Why the ears itch inside: diagnosis and causes. Simple and effective ways to get rid of itching inside the ears: doctor's advice


When an unbearable desire to scratch in the ear appears, a person is rarely interested in the origin of such a strange phenomenon.

For most, pruritus seems to be a natural reaction of the body.

And it will be easy for connoisseurs of folk to accept itching in the ears about the approaching weather or news.

Therefore, often the condition when the ears itch inside is left without proper attention.

However, when a persistent, unbearable itch appears, the problem comes to the fore, attracts all the patient's attention, distracts from ordinary cases, and requires you to look for a reliable way to get rid of the unpleasant feeling.

Itching inside: causes

Anyone can scratch their ears inside. And this feeling does not always indicate the presence of serious pathologies. Behind the process of pruritus, there is a complex mechanism based on specific signals that, when stimulated, serve as nerve receptors located in the upper layers of the skin. Peripheral branches and the central nervous system are directly involved in this mechanism, transmitting response commands that cause itching. The ear is no exception. It has accumulated a sufficient number of itch receptors, which, when a favorable situation appears, cause the desire to scratch the ear inside.

Irritation of the nerve cutaneous receptors may occur under the influence of external factors of a nature:

• chemical;

• thermal;

• mechanical.

In such cases, the ears begin to itch when various irritating elements enter directly into the ear canal. The causes of external irritation can be both natural and pathological.

Common irritants can be:

Sulfur. Significant formation of sulfur emissions in conjunction with sweat, fat, accumulating in the ear canal, cause a reaction, which is accompanied by itching. It is easy to get rid of unpleasant sensations by conducting timely hygiene procedures of the ear cavities.

However, the overuse of many patients to clean their ears with coarse cotton swabs can have a reversing, aggravating effect. With the deep introduction of rods or other devices into the ear, sulfur is compacted, leading to the formation of traffic jams.

In such cases it is quite difficult to cope with the problem yourself and the help of an otolaryngologist is required. The doctor will conduct a standard procedure for washing the ears, which will get rid of traffic jams and the desire to scratch the ear from the inside.

Lack of sulfur. Strangely enough, but with insufficient production of sulfur emissions, acting as a kind of lubricant and protection in the ear, irritation of skin receptors also occurs, which is manifested by scratching of the ear.

Water. When fluid enters the ear canal while swimming, diving, bathing, there is an obstacle to the free penetration of sound waves and air. Such a water block, actually making slight oscillatory movements in the ear, causes mechanical irritation and itching.

Insects and third-party items. The problem of getting into the ear of third-party objects are often faced by kids. Out of carelessness or out of curiosity, they put various small objects into their ears, which causes the desire to scratch inside and even pain. But from the ingress of insects in the ear canal are not insured and adults. It is possible to get rid of unpleasant scratching inside the ear only after removing the irritant.

Pliers. Scabbing the ears inside can damage the skin with an ear or scabies mite. This causes unbearable itching and a feeling of crawling under the skin. On the skin can be observed traces of parasite bites.

Fungal infection. With the defeat of fungal infection on the background of itching, there is redness and inflammation. The ear inside starts to itch more when water gets in. Otomycosis, as fungal ear pathologies are called, are treated only with antimycotic drugs that a doctor can pick up after identifying the type of fungus.

Dermatological pathology. Dermatitis, eczema and even psoriasis can be observed in the ears. Such serious diseases are accompanied by the formation of scales and papules that provoke itching. The causes of pathologies can be chemical external stimuli, as well as a hereditary factor, disruptions in the immune, hormonal system, and nervous conditions.

Allergens. Combing the ears inside can, if they get into the means of hygiene in the form of soap, shampoo, shower gels. Allergic reactions can be caused by hats, headphones, pillows.

Mechanical damage. Microcracks in the ear canal or on the eardrum resulting from inaccurate hygiene procedures or direct injuries cause an itchiness.

But if the ears are scratched inside in the absence of external stimuli, the cause must be sought deeper. Itching, triggered by internal pathologies, has more complex mechanisms. Hormonal, physiological and neurogenic processes may be behind this reaction. Finding out the cause of this itch is much more difficult.

Scratching in the ears can be symptoms of serious diseases in the form of:

Different types of otitis. Any ear cavity can be inflamed, causing painful sensations, congestion of the ear, general malaise, weakness, fever.

Catarrhal diseases. When irritation or swelling of the pharynx, throat, and nasal cavities, the pathological process can also affect the ears, causing itching.

