96% of women are constantly guilty


According to a recent study, 96% of women feel guilty at least once a day. This can have a devastating effect on our health and even lead to depression.

Women blame themselves for not spending much time with children. Most working moms are torn between work and children. If you are at work and worry about children, this is to the detriment of work, and children do not get anything. Psychologists recommend that you fully devote yourself to either children or work, depending on where you are - at work or at home.

Women feel guilty if they fail to lose weight. More than 70% of women almost always try to follow a diet, regardless of whether they are actually overweight or not.

The woman spent money on herself - another reason to be tormented by guilt.
It does not work out the role of a beautiful mistress A new reason to blame yourself. There are women - ideal housewives. Many would like to meet such a high standard, but not everyone succeeds, that’s a feeling of guilt.

Other common reasons why a woman may feel guilty - not enough time and attention is paid to the partner, being late, forgotten birthday, distressed parents. Even a short rest, which we allow ourselves, can lead to a terrible sense of guilt, because many of us are so eager to maintain the image of a superwoman.

The last item on the list is rejection, that is, the inability to say no. Women from early childhood are taught to put the interests of others above their own, which complicates the task.


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