Haircuts lunar calendar for January 2017: favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts, curls and hair coloring


The lunar calendar allows you to plan hair care, choose the best day for a haircut, make dyeing or curling.

Referring to the moon, we can choose the best day for a date with a hairdresser.

The January new moon of 2017 will come on the 28th, the full moon on the 12th. From the first to the 11th of January the moon will grow, from the 13th to the 27th - to arrive. After the new moon, from January 28 to the end of the month, the lunar sickle will begin to grow again.

It is traditionally believed that you need to cut hair on the arriving moon: then they will grow fast. However, you can also cut your hair during the waning moon: hair growth will slow down, but they will fall out less, the roots will strengthen.

However, not every day of the growing lunar disk, you can plan a visit to the salon. It is necessary to consider not only the lunar phase. Of great importance Zodiac sign, which controls a night luminary one day or another. But you can start new business, fight bad habits, and go on a diet during this period regardless of the constellations.

January 2017 haircut lunar calendar - hair waving

Perm Perm using modern chemicals is good in any moon phase that passes influenced by the constellation Virgo. In January 2016, this is the 15th and 16th. Feel free to plan a wave: you will be satisfied with the result.

But the lunar day in the constellation Leo give a very mixed result "Khimki". The fact is that in the "lion" days, the hair curl by itself, and therefore a visit to the salon can be unpredictable. This period will continue from the thirteenth to the fourteenth of January. If you do not want to get too curly hair, you should refrain from curling these days.

Chemical manipulations of hair are strictly forbidden when they dominate the night sky Scorpio, Cancer, Aquarius or Pisces. Watermarks plus air Aquarius will have an extremely negative effect on the results of perm: the hair structure will be broken, split ends will appear, increased fragility, curls will lose their shine and a healthy glow.

In order not to harm the health of the hair, you should refrain from curling on such days of January:

• from the 20th to the 22nd (Scorpio);

• first, second, 28th and 29th (Aquarius);

• third, fourth, 30th and 31st (Pisces);

• eleventh, twelfth (Cancer).

So the “Khimki” remains not so many days: 6th to 10th, from the 13th to the 19th, from the 23rd to the 27th. But these days it will be simply impossible to be disappointed: everything will turn out as you wanted or even better.

Haircuts lunar calendar for january 2017 - hair coloring

The effect of the moon on hair coloring is no less strong. The results will be clearly positive during the period of the growing moon from January 1 to 3.

The fourth and fifth numbers will negatively affect the staining results. The same applies to the days from the 8th to the 12th: there is a great risk of losing vital energy, which will lead to problems at work, monetary losses. Negative staining results are guaranteed on the fourteenth, fifteenth, seventeenth, twenty-first, and then from the 23rd to the 25th.

Particular results will be obtained by staining in the following January days:

• January 6th: a return to natural color will help strengthen mutual understanding with people;

• January 7: a complete change of image to give joy and improve health;

• January 13th: clarification will take place successfully;

• on the 18th, 20th and 27th, you can dye your hair with natural henna to strengthen immunity and win the sympathy of colleagues;

• On the 24th, you can only dye curls in dark colors.

January 31 is a completely neutral day, but it is better to paint in natural colors. All experiments with pigments are permissible in the first and last days of January, when the moon grows fuller. Otherwise, the paint will be washed very quickly.

January 2017 haircut lunar calendar - favorable haircut days

From the first to the 11th of January, the lunar disk will increase, from the 13th to the 27th - to decrease. After the new moon from the 28th to the end of the first winter month, the lunar sickle will again begin to gain volume.

You can cut your hair on all lunar days, when the light of night is visiting Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Leo, Virgo. Haircuts have a good effect on hair growth when carried out during the moon growth phase.

Feel free to go for a haircut on such days:

• from the 25th to the 27th (Capricorn);

seventh, eighth (Taurus);

• from the thirteenth to the fourteenth (Leo);

• fifteenth, sixteenth (Virgo);

• from the seventeenth to the nineteenth (Libra).

In general, January is very favorable both for a radical change in image, and for the usual trimming of overgrown tips.

Sunday is considered unfavorable for cutting hair in the afternoon. Therefore, despite the resolution of the moon, you need to think carefully about whether to cut your hair on the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th of January. The 31st is a neutral day for a haircut.


The stress that hair experiences during winter frosts is reflected in their appearance. Under the hat it’s stuffy and humid, in the open air (and many girls and even women resent the idea of ​​ruining the styling with a hat and go without it) it’s cold. From temperature extremes, hair breaks, loses vitality, healthy shine. Therefore, care must include homemade masks, nourishing and firming.

Great foundation for them - pharmacy burdock oil. By mixing a teaspoon with a glass of kefir and a dessert spoon of dry mustard powder, you can get a firming mask (keep forty minutes).

To nourish hair, you need to mix half a glass of sour cream, a spoonful of natural honey, a table boat of burdock oil with two tablespoons of blue clay.

January 2017 lunar haircut calendar - bad haircut days

There are few unfavorable days for a haircut in January. It’s all the more offensive to get in trouble, just having got into such a period.

From January 13th to January 27th the moon is waning, so don't get a haircut. Extremely negative period from the 20th to the 22nd, when the moon is ruled by Scorpio. Only a master with a very high level of skill can cope with such a combination of adverse factors.

It is extremely dangerous to cut hair on the ninth, fifteenth, 23rd, 29th lunar days. In January, this is the eleventh, 21st, then 27th. You can only be trusted in a trusted experienced master, but it is better to refrain from a visit to an unfamiliar hairdresser. According to popular beliefs, cutting off the ends of your hair on an unfavorable day, you can destroy relations with a dear person, or even make your life shorter.

Is it so - God knows, but the fact that a haircut on an unfavorable day can provoke increased hair loss and the appearance of dandruff has long been noticed by good craftsmen.

You need to start the new year in a good mood and in good shape, and therefore hair care should be regular and proper. Stylish haircut, professional coloring, graceful curling will make any woman a well-groomed beauty.


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