Hugging is good for your health. But not with everyone!


Hugging with a loved one is not only pleasant, but also useful, according to a study by Austrian scientists from the University of Vienna. They are sure: the impact produced by hugs helps to lower blood pressure, stress levels, anxiety and even improve memory.

According to the report of experts, the reason for such an amazing effect lies in a special hormone, oxytocin, for the production of which such an accessory part of our brain as the pituitary gland is responsible. In close contact with loved ones, oxytocin is released into the bloodstream, and over time, with the necessary frequency of this process, it can even beneficially affect the character of the person, making him softer and more sensitive.

But the effect can be completely opposite if the subject of our embrace is people unfamiliar to us - in this case, the hormone cortisol is released into the bloodstream, which is responsible for stress, and therefore can cause anxiety and emotional stress.

Neurophysiologist Jürgen Sandkler, who participated in the study, said: “Hugging people who inspire confidence in us, we expose ourselves to a positive effect, which can manifest itself in many different forms. But if the person with whom we have to cuddle does not cause us positive emotions or is completely unpleasant for us, the production of stress hormone starts, the consequence of which, as a rule, becomes a deterioration in mood. This is probably due to a violation of the normal distance between two strangers - their hugs, especially when they are unexpected, can often be perceived as a threat. "


Watch the video: 5 Reasons Hugging Can Hurt Certain People (June 2024).