Begonia: home care - important points (photo). Creating conditions for flowering begonias at home year-round


Begonia is a beautiful and vibrant representative of the begonia family, which is the most popular plant among flower growers and has a large number of annual and perennial species of grasses, shrubs and shrubs.

The first described a begonia by a botanist, a Frenchman by birth Charles Plumier, who was part of an expedition organized by the Michel Begon to the Antilles in the 16th century.

It was in honor of this organizer that the plant got its name - begonia.

The plant is often used in folk medicine, it is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Features of growing begonias at home

Important points for proper begonia cultivation at home:

• Begonia, grown at home, prefers to do without any proximity to other flowers, because it loves open space (for example, on the windowsill) and cannot stand it when someone or something touches it, touches it, or disturbs them - she is untouchable!

• For begonias, a room with high humidity is required.

• It is better to water the begonia with well-maintained water, but so that moisture does not linger in the drainage hole.

• The soil for begonias needs to be loosened more often, and the plant should be nourished with balanced fertilizer and watered with warm water.

• It is recommended to transplant the plant once a year, observing all the rules and nuances of this matter.

Begonia: home care - plant species and propagation

Begonias grown at home are purely symbolically divided into two groups - flowering and deciduous varieties of plants.

Deciduous varieties are distinguished by their unusual shape and original color of leaves.

Flowering specimens are divided into categories of tuberous, evergreen and bushy plants.

The most popular types of begonias:

Tuber grade - It has simple and terry flower petals of various colors from bright white to red and orange. Petals can combine two colors or be framed by a border. The sizes of inflorescences range from 5 to 18 centimeters, and in shape they are very similar to roses, peonies or carnations.

Evergreen variety - The most common instance related to bushy plants. This variety is grown as a garden culture, and planted at home in indoor conditions. At home, this kind of begonia can bloom all year round, delighting its household with glossy leaves of red and green. This homemade beauty blossoms small flowers in bright shades - red, pink and white.

Royal grade - refers to deciduous specimens of begonia and has a bright difference in the form of leaves of various colors, in shape resembling a heart and reaching a length of 30 centimeters. Green, brown and red tones of leaves of this variety delight and surprise at the same time.

Ampelic subspecies of tuberous begonia - It looks like ivy, which is strewn with small flowers that have white, yellow, ruby ​​and orange hues. Hanging garlands of this begonia give gardeners flowers throughout the growing season.

Elatior - A tuberous begonia hybrid that is grown only at home. This species begins to bloom in the fall. Petals of flowers differ in a variety of shades. It has rounded shiny green leaves.

Seed propagation of begonias is more advisable to carry out at the end of the year, or rather, in December. Begonia seeds are gentle and sensitive, as a result of which, when they are planted in the soil, no substrates need to be used. After half a month, the seeds planted in the soil will germinate. During adulthood and growth, shoots must be dived and quietly accustomed to the sun.

Also begonia, grown at home with ease, can be propagated by cuttings of stems or leaves. To do this, you will need to pick up a strong and healthy plant instance, measuring 10 centimeters in size, and plant it in moist soil from sand or peat. For better rooting begonias, you can resort to the use of phytohormones.

Important! In order for the seedling not to rot, the plant must be planted in such a way as to completely exclude its contact with the ground.

Begonia: home care - soil, lighting, essential environment for flowering

Soil and lighting necessary for begonia

The choice of soil for begonias must be approached with all seriousness, since this plant has a fibrous rhizome with a decent amount of thin and vulnerable roots.

When choosing a soil, you must consider:

• Low acidity.

• Lightness and friability of the soil.

An ideal combination to obtain the required soil composition would be mixed proportions of 1: 2 - sand and peat mixed with leafy land, as well as manure from a cow.

To plant begonias in a pot, it is necessary to fill three quarters of the capacity with sheet soil, as well as 1: 1 black soil and peat. In this case, you must not forget and add sand to the above components.

Important to remember, that if, in accordance with all the rules, the soil is prepared for indoor begonia, it will grow well and please the eye.

If there is such a need and begonia needs to be transplanted, for example, its root system has become cramped in a pot, then you need to do this in accordance with all available rules:

• The plant must be removed from the pot and clean the root system of the old earth.

