Make whipped cream at home - decorate weekdays! No mood, baby is naughty - make whipped cream


From the cream can be prepared not only desserts or pastries with butter cream.

Although, of course, a cake with whipped cream is an easier option for those who watch their figure.

In addition to butter, cream is used to make cheeses, and they can also be used to make all sorts of vegetable, meat, fish and mushroom dishes: soft cream soups, casseroles, mashed potatoes.

Cooking is the same scienceas well as all areas of knowledge, where much is already open, but more needs to be discovered.

Making whipped cream at home - the basic technological principles

Modern industry produces a varied assortment of cream:

  • Condensed cream with or without sugar;
  • Condensed cream with coffee or cocoa;
  • Dry cream;
  • Cream, drinking with fat content of 8-20%, average fat content - up to 30%, fatty - 30- 65%.

They are classifiedfirst of all, on fat content. From the percentage of fat in the dairy product depends on the ways of its cooking. You can whisk, in principle, the cream of any fat content, using various thickeners as a supplement. But for whipping and getting cream suitable, so-called, culinary or pastry cream, fat 33%. A fatter product is used to make sour cream, some types of cheese and butter.

Many novice cooks try to avoid dishes that require butter cream. In fact, in its preparation is nothing complicated. It is necessary, only, to strictly observe certain technological methods. If you follow the advice of professionals flawlessly, then prepare the famous cream "Chantilly" - just five minutes. No more!

Some historical facts, so to speak, for greater confidence in their culinary abilities:

The old maître d'hôtel of the old castle was not a cook at all, and the “smart” kitchen appliances did not exist at that time. Despite this, his culinary invention became a classic of the genre.

All that is needed for the preparation of the cream "Chantilly" - is:

1. Very clean, non-oxidizing dishes - it is better to choose stainless steel. Why? First, it does not fight, it does not leave traces of scratches from mechanical damage with a whisk or other objects: secondly, you can safely leave a metal bowl in the freezer and even forget about it, and it will not crack from the cold. For what? Because for beating you need a very cold container. Ordinary ceramics and glass from a sudden change in temperature can quickly deteriorate, to put it mildly.

2. Without a mixer, of course, you can do, but beating with a simple whisk will take a little longer. If you spend a lot of time in the kitchen, the mixer, blender and other kitchen appliances are needed so that after cooking dinner, you have the strength to communicate with grateful family members, for whom, in fact, such enormous energy is expended.

3. And the last condition - fresh and high-quality cream. Without meeting this requirement just can not do.

We turn to the most important question - how to whip the cream?

The main recipe of the cream "Chantilly", in great detail

Having studied and tried the preparation of classic cream in practice, with the other variations on the topic of whipped cream, any newcomer can handle it very easily.

Cream choose only 33 percent fat. The ideal temperature for beating them is 2 - 6 ° C. You can not freeze the cream. Warmer will be whipped longer.

Before pouring the right amount of cream into the bowl for shaking, shake the package so that the cream is evenly mixed: at the bottom of the package they are less greasy and thick than at the top.

In one step, beat no more than 200 g of cream. In this case, the whisk should be completely immersed in the liquid. Choose a special dish with which these requirements will be fulfilled. If you need a larger amount of cream, it is better to divide the cream into two parts - so they will stick together much faster than in the total mass.

Beginning of beating - at the lowest speed. Rotate the speed gradually, at intervals of about a minute. Watch the product all the time. As soon as the cream begins to thicken, slow down. At this point, you need to add powdered sugar and vanillin. You can, of course, add sugar, but the cream is whipped so quickly that the sugar will not have time to dissolve and sugar crystals will remain in the cream, which will crunch on the teeth. Therefore, we choose powder. With that, it should be homogeneous, and therefore, sugar powder must be sifted.

The amount of powdered sugar - 20 g per 100 ml of cream. This is quite enough for the cream to be sweet, because fresh cream is also sweet, in itself. Maximum - 30 grams of sugar, and this is especially for the terrible sweet teeth.

