk;

• a glass of sugar;

• two hundred grams of butter.

Cooking method:

Cook manna porridge, wait for cooling.

Make lemon juice and zest from lemon.

Mix the cooled porridge with soft butter, sugar, eggs and beat with a mixer or in a blender bowl.

Add lemon juice and zest, beat again.

Cream Lemon Cream

Lemon cream, the recipe of which cannot but please lovers of the original taste of traditional dishes. Turmeric gives this filling a special flavor, and boiled lemon gives a pleasant consistency.


• large ripe lemon;

• two chicken eggs;

• half a glass of sugar;

• 550 ml of heavy cream (at least 30%);

• dessert spoon of turmeric.

Cooking method:

Pour lemon with water and cook for half an hour.

Cut the fruit, squeeze the juice into the capacity of the blender.

Finely chop the skin and send it to the blender.

Put eggs and turmeric in a bowl.

Beat all the ingredients well.

Put the cream base in a saucepan, add sugar and stir until thick.

Remove from heat, cool.

Separately, beat the heavy cream to strong peaks.

Mix cream and lemon-egg mass.

Lemon cream - tips and tricks

  • If the eggs are curled during cooking, wipe the cream through a fine sieve or beat well in a blender.
  • To make the juice from the lemon squeezed better, the fruit needs to be rolled on the surface of the table, firmly pressing it with his palms.
  • Any lemon cream, the recipe of which involves the use of eggs, can be turned into a separate dish. Dessert should be put in a bowl, held in the refrigerator, served with fruit or biscuit. And in such a delicacy it is very tasty to dip pancakes and pancakes.
  • To get a more saturated, thick cream, you need to leave it for two hours in the refrigerator after cooking. The mass will infuse, thicken even more, it will be more convenient to collect a cake with it.
  • If the cream remains after assembling the cake, it must be laid out in clean, steam-sterilized jars, tightly closed and stored in the refrigerator. The treat will not spoil for five days. As soon as a delicious cream is needed, the right amount should be transferred to a saucepan, slightly warmed on the stove, not forgetting to stir constantly.
  • To lemon rind is not bitter, fruit, pour warm water and leave for half an hour. During this time, all the bitterness will disappear.
  • To get a rich shade of color, you can use in the recipes not four whole eggs, for example, but eight yolks. It will turn out a very beautiful yellow color. In addition, such a treat can be eaten by people allergic to chicken egg protein.
  • Vanilla and cinnamon in recipes are interchangeable. The amount of these aromatic additives can be varied at your discretion or even do without them. In addition to vanilla and cinnamon, rum, almond and other flavors can be used.
  • According to lemon cream recipes, desserts with other citruses can be prepared. To do this, orange, mandarin, grapefruit, taken in the same proportions.
  • For the preparation of lemon cream, you can use enameled dishes, aluminum pans, metal stewing pans.
  • Often in the recipes you want to whip the cream to air condition. This can be done not only with a blender, but also with a mixer. If there are no devices, the manual method is suitable - a whisk. Beat in this case will take longer.
  • If egg white is used in the cream, be sure to add a pinch of salt. It will give the squirrel more viscosity, elasticity.
  • To make lemon peel easier to remove, the fruit can be slightly frozen in the freezer. Grate frozen skin is much easier.


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