What are the useful properties of herring? What benefits or harm can herring bring to health for adults and children?


Nutritionists are now talking a lot about the need for the use and benefits for the body of various seafood.

The most common and accessible to most people was and remains herring.

Even without knowing about its huge health benefits, we often perceive it as an addition to the usual diet.

Herring: composition as used

Herring is the most favorite fish that is always present on the daily and holiday tables. And its composition makes the fish one of the most useful.

The herring is considered fatty fish not by chance.

In 100g of fish are present:

• proteins - 17.8 g;

• fats - 19,5gr.

The amount of protein in fish of small size can cover the daily need of the body for this substance. They restore spent energy and energy, improve the process of regeneration in all organs. The index of fat content varies. It depends on the habitat, time of catch of herring and its species.

Everything beneficial features fish lie in its composition. Stand out:

trace elements: iodine (40 μg), iron (1 mg), zinc (0.9 mg), manganese (0.12 μg), copper (170 μg), fluorine (380 μg), chromium (55 μg), cobalt (40 μg), molybdenum (4 μg), nickel (8µg);

macronutrients: magnesium (30 mg), calcium (60 mg), potassium (310 mg), sodium (100 mg), fluorine (165 mg), sulfur (190 mg);

vitamins: A (0.03 mg, PP (3.9 mg), B1 (0.08 mg), B2 (0.3 mg), B5 (0.9 mg), B6 ​​(0.4 mg), B9 (18 mg), B12 (10 mg ), C (0.7 mg), E (1.2 mg), D (30 mg).

Present vitamins and minerals are able to prevent diseases of the eyes, skin, calm the nervous system, increase immunity.

Herring is valued mainly due to the fact that substances such as vitamin D, iron, fatty acids and selenium are indispensable to the human body and their lack of a negative impact on its well-coordinated activities.

Calorie content Finished fish is directly related to the method of its preparation:

• fried contains 261kkal in 100gr;

• pickled - contains 155kkal per 100g of fish;

• salty - 270 Kcal per 100g;

• smoked - 218kkal;

• boiled contains 130 Kcal;

• fish in oil - 300 Kcal.

The calorie content of fresh fish ranges from 90 Kcal to 230 kcal and depends on its habitat, species, and fat content.

The presence in the composition of valuable and useful substances makes it possible to use fish in medicine, cooking, cosmetology.

Medical applications. Eating fish in combination with drug treatment helps to improve the condition of the patient, speed up recovery:

- heart and blood vessels;

- with eye diseases;

- removes the existing inflammatory processes;

- with malignant neoplasms in some organs;

- hypertension (except salted and smoked fish).

The extract from fish oil is indispensable for colds, rickets in babies, helps to improve well-being.

Cooking Application. Herring more often than other fish used in cooking. It is boiled, stewed, fried, smoked, pickled, salted. In many salads and snacks is an indispensable ingredient due to the exquisite taste and aroma.

Use in cosmetology. The beneficial properties of herring have a beneficial effect on hair, nails, and skin. For the manufacture of external care products they use caviar and fat. Masks of them suspend the aging process, struggle with many skin problems, tone up and nourish it. Recently, new technologies have been developed that allow fish scales to be used as raw materials for many types of cosmetics. The presence of pearl gloss in lipstick, nail polish is a merit of scales.

Application for weight loss. Herring is useful for those people who want to lose weight. Its fat helps reduce its own fat cells - adipocytes. It does not apply to prohibited products and for those who are trying to keep their weight in order. In terms of total fat, herring is inferior to many meat products.

Salted, smoked, pickled herring are often present on our tables. Even in such species all useful properties and its nutritional value are preserved in fish.

Herring: what is the use for the body

The health benefits of herring have been repeatedly confirmed by doctors:

• Salt in the composition of fish prevents the development of many types of bacteria, inhibits the activity of a number of enzymes.

• Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids are able to speed up the regeneration process in the body, thereby preventing the formation of cholesterol, destroy atherosclerotic plaques in vessels, reduce the risk of thrombus formation, improve blood flow, help cope with seasonal depression, inhibit the growth of malignant tumors in the body.

