Unparalleled royal cheesecake: classic vanilla, chocolate, with apples and pear. Royal cheesecake recipes


The beauty of royal cheesecake - in the most tender crumbly dough and soft juicy cottage cheese.

If the child does not want to eat cottage cheese in any way, this stunning dessert will correct the situation.

Cooking is so easy and fast that the recipe is sure to become a favorite in the cookbook.

Preparing a royal cheesecake from a minimum of components.

Are needed flour, cottage cheese, eggs, sugar Yes soda. You can diversify the classic vanilla flavor with citrus peel, chocolate, fruit, berries.

Royal cheesecake - the general principles of cooking

Difference of a royal cheesecake from a usual cheesecake - dough. Instead of yeast is used shortbread, which is a pleasure to cook. The butter should be cut into pieces, covered with flour and soda, chopped with a knife, then rub in a uniform crumb by hand. It is necessary to work quickly so that the oil does not start melting in the palms.

Homogeneous curd mass for the royal cheesecake is obtained by thoroughly whipping curd with sugar and eggs. To make the filling airy, it is better to beat the whites separately, and then gently, without beating, introduce them into sweet curd.

The top of the cake is a streysel - baked sweet pastry crumb. Bake the royal cheesecake at 200 degrees in a preheated oven. Grease the baking mold with oil. It is more convenient to use the split form, because the cake is very soft, tender. If you take it out of the usual form, the dessert can fall apart.

Average baking time - forty minutes. The dough should be lightly browned. Baked dessert must be left for an hour to cool completely under a cotton towel. Rested cheesecake served cold.

Royal cheesecake "Classic"

The classic royal cheesecake recipe is good for Sunday. Delicate dough just melts on the tongue, and juicy cottage cheese soaks dessert.


• 530 grams of cottage cheese;

• 225 grams of white flour;

• 130 grams of cold butter;

• four chicken eggs;

• a teaspoon of baking powder;

• bag of vanilla;

• 200 grams of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

Cut butter into cubes and place on a work surface.

Sift flour into butter.

Using knives, chop the butter and flour.

Pour into the dough a third of the sugar and baking powder, continue to chop the dough with a knife.

Hands rub the dough into a crumb, pouring it into the bowl.

Poison the dough into the refrigerator so that the oil froze again.

Separate the yolks from the proteins.

Protein clean in the fridge.

In a bowl with yolks put cottage cheese, the remaining sugar and vanilla, mix everything.

Beat curd mass with a mixer or blender for three minutes to obtain an airy soft mass.

In a cold protein enter a pinch of salt, beat them with a mixer until strong peaks.

Pour the proteins into the curd base, mix with a spatula from top to bottom.

The dough is divided into two parts.

Half pour into the bottom of the form, making the sides in two or three centimeters. Have to crush a little baby.

Pour the curd on the dough base, level it with a silicone spatula.

Cover the curd mass with the remaining butter-flour crumb.

Bake until the streysel becomes a beautiful golden brown hue. It may take more than forty minutes, so you need to follow the cake.

As soon as the top is baked, remove the form from the oven.

Remove the sides of the split form, cover the cake with a towel, cool completely.

Lemon royal cheesecake

Lemon note makes classic royal cheesecake especially festive and fragrant. This dessert can be prepared for guests. Cottage cheese is wonderfully combined with lemon zest.


• two hundred grams of butter;

• two glasses of flour;

• half a spoon of soda;

• a pound of cottage cheese;

• three eggs;

• a glass of sugar;

• bag of vanilla sugar;

• lemon.

Cooking method:

Sift flour into a large bowl or bowl for kneading.

Pour soda and vanilla sugar.

Cold butter grate in flour on a coarse grater.

Hands to grind everything into a crumb.

Pour two-thirds of krosheva in the prepared form, make the sides.

Leave the remaining baby in the fridge.

Put the curd in another bowl, mash with a spoon.

Pour the sugar, stir.

Scald the lemon with boiling water and remove the zest.

Beat eggs into the cottage cheese, add the zest and mix well.

If there is a mixer, beat the curd until smooth.

In the form of pour the cottage cheese, smooth.

Cover the rest of the crumbs.

Bake, remove from oven and cool completely.

Put the cooled dessert on the dish, chop and serve.

Royal cheesecake with apples

Apples give a surprisingly delicate taste to the royal cheesecake. A great combination that does not spoil the classic recipe.


• 130 grams of butter;

• 160 grams of granulated sugar;

• 270 grams of white flour;

• half a spoon of soda;

• as much apple cider vinegar (to extinguish soda);

• 450 grams of soft cottage cheese;

• four eggs;

• two apples.

Cooking method:

Remove the oil from the refrigerator beforehand. This recipe uses a soft oil base.

Put the softened butter in a bowl for kneading dough.

There also pour a hundred grams of sugar.

Add millet flour.

Pour slaked soda.

Hands to mix all the ingredients, then grind them into a crumb.

Remove to the top shelf of the refrigerator.

Mixer to beat the cooled eggs.

Pour sugar in small portions into eggs without turning off the mixer.

Apples cut into quarters, remove the core.

Grate, discard peel.

Apples puree put in sweet scrambled eggs.

Separately mash the cottage cheese.

Put the cottage cheese in an egg-apple mixture, mix and beat with a mixer.

To make the mixture completely homogeneous, you need about five minutes (average speed).

Put half of the cooled crumb in the form. The dough layer should be thin, not thicker than a centimeter.

To form the bumpers.

Pour apple-curd soft mass.

Form the top of the cake from the second half of the dough.

Cover the form with foil, bake at 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

Then remove the foil.

Sweet dressing should be baked for another fifteen minutes until golden brown.

