March 5: what are the holidays today. Events, birthday and birthday on March 5.


Holidays March 5

Tree Planting Day in Iran

"Tree Day" is a kind of holiday celebrated by a number of countries in order to draw public attention to the problem of the disappearance of forests. The day calls on people not only to contribute to planting trees and cultivating cities, but also to treat natural resources more carefully, because the number of forests on Earth is steadily decreasing every year, which naturally affects the population of some animal species. In fact, the mass destruction of forests can lead to more global problems, up to the complete disruption of the natural chain of habitats and changes in the ecosystem. Many countries celebrate a significant event. For example, Iran celebrates Tree Planting Day on March 5, some European countries on March 21, China on March 12, etc.

Day of physical culture and sports in Azerbaijan

The Day of Physical Culture is bound by its birth to the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, who issued the relevant decree in 2005. As you know, physical education and sport are important elements in maintaining health at any age. Physical activity helps to strengthen the immune system, musculoskeletal tone, improve blood circulation and general body indicators. In addition, sport contributes to the economic development of the country, because the labor rate of a physically active citizen is very different from a sedentary person. That is why the sport and physical training of young people are one of the most important aspects of the social sphere that need to be developed. The purpose of the holiday is to remind the public about the important role that sport plays not only for professional athletes, but also for each of us.

Memorial Day of Prince Yaroslav the Wise

On March 5, the Orthodox Church celebrates the day of the blessed demise of the Grand Duke of Kiev, who died in 1054. In 2004, on March 9, Yaroslav blessed the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Ukrainian Human Rights Center and ordered it to be sent to the calendar. However, as a saint, Yaroslav was revered for a long time in Russia, the Synod could only confirm this status officially, placing him to patronize statesmen, lawyers, judges, as well as researchers, teachers and students.

According to the chroniclers, the prince was very kind to others and incredibly brave for a mortal man. The temper of Yaroslav the Wise was very strict, and life was modest. According to contemporaries, the prince of Kiev owned a huge number of books that "like rivers, watered him with wisdom." The reign of Yaroslav led to the flourishing of Kiev and the strengthening of cultural and economic relations between the state. The name of the great Russian Orthodox Church introduced in the month with the blessing of Alexy II in December 2005.

March 5 in the national calendar

Katys Day

The Day of the Catish is a day when people remember St. Leo the Catan, who flourished in Sicily and was a Christian bishop in the 8th century. But why was this name given to the holiday? The answer is simple: it turns out, in Russia, on March 5, it was decided to go downhill for the last time, while saying: “Winter is coming to an end; While skating, people sincerely believed that happiness will surely smile to this year, who will roll the farthest away.

Housewives, as a rule, were in the kitchen, baking traditional "Katshensky" cockers - rosy dough balls, mixed with fat butter. There were some signs of that day. For example, if a person falls ill on Katysh, then health will not return to him for a long time. But for the sake of future prosperity, people stole embers from the forge from the blacksmith and carried them to a pure field. According to the sign, these coals fastened the soil, made it stronger, warmer and more fertile.

Historical events of March 5

March 5, 1711 - Peter the First established the Senate

The Senate, according to the decree of the emperor, was the highest state body of the empire, which was engaged in legislation and conducted state affairs. The first Government Senate, created to duplicate the power of the emperor, soon spread to other state institutions. So it was until the death of Peter the Great. However, after the death of the king, the Senate reorganized and streamlined his work, breaking up into certain positions and offices (the procurator-general, rekemaster, heroldmaster; senatorial, schismatic, revision, etc.).

March 5, 1901 - Announcement of excommunication of Leo Tolstoy from the church

On the shocking event told the "Church Gazette." The decision was made in mid-February by the Holy Synod. According to the writer himself, he always followed all instructions, observing services and posts, however, "... the cunning ministers decided everything for me and expelled me for teaching and criticism ...", "... I am convinced that the teaching of the church is an insidious lie, a collection of gross superstitions , witchcraft, distorting the deep meaning of true Christianity ... "

March 5, 1970 - Entry into force of the "Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons"

The international act has developed a Committee on the disarmament of dangerous weapons. The idea was approved by the UN General Assembly. The goal of the treaty was to limit the number of states possessing nuclear weapons, as well as to maximize control over it and to create "peaceful" possibilities for using nuclear energy for the benefit of all mankind.

March 5, 1979 - Voyager-I spacecraft has reached Jupiter

A huge space probe was launched into space to study the expanses of the Solar System, in particular - the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn and their numerous satellites. Voyager 1 was the first to take clear and detailed images of the celestial bodies noted and send them to Earth. On board the ship, scientists attached a gold plate, a message for the alien mind, which contains information on the location of the Earth and a greeting in many languages. To date, the ship is located outside the Solar System - it has moved away from our star at a distance of 19 billion km.

Born on March 5

- Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770) - Italian Rococo painter, master of engravings and frescoes, the last representative of the Venetian school.

- Vasily Trediakovsky (1703-1768) - a famous Russian poet and scholar, one of the founders of syllabic-tonic versification. Creativity of the poet caused a lot of controversy between critics of the time. Some called him a mediocrity, a court intriguer marching "over their heads," while others gave him a special, specific talent. Pushkin A.S., like many other poets, believed that after the death of Trediakovsky he was simply simply slandered.

- Timofey Krasnobaev (1865-1952) - an outstanding doctor (surgeon), who is the founder of pediatric surgery, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences.

- Konstantin Sergeev (1910-1992 gg.) - Soviet artist, choreographer, an outstanding teacher and People's Artist of the USSR.

- Elena Yakovleva (born in 1961) - Russian theater and film actress, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation. In 2006 she was awarded the Order of Honor. For her creative work, Elena has starred in sets of films and TV shows, some of them: Time to Fly, Step, Two Shores, Intergirl, Own Cross, Russian Roulette, Found, Kamenskaya, Curious Barbara and many others.

Name Day March 5

Celebrate the birthday on this day will be able to: Agafon, Antony, Vasily, Varlaam, David, Ignatius, Ivan, Konon, Cyprian, Luka, Leonty, Lev, Nikolai, Sawa, Sylvester, Sergey, Tikhon, Fedor, Thomas, Phillip, Yaroslav.


Shit 05.03.2016


Watch the video: Today in History for March 5th (July 2024).