Pricking in the region of the heart: what contributes to their appearance, as well as how to deal with the symptoms. What if heart tingles?


Every person at least once in his life felt small tingling in the heart area.

Thanks to this body, the whole body works.

Not always pain in the heart means the presence of pathological diseases.

After all, the heart is primarily a muscle that can tire of stress.

Unfortunately, not all turn to the experts. Tingling in the heart is blamed on overwork or stress. As practice shows, nothing. In this case you must immediately visit a specialist, to identify the causes of this symptom.

Symptoms resembling a tingling in the heart

Few people know the features of heart disease. This organ is the engine of the whole organism; it is not at all surprising that after the first signs of pain in it, a person begins to think about terrible diseases.

In fact, tingling can be deceiving, which means you should not worry ahead of time. The organs nearby can hurt, and in the heart the pain from them is given in the form of tingling.

Do not rush tingling in the heart to take over the problems associated with the heart. Often these are the consequences of injuries and problems with the locomotor system.

False symptoms

There are a number of diseases that are misleading even by specialists. They are easy to recognize, knowing a few secrets:

1. Intercostal neuralgia. The pain from it can be given to the heart. The only difference is that the pain is pointed, which means that the patient can show the place where it hurts.

2. Osteochondrosis. The pain resembles angina. After taking the anesthetic, it passes.

3. Nervous System Disorders. It occurs due to insomnia, fatigue. It makes itself felt with aching pain, which passes immediately after taking painkillers.

4. Digestive problems. With the disease, the heart really hurts, but antispasmodics help relieve pain.

Despite the fact that these signs are false, they still need to consult a doctor.

Causes tingling of the heart

There are several causes of tingling in the heart:

1. Exercise pain. It does not last long, occurs in the form of attacks, passes after a while. You may experience when performing physical activity, fast walking. In order to exclude pathologies, patients are given a cardiogram, as well as a cardiogram, taking into account physical exertion. This will determine the frequency of heart tingling.

2. Pain during colds. In humans, there is a reaction to drugs. They must be taken carefully, if the pain continues for several days, you must visit a physician.

3. Tingling in the heart arising in a calm state indicates the presence of depression. Consult a psychoneurologist for advice. The doctor is not as bad as his specialty sounds. Only he can deal with the mental state of man. It is necessary to treat this condition, since such pains in the heart can provoke the development of dangerous diseases.

4. The pain caused by improper diet. The systems of the body are interconnected, the incorrect operation of one of them can disrupt the work of the other system. That is why gastritis, ulcers, cholecystitis, fail in the heart. For advice you need to contact a therapist and a gastroenterologist.

Based on the above, it can be concluded that tingling in the heart can be not only the nature of the disease in the heart, but also other organs. In order to deal with this in more detail, you need to know about possible diseases that cause tingling in the heart area.

Pricking in the heart: diagnosis of possible diseases

There are many nuances through which the doctor finds out the true cause of the patient's illness. These are not only laboratory tests, but also various diseases:

1. Myocardial infarction. This is a disease in which a lack of blood supply in the heart leads to the appearance of necrosis in the myocardium. The pain arises unexpectedly, and also has distinctive features. Localization falls on the chest, and more precisely for it. The patient feels the fear of death, dizziness, shortness of breath. Pain of intense nature, duration not more than 15 minutes.

2. Angina pectoris. This is an exacerbation with insufficient blood supply to the heart muscles. As in the previous case, the pain is sudden, of both weak and strong nature. Duration less than 15 minutes. After taking nitroglycerin subsides. Occurs with excessive physical exertion. Often has a systemic nature, that is, it occurs strictly at certain hours.

3. Pericarditis. This disease is associated with inflammation of the outer lining of the heart. Pain has many features. Its beginning is gradual, but after a while it increases. Tingling is felt behind the sternum or in the left chest. Symptoms are worse when swallowing. If you take a certain position - lie on your right side and press your legs to the chest, the pain subsides. Along with pain, the patient feels weak, sweating, nausea.

4. Pulmonary embolism. This is a condition in which the blood flow through the pulmonary artery is disturbed, as a result of which a clot occurs. The presence of concomitant manifestations affects the diagnosis of the disease. The following signs are characteristic of PATE: cough shortness of breath. Along with the pain, the patient feels sweating and panic fear.