• The presence of docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids determines the use of herring for the immune, cardiovascular systems, organs of vision, and the brain. These substances relieve the body of toxins, remove toxins, reduce inflammatory processes.

• With psoriasis, the fish relieves the manifestation of its symptoms.

• Fish oil reduces cholesterol, reduces the size of human fat cells.

• Vitamins help the body absorb proteins.

• Present antioxidants reduce the amount of oxidation products in plasma.

• The combined effect of magnesium and fatty acids reduces the likelihood of asthma, rheumatoid arthritis.

• The combined effects of nicotinic acid and vitamin D have a beneficial effect on the bone and nervous systems.

• Minerals affect performance, form the skeletal system and affect its strength, affect memory, attention.

All these facts only confirm the benefit of herring for the body. To make the effect of fish on the body only positive, doctors recommend eating only two pieces of fish no more than three times a week.

Herring: what is the harm to health

The question about the dangers of herring health is not idle, and it should be approached quite seriously. Most gourmets of this fish prefer to eat it in salted, fried, smoked species. With such a "love" for her, the following should be considered:

• It is not recommended to use salted and smoked fish to people diagnosed with diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder;

• if there are problems with the urinary system;

• there is a predisposition to peripheral swelling;

• revealed gastritis and gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer;

• fatty fish varieties are completely contraindicated for diabetic patients;

• atherosclerosis is also a contraindication;

• can cause a migraine attack;

• lowers serotonin levels.

The main harm of the herring is the presence of salt in it. Salt is used for canning fish. But the use of even a small amount of salted fish is completely contraindicated for hypertensive patients. Salt is able to retain water in the body and cause a rise in blood pressure. Only 1g of salt is able to bind 100ml of liquid. To reduce the negative effects of salt on the body can be if the fish fillets soak for a few minutes in milk or strong tea. Its taste will not change, and the harm from salt will be less.

Roasted herring has fewer contraindications, but it is advisable to reduce its quantity if there are diseases of the liver, pancreas, gall bladder, and kidneys.

Harm from herring will be also in the event that the fish were stored improperly or the smoking and salting technology was disturbed.

When buying fish it is important to pay attention to:

• gills. They should be elastic, not fall apart, have a red (not gray) color.

• The fish, when pressed, should retain its shape.

• No smell of rot present.

• There should be no mucus on the scales.

• Eyes should remain clear, not cloudy.

Salted herring should not contain yellow spots or stripes. Their presence speaks of "rust" - the result of fat oxidation.

Nutritionists and doctors do not advise to get involved in the use of herring in any form. Smoking, salt or frying in fish oil can be harmful even to a healthy body. Her presence in the diet should be in moderation.

Herring for children: useful or harmful

Many parents are very careful about the presence of herring in the diet of their children. Their fears are in vain. Fish is easily and quickly absorbed by the child's body. Being a source of a significant number of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, fats, makes it necessary for a growing and developing organism.

All vitamin-mineral complex contributes to:

• full development of the brain;

• maintaining immunity;

• proper formation and strengthening of bone tissue and teeth;

• mental development.

Doctors set minor limitations in its use:

• herring is considered a fatty product, so babies under 1.6 years old are not recommended to give it;

• some children had cases of allergy after eating herring;

• diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder are contraindicated.

Doctors recommend young children to give fish steamed or steamed. In this form, it will retain all the useful properties. By 2 years old, children can be given baked and roasted herring. Herring has many small bones. Parents before feeding should carefully inspect the cooked fish and remove from it all the small bones.

The first acquaintance with the fish should begin with a small piece. Her presence in the diet of children under 2 years should not exceed once a week. In the period from 2 to 3 years a portion of fish can reach up to 100g and it is allowed to give up to 2 times a week.

Despite the fact that fish is considered beneficial for the child’s body, and the number of contraindications to its use is minimal, it can be introduced into the child’s diet only after consulting a pediatrician.

It is difficult to find one that could “boast” of such a significant amount of useful properties among a variety of fish. In Switzerland, there is even a saying that confirms how useful the herring is: "When the herring is on the table, the doctor is on the sidelines."


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