Herpes in children


Herpes - It is an infectious disease that is caused by the herpes simplex virus and is characterized by rashes in the form of grouped bubbles on the mucous membranes and skin. This disease is of several types, however, primary herpes is characteristic of children. The babies of the first years of life are extremely rare because they are immune from their mother. They become more susceptible to the virus by 3-4 years, but by about 5 years from 60% to 80% of their number already have antibodies to it.

The carriers of this disease include 90% of the world's population, however, its activation in the child’s body occurs only with a weakened immunity, when it is overcooling, tolerates stress or another infectious disease.

Symptoms of herpes in children

The symptoms of the disease in children include, above all, a rash in the form of bubbles on the mucous membranes and face. The place of their appearance can be any part of the skin, but most often they are formed on the face, lips, oral mucosa (with herpetic stomatitis), nose wings and cornea.

Also, this disease may be manifested by rhinitis, erosive and ulcerative gingivostomatitis, less often keratoconjunctivitis. It is characterized by a large lesion area, fever, and an acute onset of the disease.

Methods of treating herpes in children

Treatment of herpes in children is a very serious event, which must necessarily take place under the supervision of a physician. As a rule, it is complex, based on the results of the diagnosis. The main role in the treatment process is assigned to immunomodulators, antiviral drugs, interferon inducers, estrogen interferon, as well as local drugs.

Thus, today there are various effective antiherpetic drugs for the treatment of acute manifestations of this disease. With their help, it is possible to significantly (2 times) reduce its duration and greatly facilitate its flow. The most effective is the use of local chemotherapy drugs in combination with medication prescribed by the doctor inside, in the form of tablets and capsules. As a rule, they are prescribed in cases when the disease is accompanied by some common phenomena, such as swollen lymph nodes, or when the effect of drugs of local action is absent. However, it must be remembered that prolonged use of the same drug leads to the fact that the virus produces resistance to it (addiction), so one medicine should be used for no more than 10 days, and then the doctor should prescribe another drug.

Prevention of herpes in children

And in conclusion - a few words about prevention. Hypothermia is contraindicated for children suffering from herpes, so parents should make sure that they are always warm, in the weather, and dressed. Most often, children suffering from acquired or congenital abnormalities in the immune system are susceptible to this disease, so the doctor may prescribe medications for the child to stimulate the immune system - do not neglect them! Also, in order to prevent this disease, it is recommended to eat foods rich in vitamins and proteins, and avoid excessive physical overstrain.


Watch the video: My Child has Herpes (June 2024).