Vanilla crystalline powder has only one alternative - vanilla extract, or any other, according to the recipe, which will have time to dissolve in the cream until the end of beating.

Total: 20 g sugar; 100 ml of cream (33%); 0.5 g vanillin, i.e. ¼ part of a standard sachet (2 g).

The technology of adding the rest, additional ingredients, as a rule, is described in each recipe taken separately.

Recipe 1. Making whipped cream at home for fruit salad

This is one of the variants of fruit and berry salad with an additional, soft and creamy taste. For its preparation it is possible to use a variety of fruit combinations, with the compatibility of products. Salad can be prepared on any occasion, and pretty quickly.

The whole complexity of the salad is that you need to make whipped cream. At home, subject to the technological moments of whipping, this process will be as easy as the cream itself.


• Persimmon "Sharon" 200 g

• Vanillin 3 g

• Apple "Simirenko" 360 g (net)

• Liquid honey 350 g

• Powder 70 g

• Banana 300 g

• Blueberry 160 g

• Pastry cream 250 ml

• Ground cinnamon 4g

• "Mascarpone" 400 g

• Leaves of fresh mint (for registration) 12-18 pcs.

• Cowberry berries 120 g

Condensed cream, sweet 150 g


Prepare a fruit base

If you use frozen berries, they are thawed gradually, moving them from the freezer to the refrigerator. It is advisable to decompose the berries in a single layer on a dish or plate lined with a napkin, which is necessary to absorb excess liquid during defrosting.

If the berries are fresh, then they are enough to sort, wash and also dry on a napkin.

Bananas are peeled, cut into rings, and immediately dipped into a container of acidified water so that they do not darken before they get into the dish.

Cut out the cores of apples, cut them into slices, as thin as possible, and also hide for a while from the oxidizing effects of air in lemon water. Cinnamon can be poured into this water so that the apples absorb its aroma - these two components harmonize with each other in the best possible way.

Separate from the persimmon sepals, cut it in half and cut into plates of the same size as the apples.

Cooking two creams:

Using a blender, connect the "Mascarpone" with condensed cream. The consistency of the curd cream should be soft and moist. If necessary, add some fresh cream of any fat content to bring the cream to the desired moisture and density.

Cook with Chantilly cream, powder and milk, as described in the main recipe, and you can place the dessert salad in glass and high cone creamer, on a short leg.

Before you start laying the salad in the bowls, dry bananas and apples on napkins, taking them out of the water. Everything The prepared ingredients are stacked in layers:

1. "Mascarpone";

2. Cowberry berries;

3. Honey;

4. Slices of apple;

5. Blueberries;

6. Honey;

7. "Mascarpone"

8. Slices of Persimmon

At the end of the dish is decorated with a high cone of whipped cream. Green mint leaves and several blueberries or lingonberries are placed on the "snow hat".

Recipe 2. Making whipped cream at home for the "semifredo" - a traditional Italian dessert

This is a classic recipe for a light and very tasty dessert. The list of ingredients for a half-cold dish can be any food. If you don’t want to cook meringue for semifredo, you can buy meringue, or any other favorite cookies. For any recipe for this dessert, only one ingredient is required - cream. Then just add any berries, nuts, fruits and make whipped cream.

At home, the preparation and serving of this dessert is so democratic that Semifredo can do it in 10 minutes. You can serve such a dessert in the form of a cake, in separate portions, on plates or in bowls - as your fantasy and mood will tell you - any way will be right.

In this recipe, just in case, described the method of cooking meringue, if you want to make it yourself.


• Any fruits, berries 1.0 kg

• Chocolate 150 g

• Milk, boiled (hot) 50 ml

For cooking meringue:

• Cashews, chopped 90 g

• Proteins 4 pcs.