You can slightly increase the temperature of heating tenov. In this case, baking will be faster.

Royal cheesecake "Chocolate" in a multicooker

The original version of the royal cheesecake in a multicooker adapted recipe. The dessert looks beautiful, has a wonderful chocolate flavor.


• two hundred grams of butter;

• two glasses of white flour;

• a glass of sugar;

• a pound of cottage cheese (a little more);

• a tablespoon of baking powder;

• three eggs;

• bag of vanilla sugar;

• three tablespoons of cocoa powder.

Cooking method:

Mix flour, baking powder, cocoa.

Chop or rub cold butter into the flour mixture.

To grind everything into a crumb.

Dissolve the eggs.

Pour sugar, vanilla sugar.

Add cottage cheese, mix.

Beat curd mass with a mixer.

Multivarki bowl generously fluff oil.

Divide the dough into three parts.

Pour the third part into the slow cooker.

Pour half of the whole chocolate curd filling.

Pour another part of the crumb with the third layer.

Pour the curd again.

The remains of flour dressing - the last layer.

Close the future dessert cover.

Cook in baking mode for exactly an hour.

After the end of the program, hold the dessert covered for about twenty minutes.

Then open the lid, wait for the cheesecake to cool and put it on a dish.


Cherry royal cheesecake is a miracle. Delicate gently dough, magical aroma, harmonious taste of this dessert will make it the favorite of the whole family.


• two hundred grams of butter;

• a glass of sugar;

• a glass of white flour;

• three hundred grams of cottage cheese;

• two eggs;

• a glass of pitted cherries;

• spoon of starch;

• teaspoon baking powder;

• bag of vanillin.

Cooking method:

Prepare dough crumb from flour, butter, baking powder and two tablespoons of sugar as described in any of the previous recipes.

Remove the bones from the cherry.

In order not to lose the juice, add a spoonful of any starch to the cherry, mix.

Mash cottage cheese in a large bowl.

Beat the eggs, mix.

Pour sugar and vanilla, mix again.

Beat curd mass with a mixer until smooth and airy.

Two thirds of the crumbs put in the prepared form.

Cover the base with curd.

Then put the cherry.

Wrap the berries with the remnants of oily flour chips.

Bake, cool, put on a dish.

Chocolate Cheesecake in the oven

Real chocolate and sour cream are the raisins of this variation of royal cheesecake. It turns out so delicious dessert that you have to cook it again and again.


• three hundred grams of white flour;

• one hundred grams of softened butter;

• 70 grams of dark chocolate;

• teaspoon baking powder;

• two hundred grams of high fat cottage cheese;

• fifty grams of sour cream;

• fifty grams of sugar;

• one egg;

• vanillin.

Cooking method:

In a water bath, melt the chocolate, stirring it constantly.

Sift flour into a bowl, add baking powder.

Mix melted chocolate and soft butter.

Pour the chocolate mixture into the flour.

Make baby, send in the fridge.

Curd mix with sugar and vanilla. Beat with a mixer.

Add egg, beat again.

In the form pour two thirds of the dough.

Pour dough stuffing.

Then pour the remnants of chocolate sprinkles.

Bake, cool and serve.

Ready dough due to sour cream will be more dense.

Royal cheesecake "Tropical"

Another interesting option with a tropical touch is good for the cold season. An interesting taste is sure to appeal to children.


• one hundred grams of butter;

• two hundred grams of flour;

• one hundred grams of sugar;

• two hundred grams of cottage cheese;

• fifty grams of any "tropical" jam (with citrus flavor);

• some coconut flakes;

• one chicken egg;

• vanilla bag;

• half spoon of baking powder.

Cooking method:

Mix butter, flour, baking powder, coconut chips.

To grind everything into a crumb.

Prepare the curd base by mixing the curd with sugar, egg, jam, vanilla.

To make the filling more lush, beat it with a mixer.

Fill out the form as in the previous recipe.

Bake until tender blush on topping.

Cheesecake with pear

The special exquisite taste of cottage cheese and fragrant pears is a real pleasure for gourmets. A great recipe for a tender, juicy cheesecake for the autumn table.


• 150 grams of butter or margarine for baking;

• two glasses of white flour;

• a pound of cottage cheese;

• one egg;

• a glass of sugar;

• vanilla sugar;

• five large ripe pears;

• pinch of cinnamon;

• thirty grams of white and black chocolate.

Cooking method:

Grind the margarine and flour into the crumb.

Pour half of the text into the form.

Curd cheese with a half cup of granulated sugar, vanilla sugar and egg.

To rub pears large, but without a thin skin.

Cover the pears with sugar and cinnamon, mix.

Put the pears on the curd.

Cover with the second half of the dough.

Bake the cheesecake, cool.

Chocolate grate and decorate them top dessert.

Royal cheesecake - tips and tricks

  • Classic cheesecake can vary the various fruit sauces or caramel. For example, you can take a glass of lingonberries, add sugar to your taste and drown on minimal heat until the juice thickens. Pour the lingonberry sauce over the dessert pieces when serving.

  • The more eggs, the more tender, creamy will be cottage cheese filling. If you do not want to use a lot of eggs, then a small amount of sour cream will help to increase the tenderness of cottage cheese.

  • Do not be afraid to experiment. You can change the recipe and test, and fillings. In the cottage cheese, you can add dried fruit, fruit puree.

  • If there is a grill in the oven, then in the last five minutes of baking you can turn it on, sprinkle sugar on the top and caramelize it.


Watch the video: The Making Of: Sweet Lady Jane's Triple Berry Cake. The Zoe Report by Rachel Zoe (June 2024).