• For a while, begonia should be placed in a pot with potassium permanganate.

• Peel the begonia rhizome from all rotten or moldy parts.

• Pour the necessary soil composition into a new pot by ¾, no more, and plant a begonia. Subsequently, when the rhizome of the plant grows stronger and grows, you can add more earth.

• A transplanted plant needs regular and frequent watering, as well as safety from direct sunlight.

The best lighting for begonias is daylight with diffused sunlight. It is recommended to place begonias on window sills, whose windows face east or west. Lighting should exclude direct sun exposure. Better some penumbra for begonia, but, in winter, for good development and plant growth, of course, additional lighting.

It is important to know that begonia does not respond well to changes in the brightness of lighting - it may even burns or the plant may die completely.


On home window sills, begonia blooms with great intensity and brightness. But this is if the plant is provided with the necessary and proper care. Then, in gratitude, begonia will delight its household with flowering from spring until the very autumn frosts.

In order to extend the flowering time in the initial stage of plant development, it is necessary to remove female flowers.

Begonia flowers are similar in shape to other types of flowers - carnations, roses, daffodils and others. Bright colors of petals during flowering can decorate any room and cheer up its owners.

If begonia does not bloom, then you need to change the conditions of the plant and plant the flower in a new soil and pot. Even the lack of flowering may indicate that begonia must be rejuvenated.

Begonia: home care - top dressing and watering

How to water begonia?


In order for the irrigation to be correct, two especially important factors must be taken into account:

• Good soil moisture.

• Lack of stagnation of water in pots with plants.

In summer, begonia should be irrigated so abundantly that excess water flows completely out of the drainage hole, and after some time, unnecessary liquid from the sump must be permanently removed.

It is best for your pet to establish a specific watering regime and irrigate her at the same time. In summer, it is recommended to water begonia at least a couple of times a week, and if the weather is hot, then it is necessary to irrigate as the soil dries.

In the autumn period, the plant should be watered less often, and with the onset of winter, when begonia is at rest, watering should be reduced to a minimum.

With the advent of warm days and spring, the plant must be taken out of a state of rest thereby increasing the dose and frequency of watering.

Important to remember, that heavy watering can lead to powdery mildew, which can destroy the plant.

Watering is best done with settled and warm water, you can boil it.

In addition, many types of begonias do not perceive a direct hit of water on the stem or leaves of the plant when spraying, this may cause brown spots in some specimens, which indicate getting burns from the liquid.

Top dressing

As soon as buds appear on such a luxurious ornamental plant as begonia, this will mean one thing - it is time for feeding.

For home-flowering beauties, dressing in the form of a liquid complex fertilizer is advisable. It is necessary to introduce this fertilizer together with water when watering once every half a month.

As soon as the plant has faded, the feeding process must be stopped. And in the winter, when the plant is resting, it is generally impossible to feed it.

Begonia: at home - why it dies

Incorrect care, ignorance, mistakes in growing and maintaining such a flower as begonia lead to the fact that a beloved plant becomes ill, drops leaves and buds, or even dies.

For his pupil, so to speak, you need an eye and an eye. It is necessary to pay close attention to begonia:

• If the leaves of the plant in places become brown and begin to fall, this can only mean one thing - begonias do not have enough water and humidity.

• If the leaves become faded, this means that the plant does not have enough light.

• Excess moisture and low temperature lead to the appearance of a fungus on the plant, which affects the leaves and shoots of begonias. With such a misfortune, begonia should be treated with fungicides immediately.

• Aridity and temperature changes are an excellent medium for the appearance of powdery mildew on a plant. She ruins the plant in the form of a white coating. Therefore, sick begonia should be immediately treated with colloidal sulfur.

The main pests of begonia are organisms such as ticks (spider mites) and aphids. They are located on the back of a begonia leaflet and take all the juices out of it. You can destroy the tick by resorting to spraying with a solution of soap and tobacco. Aphids are destroyed with special preparations, for example, such as feverfew.

Take care of begonia and provide it with dignified and proper care, then the plant will definitely pay good for it. With its excellent ability to cleanse the air of various types of contaminants, toxins, chemicals and dust - begonia will make the home of its amateur flower grower clean and safe.


Watch the video: Indoor Begonia Care Guide . Garden Answer (July 2024).