• Citric Acid 1-2 g

• Flour 40 g

• Powder, sugar 80 g

• Culinary fat (for the form)

For Chantilly cream with strawberry flavor:

• Pastry cream 600 ml

• Strawberry juice, gelled 350 g

• Thickener cream (optional) 30 g

• Rum (for perfume) 50 ml

• Powder 60 g

• Vanilla (powder) 3 g


Need to start with baking meringue, to have time to prepare all the other ingredients.

Heat the oven to 140 ° C and prepare a baking sheet for baking meringue - cover it with oiled parchment.

In a high, pre-cooled, dry and very clean container, preferably with a narrowed bottom, beat the proteins taken from the refrigerator. For faster whipping add a few crystals of citric acid, dissolved in a teaspoon of boiled and warm water.

The finished protein mass should remain in the pan, even if it is turned upside down.

At the end of beating, pour the icing sugar over a strainer. Switch off the mixer and carefully work with a spatula, which is also dry and clean.

Combine the nuts roasted and broken with a blender with flour, loosen this mixture and mix in proteins one by one spoon.

Immediately carefully transfer the dough into the mold and put it to bake. First, a quarter of an hour at a temperature of 140 ° C, then another same time, but at 100 ° C; After 5-10 minutes, turn off the stove, but do not reach the pan until the ready-made meringue cools, but the door needs to be slightly opened so that the condensate formed during cooling does not make the meringue "rubber". If the temperature regulator does not work in the oven or it does not exist, then after twenty minutes baking on a low fire, open the door a little and hold on for the same amount of time while the oven is working. Then turn off the oven without getting the pan.

When the meringue has cooled, remove it with the parchment from the baking sheet, place it on a damp napkin for a few seconds in order to easily remove the paper and immediately transfer it to a dry (preferably wooden) surface.

If for the "semifreddo" still prepared meringues from the supermarket, then prepare the fruit, at the same time melt one and a half tiles of any dark chocolate (you can with nuts). Melt chocolate better in the microwave or in a water bath.

Cooking strawberry jelly. From 350 g of strawberries through a sieve, highlight the juice, rubbing the berry. In the resulting juice pour sugar (120 g) and bring to a boil. Juice left to cool and in seven tablespoons of warm, boiled water, dissolve one spoonful of gelatin or agar. When the juice has cooled to body temperature, pour the gelatin into it, without lumps, and mix thoroughly. Hold the gelled juice for a few minutes in the cold, but it should not turn into jelly yet. Enter it into the creamy mass to be cold, but not frozen.

Further, in the same dish as for whipping proteins (see a little higher), we make whipped cream. At home, for the best whipping effect, the cream should be kept in the refrigerator, and the dishes for cooking the cream should also be chilled. Try using a stainless bowl or bowl, aged at least half an hour, in the freezer. Make whipped cream at home as indicated in the recipe for the main butter cream. At the end of whipping enter a glass of rum (or liqueur, brandy) and a thickener.

Collect Semifredo can be in detachable form, in layers - in the form of a cake, or in portion baskets, or in bowls, in which it is then served on the table.

Break the meringues into pieces. First, mix the cream of cream with jelly juice, add the prepared berries (they must be dried!) And meringue pieces.

Pour chocolate on top, as prompted by fantasy.

Recipe 3. Making whipped cream at home for the male dessert "Ariadne's thread"

True or not, you can find out only by preparing such a drink. It is said that he quickly restores male power. Anyway, he - longevity elixir.

It is possible that quail eggs are easy to replace with any, even ostrich, if desired, and instead of brandy use any strong drink - for example, vodka. But this recipe is published in the form in which it was kindly provided by knowledgeable people.

List of ingredients:

• Turmeric 2 g

• Cream, culinary (33%) 250 ml

• Brandy (optional) 400 ml

• Vanillin 2g

• Yolks, quail 20 pcs.

• Proteins, quail 10 pcs.