Hormonal or metabolic pathologiescausing imbalances in the body. Often scratching the ear inside can on the background of diabetes.

Toxic substancesproduced in the body in diseases of the kidney, gall, or liver. Scabbed ears inside can be a reaction to toxic food poisoning.

Allergies. When food, chemical, household allergies under the influence of histamine produced by the body, itching occurs, which can be observed in the ear canals.

Speaking cause scratching of the ears inside can and age factor. With age, the body undergoes irreversible processes, accompanied by degenerative changes. A complex of hormonal, immune, physiological age problems can be accompanied by idiopathic pruritus.

Itchy ears inside: diagnosis of possible diseases

Independently deal with itching in the ears is almost impossible. You need a competent examination to identify provoking factors.

If the ears are intolerably scratched inside, you should not solve the problem with cotton swabs or other objects. Such methods only aggravate, but do not solve the problem.

To find out the cause of the itch should be referred to an otolaryngologist. Often the problem of itching is solved by one specialist. The doctor will examine with the help of an otoscope the internal state of the aisles. When detecting irritants in the form of sulfur, external objects, wounds, further examinations are not required, and the problem is solved immediately by washing, treating the skin.

If an infectious, fungal, inflammatory process is suspected, a flora examination with the help of backdoors of the received ear, throat, and nose materials will be required, which will help identify the causative agent of pathology and select an antimicrobial drug.

If there are dermatological manifestations of the disease, the presence of ticks, the doctor will refer you to a dermatologist for treatment.

In identifying other pathologies will require the help of an allergist, immunologist, endocrinologist or neurologist, who, in turn, will determine the complex diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

There are situations when the patient is tortured by scratching inside the ears, and the diagnosis does not reveal obvious reasons that can provoke such a pathology. In such cases, talk about idiopathic itching. With an unreasonable itching in the patient's ears, they are referred to a psychotherapist, since any ear-related pathological reactions in the form of noise, itching, ringing can have a neurogenic nature, that is, caused by nervous shocks, stress, depression, and an unstable psycho-emotional state.

Itching inside the ears: medical and popular methods of treatment

It is undesirable to make independent attempts to treat itching in the ears before making a diagnosis.

Even if the cause of scratching in the ear inside was the accumulation of sulfur or dirt, to solve the problem by picking in the ear canal will not work. To properly clean the ear canals, external hygiene procedures must be performed. Washing with soap, removing secrets and dirt from the surface can eliminate many problems.

With intensive sulfur production, as well as with severe contamination of the ear canals as a result of working in dusty conditions take advantage of popular advice:

1. Flush the ear canals with soda solution prepared from 5 gr. baking soda dissolved in 100 ml of water. A warm solution is used for instillation into the ear, injecting 5 drops into each ear.

2. Apply 6% vinegar, which wipe the ear canals, which helps soften sulfur.

3. Bury hydrogen peroxide in the ear canals to soften the sulfur formations. For the same purpose can be applied and vegetable oil.

4. Vegetable oil can push out insects that have fallen into the ear.

In the presence of dense sulfur formations, the ENT can help by flushing the ear canal with a special syringe.

With more serious problems that itch the ears inside, it is necessary to resort to medical treatment. Only a doctor will be able to select an effective course of treatment, based on the results of preliminary examinations.

When otomycosis prescribe antimycotic drugs such as Miconazole, Ketoconazole, Levorin, Amphotericin B, which can suppress the activity of fungi. External treatment is carried out with ointments Clotrimazole, Terbinafine, Naftifin.

For the treatment of otitis media, erysipelas, it is advisable to use antibacterial agents. Therapy is carried out with drops like Otofa, Otipaksa, Normaks, Tsipromeda, Sofradeksa, and also with antibiotics in the form of Amoxicillin, Ciprofloxacin, Netilmicin tablets.

Dermatitis, eczema and other dermatological pathologies are treated with Clarisens, Tavegila, Zyrtek, Suprastin antihistamines. Locally used corticosteroid ointment, as well as washing with solutions of Resorcinol, Furacilin.

In allergic reactions of various origins, antihistamine medications are prescribed that help eliminate inflammation, irritation, and itching.

Observing recommendations for hygienic care of the ears, as well as preventive measures in the form of ironing clothes and towels, wiping telephone handsets with alcohol solutions, refusing to wear foreign headgear, using natural hypoallergenic cosmetics and care products, can significantly reduce the likelihood of scratching inside the ears.