5. Cardiopsychoneurosis. Pathology leads to disruption of the functioning of all body systems. The pain is felt in the left chest, its duration is up to several days. Often occurs with stress, anxiety. Having taken sedatives, the symptoms go away.

6. Osteochondrosis. This disease entails a change in articular cartilage. Tingling occurs with lesions of the cervical spine. With sudden movements, cough, pain increases.

Tingling in the heart - treatment methods

If the patient feels a tingling in the area of ​​the heart, but the reasons are unknown, it is important to ensure his peace. When discomfort occurs due to physical exertion or emotional stress, you need to calm down. After which the symptoms will pass on their own. In order to speed up this process, it is recommended to accept the following:

• tea with medicinal herbs;

• drugs with a calming effect.

Having done these actions, the pain does not subside? Call an ambulance as soon as possible.. Wait until everything goes by itself, not worth it. As often tingling indicate the presence of serious diseases.

If cardiac discomfort was caused by non-heart disease, it is important to calm down and consult a general practitioner for advice.

In no case can not ignore the pain. It can not appear just like that, it means that there were any failures in the body. If the specialist is not treated in time, she may become chronic. Due to the timely visit to the doctor, you can prevent the appearance of other, more serious complications.

Before the ambulance arrives, the patient must be given rest. Medical examinations play a major role. In no case can you abuse bad habits.

Unfortunately, not all turn to specialists for help. As a result, the disease progresses, which ultimately leads to death.

There are a number of drugs, their reception is allowed to produce before the arrival of the doctor. These include painkillers and sedatives - valerian extract, Corvalol, motherwort tincture. They are made on the basis of medicinal herbs, which means they will not cause any harm to the body.

Folk remedies

Not only drugs can help patients get rid of tingling in the heart. There are folk remedies based on medicinal herbs.

Healing tea from tingling in the heart

Tea is able to improve the functioning of the heart, calm the nervous system. To prepare it you need to take:

• 10 gr. lemon balm

• 10 gr. Hypericum

• 10 gr. motherwort

One tablespoon of raw material is brewed with 300 ml of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes.

As prevention, the following infusion is made: 2 tbsp. spoons of onion peel (pre-crushed), 5 tbsp. spoons of pine needles, poured over a liter of boiling water. The mixture is simmered for 15 minutes, then infused for 2 hours. Drink it is necessary for 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is not more than a month.

Traditional medicine offers a lot of herbal tinctures. All of them are useful for the body, and most importantly contribute to the normalization of the heart:

1. Two tsp calendula poured 2 tbsp. boiling water. Infused in a warm place for 2 hours. The tincture is drunk four times a day for two weeks in 0.5 cup.

2. Motherwort. You can buy it in a pharmacy. It is taken three times a day.

3. Peppermint. This is one of the most effective plants used in the normalization of the heart. One tsp pours 1 tbsp. boiling water, infused for one hour and then filtered. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

First aid for pain and tingling in the heart

As mentioned above, if you feel a tingling in your heart, you must ensure complete rest.

The pain caused by physical loads will disappear immediately after they are stopped.

If necessary, you can drink tea with drugs that have sedative effects. It does not always help, so Valerian or motherwort tincture should be at hand.

If the measures taken do not help, and the pain increases, call an ambulance.

In the event that pain does not occur due to the presence of heart disease, measures should still be taken. But first you need to consult with your therapist. Ignore the pain of any nature can not. Their presence may affect the development of other diseases or provoke a transition to chronic forms. Only a timely appeal to a specialist can save you from complications and guarantee a speedy recovery.

Do not accumulate adrenaline in your body, worry for no reason. If it is still present, you can get rid of it through physical exercise, or positive emotions. Stress is removed in the same way.

In order to avoid the occurrence of stabbing pains in the heart, you need to regularly visit the therapist, to lead a healthy lifestyle.

If physical exercise is not prohibited, they must be performed.

You must constantly monitor your body.

You should not let everything take its course and wait for it to pass by itself.

Because of this, harmless symptoms often turn into the development of serious complications.

Consult with experts, visit them at least once in two - three months. Only then can you not worry about your health.


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