• Milk of any fat 200 ml

• Sugar 250 g


If you use chicken eggs, just keep the proportion, given that the mass of quail and chicken eggs have an approximate ratio of 1: 5.

From sugar and milk cook syrup. Beat the whites and yolks with a mixer, pour in the cooled syrup, add turmeric at the beginning, and vanillin at the end. Boil the resulting mass with constant stirring until thick. Give the brewed cream time to cool, then pour it into a stationary blender and mix at low speed with brandy.

Whip cream separately. In whipped cream pour a thin stream of the resulting egg liqueur. We pour the drink into a dark glass or ceramic dish, seal it and hide it in the fridge. It can be stored in such conditions for up to six months. But, he is unlikely to lie, because it is - a tasty and not less useful and pleasant remedy for women to relieve stress and recuperate quickly.

Recipe 4. Making whipped cream at home for coffee

Of course, no one wants to make whipped cream at home in the early morning when you have to rush to work. But this problem has two solutions: the cream can be prepared in the evening, and they will be perfectly preserved in the refrigerator until the morning, or you just need to stock up on a bottle of cream on duty, in an aerosol package, especially for such cases. Then morning coffee will not be so familiar and on duty.


For one portion:

• Sugar (sand) 5 g

• Coffee, natural (ground) 10 g

• Cold water 100-120 ml

• Cream, pastry 50 g

• Chocolate crumb or orange peel (for serving)

Cooking method:

Just in case, information for convenience of preparation: in a standard teaspoon - 7 g of natural coffee, ground and, approximately, as much granulated sugar.The volume of the usual glass of thin glass - 250 ml.

The most delicious and aromatic coffee is obtained from freshly ground coffee beans. The finer the grinding, the tastier and richer the drink. Take a Turk and put in it one spoon of coffee and sugar. It is very desirable to have a Turk with a copper coating and its shape should be narrower at the top. Use only very cold water - this is also the secret of a tasty and properly prepared drink. Do not allow rapid boiling - on the surface must also form a foam of very small bubbles. This means that the coffee is ready, and at this moment it is time to clean the Turk from the stove. Carefully pour it into the cup so that the coffee froth will also remain on the surface in the cup as well. Shake the bottle of cream and squeeze some cream into the coffee cup. For greater solemnity, sprinkle the creamy “cap” with any dark chocolate or fresh orange zest on top - at will.

An ordinary cup of morning coffee can be a pledge of daily vigor, energy and good mood. If the day starts with such a cup, in the evening there will be a desire to do something else, just as pleasant and interesting.

Recipe 5. Making whipped cream at home for an ordinary casserole

The most common casserole can look like a festive dessert, if you really want and try. Agree that most of the little grown-up children do not very willingly agree to eat semolina or pumpkin. Their whims at the table can sometimes break all plans for the day ahead. To avoid this, a reasonable compromise is needed.

For this we take: the oatmeal and pumpkin planned for breakfast or dinner, because it is very useful for children; add a few ingredients that are tempting for children, in the form of favorite berries or fruits, a pinch of vanilla, so that the dish looks like a favorite ice cream or cake; and make whipped cream. At home, with a mixer, this dish does not take too much time to cook. But it certainly will help to avoid a conflict situation with a beloved child at the table. In addition, this yummy food can be served even the next day and cold.


• Cream, culinary (33%) 150 ml

• Powder, sugar (for cream) 30-40 g

• Semolina 75 g

• Vanilla powder (for cream) 2 g

• Cherry, pitted (di any berry) 200 g

• Oranges 150-250 g

• Butter, sweet cream 50 g

• Fresh pumpkin pulp 100 g

• Salt 5 g

• Milk, whole 250 ml

• 3 eggs

• Sugar 80g

• Strawberry berries, kiwi (for registration)


Cook ordinary, thick semolina porridge and let it cool. Do not add sugar in semolina, but only salt it. In the meantime, you can do pumpkin and the preparation of other products.

