Dropsy - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Dropsy involves swelling, as well as the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the body. It is safe to say that dropsy is not a disease, it is a sign of a disease of the internal organs, which include the heart, liver, kidneys and others. They are accompanied by edema, capable of reaching quite large sizes. In order to get rid of edema, it is necessary, first of all, to treat the main disease. The most common dropsy of the testicle and brain.

Dropsy - reasons

As for dropsy of the testicles, it can occur in both newborns and adults. Dropsy of the testicle can occur unilateral and bilateral. During intrauterine growth of the fetus, the formation of the testicles is carried out directly in the abdominal cavity. The testicles descend into the cavity of the scrotum only at the end of pregnancy. The duct that connects the scrotum to the abdominal cavity must necessarily overgrow. In the event that the fusion did not occur completely, there is a high probability that a communicating dropsy will appear.

Among the main causes of dropsy of the testicles, the following can be noted: a scrotum injury, inflammation of the testicle, severe heart failure, filariasis, and others were received. This disease can acquire both acute and chronic form. The first form occurs due to inflammation or swelling of the testicles. If in this case appropriate medical care has not been provided, the disease may become chronic.

Dropsy - symptoms

Among the most popular symptoms of the disease are fever. During a large accumulation of fluid, there is difficulty in moving and wearing underwear. With dropsy, one or two testicles at once can increase in volume. Usually, in this case, it is practically impossible to feel it, while the skin of the scrotum is smoothed. Also, with a similar disease, there may be aching pain in the scrotum.

Dropsy - diagnosis

In order to establish the correct diagnosis of the disease, you will definitely have to do some research. For example, examination, as well as palpation of the external genitalia. It is necessary to have an ultrasound of the scrotum to exclude the presence of a hernia.

Such a study makes it possible to accurately determine the volume of fluid in the scrotum. In certain cases, additional studies may be needed to exclude or, conversely, confirm other diseases.

Dropsy - treatment

To treat the disease as favorable as possible, you need to seek medical help as soon as possible. Otherwise, there is a certain likelihood that spermatogenesis will be impaired or hypotrophy of the testicle will begin to develop. This can happen when the dropsy is already impressive in size, while it has not undergone any treatment.

Dropsy of the testicle can be observed due to some diseases. In this case, we must first deal with the treatment of the causes that contributed to the appearance of dropsy. There is also a conservative treatment that is suitable for the treatment of reactive dropsy during acute epididymitis. With this option, dropsy is treated using the suspension, while complete rest should be observed.

To stop the accumulation of fluid, radical methods of treatment are used, for example, Bergman surgery and Winkelman surgery. More rarely, Lord’s operation is used, but only with chronic dropsy. This operation is performed under local anesthesia. In some cases, operations that are similar with hernia repair are used. In this case, communicating dropsy is treated.


Watch the video: Dr Loh explains the causes of dropsy and does a full examination of a bloated Goldfish (July 2024).