Pulp prepared pumpkin cut into large cubes and sprinkle with sugar.

Lubricate the baking sheet with butter and send on it pieces of pumpkin in a hot oven for caramelization. Put a few orange peels on a baking sheet - the pumpkin will look like an orange.

So that the juice from the cherries does not leak out in the casserole itself, slightly squeeze it out of the berries, dry the cherries with a napkin and roll them in a mixture of starch and powdered sugar. From the juice, prepare the syrup to decorate the casseroles, adding an equal amount of sugar to it and boiling down to the density of a non-creeping drop.

Remove the zest from the oranges, then peel them and cut the slices, like a pumpkin, into cubes, and also like cherries, rub with starch and powder.

After all the fruits are prepared, we get eggs out of the fridge and whip the whites with a teaspoon of lemon juice, and first add some salt crystals to the yolks, and then 75 g of sugar. Carefully, slowly, combine the egg mass.

Kill the semolina with the blender so that it becomes a little bit more airy and lump-free. Enter the porridge little by little into the egg mass, stirring with a spoon or spatula, with smooth movements from the bottom up. Now add caramelized pumpkin, oranges and cherries.

Lubricate the baking dish, transfer the whole mass into it - and into the oven. It is more convenient to use silicone or disposable forms of foil.

When the casserole is lightly browned, remove it for a minute to lubricate the surface with a beaten egg (add a pinch of sugar and a few drops of water to the lubricant egg).

Put the mold back in the oven and bake until ready. Check with a wooden skewer or a match so that the casserole is not damp inside. Pulling out of the oven, put the form on a wet rag and after two or three minutes, put the casserole on a dish covered with a napkin.

For the finishing touch, prepare the cream, as stated above, in the main recipe.

Cut the warm casserole into portioned pieces, put it on a dessert dish, and wrap each piece with whipped cream, a thin thread of cherry syrup, strawberries and kiwi slices.

Recipe 6. We make whipped cream at home for carrot-and-cream cream soup

Whip cream not only for making desserts. Soup for lunch - this is another test for kids. Especially if there is a bow in the soup!

This recipe has all the vitamins and calories, and even the onions that the child will not notice or taste. In addition, this soup will become the favorite first dish of the baby.


• Onions 150g (net)

• Oatmeal flakes 100 g

• Fatty cream, whipped (33%), for serving 100 g

• Carrots 500 g (net)

• Medium-fat cream (20%) 500 ml

• Canned pineapples (diced) 350 g

• Coconut shavings 50 g (for decoration)

• Peel and citrus juice (orange or lemon) 1 fruit

• Saffron or turmeric

• Mint or any green leaves (for decoration)

• Ghee for browning 50 g

Cooking method:

Prepared onion shred and passace separately, in butter. In the same oil, fry the carrot slices, lightly dragging them with sugar to caramelize and add flavor.

Cooked oatmeal roasted in a dry pan cooked with cream (use ½ part of the whole cream for cooking), adding sugar, saffron and salt. Before removing oatmeal from the plate, add a bit of citrus aroma - zest and juice of one orange or lemon. If the child is allergic to these products, replace with vanilla or any flavor used for pastry dishes.

Blend the vegetables with the blender, putting them together, then the porridge from the oatmeal on the milk, also beating it beforehand into a fluffy mass. Transfer the soup to the pan again, bring to a boil and pour the pineapple compote into the boiling soup. The soup is ready. Serve it in a bouillon cup, garnished with herbs, a spoonful of heavy cream, coconut chips.

Making whipped cream at home - tricks and tips

• You can use an immersion blender for whipping cream if it is equipped with a whisk. Knife-knife is not recommended.

• Quality cream has a uniform and thick texture, white or cream color. Check the inscriptions on the packages and pay attention to the conditions in which the cream is stored in the display windows of retail chains.

Feel free to make whipping cream at home for any dishes. Everything will work out!


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