Eyebrow tattoo - types, methods, photos. Questions and answers.


Some women are proud of the beautiful natural line of their eyebrows, while others have to carefully pluck, draw, adjust the length and width. You can give the desired shape using an alternative method - a temporary tattoo, applied with special paint. This procedure is known as eyebrow tattooing, and is considered the most sustainable form of permanent makeup.

Due to its significant advantages, many women prefer it. Beautiful tattoo allows you to save time on applying daily makeup, moreover, it is more stable than simple cosmetics. But not every woman decides to fulfill it, since the sad experience of some acquaintances of ladies can scare away in the absence of reliable information. How to do eyebrow tattooing in order to avoid mistakes? What contraindications or side effects are possible? Let's consider all in more detail.

Types of Eyebrow Tattoo

There are two main types of eyebrow tattooing according to the tasks facing the master and how to accomplish them. This is a soft shading and hair tattoo of eyebrows. If the former is more or less clear, the latter is also divided into two varieties - European and Eastern. In oriental execution, hairs from root to ends are drawn at different intervals. Recently, the natural appearance of eyebrows is the most popular, but only high-class specialists can "draw" eyebrows in this way.

Hair of different lengths are sent in different directions. This arrangement is better suited for women of the eastern type, with dark thick hair. To enhance the color correction is carried out. According to the European method, hairs are drawn of the same length, directing them upward and tilting to the tail. With the correct European eyebrow tattoo, the stroke interval is almost the same, but after the procedure, after about a month, correction is also required.

Eyebrow Tattoo Colors

Despite the fact that the procedure of tattooing is equated with permanent makeup, it would be more correct to call it “semi-permanent”, since its effect lasts only a few years. Used paints do not cause dyeing of tissues, but only act on the skin.

Microimplants of natural origin begin to fade in a couple of years as a result of cell regeneration, and then disappear altogether. You need to know: tattoo and tattoo paints are different from each other. Be sure to track what type of paint the master uses, such as tattoo paints are much cheaper, and unscrupulous masters can take advantage of this. Do not settle for "eternal" makeup for the sake of economy.

If you or the master, by your consent, decide to save on paints, you can get brown eyebrows very soon, which can then acquire a greenish tint. Sometimes the paint is mixed, for example, a red tint for lip tattooing with black for arrows and tattoos. It is absolutely impossible to do this, otherwise, apart from uneven color, a different structure of lines is also obtained, violation of sizes due to uneven washing off of the paint.

Eyebrow Tattoo Procedure

The person should be carefully prepared - cleaned of cosmetics and contaminants with antibacterial soap or other aseptic agent. Then comes the most crucial stage - the shape of the eyebrows is selected. Gather the hair back and open the neck, evaluate the oval of the face. Usually, eyebrow tattoo masters are highly qualified makeup artists who are able to choose the right shape and coordinate with the client. Adjust the shape together before approving the final version. If you can’t find a common language with the master, it’s better not to start the procedure, but to look for another specialist.

Stages of performing eyebrow tattoo

Stage 1:
- a non-intense color drawing is performed
- a tone is added a little, so as not to make too saturated eyebrows;
- disinfected skin in chipped places;
- a layer of wound healing cream is applied to protect the wounds from dust.

Stage 2:
- Eyebrow correction. The exact depth of the puncture is almost impossible the first time, due to the different skin structure, immunity, and metabolism. Tattooing is adjusted after the crust comes off.

Eyebrow tattoo: contraindications

Before the procedure, you should always consult your doctor. The main contraindication is poor blood coagulation, as well as diabetes. You can not take alcohol for several days before and after the procedure, as it reduces blood clotting. Pay attention to the use of medicines - analgesics, aspirin also reduce blood clotting. Also, do not plan this event during menstruation.

It is worth paying attention to tattoo machines - they should be with disposable parts for contact with the skin. The master must print the needle in the presence of the client. Another “forbidden” feature of the body is the tendency to form keloid scars. If the scars after any scratches are too noticeable - you also have a taboo on the beautiful "artificial" eyebrows, you will have to look for other ways, for example, cosmetics. With careless actions, complications are possible - prolonged healing of the injured area. In addition, the following diseases are an absolute contraindication: epilepsy, oncological diseases, mental disorders.

Can tattoo be removed?

The answer to this question is rather positive. Removal is carried out by a laser, in approximately the same way as when working with tattoos, only with lower power. With the correct distribution of paints, the pigment is located almost under the surface of the skin, it can be destroyed by several procedures. True discoloration will be about 80%, however, this is a very high result. Completely drawing is deleted in 5 procedures. Laser removal is carried out painlessly, leaves no scars, the skin heals completely within two weeks.

Eyebrow Tattoo - Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does eyebrow tattooing hurt?
- During the procedure, anesthesia is performed at the request of the client, a large number of anesthetics are used to choose from. The procedure is performed by a special apparatus. Without pain relief, it will hurt, but bearable.

2. Do I completely remove the eyebrows with a razor?
- No, they are adjusted by the master with tweezers, and only where hair growth does not coincide with the new line.

3. Does hair growth after tattooing change?
- No, it does not. Since the effect is carried out only on the stratum corneum of the skin and epidermis, the hair follicles are not damaged, as they are much deeper. Hair grows as well.

4. How long does the tattoo last?
- The timing is influenced by the type of skin, metabolic rate in the body. Each of this happens differently, on average, from 2 to 5 years.

5. How long after the procedure can I take a shower or perform other water procedures?
“Not earlier than two hours.” It must be done carefully for several days until the wound is completely healed. A dark crust that cannot be scratched or torn off will remain on the tattooed area for a while. She herself disappears after complete healing. You can gently rinse it.

6. Is it possible to sunbathe after an eyebrow tattoo?
- No, and it is very important! Until. Until the crust disappears, you should refrain from going to the sauna, solarium, to the beach or to the pool.

7. How long does the crust heal and how to care for it?
- It will take 4 to 10 days to fully heal, but on the eyebrows it is almost not noticeable. Antiseptic and moisturizing creams, for example, “Rescuer” or “Nivea” moisturizer, should be applied to the place of tattooing. You can not apply clarifying cream or scrub to the eyebrow area.

8. How many days can swelling last?
- There is no edema with this procedure, only slight redness, which already disappears after 2 hours.

9. Is it possible to make an eyebrow tattoo (more durable)?
- Experts do not recommend doing this, and numerous reviews confirm this: permanent tattooing turns yellow over time and acquires an unnatural greenish color.

Eyebrows are the most creative component of female beauty. It is beautiful eyebrows that emphasize the geometry of the face and reflect individuality. Be original and beautiful!

Eyebrow tattoo photo


goha 08/08/2016
Hello! I did my eyebrow tattoo a year ago (permanent), and they made me black, but I asked for a brighter one. and now I would like to make them lighter and thicker, but I would like to make hair. I would like the SPECIALIST to advise me what to do. I am waiting for an answer)))))

Elena 07/28/2016
Hello. She made eyebrow tattoo in May, praised the salon, gave away 5,000, dropped the whole drawing together with the crust, came to the salon to sort it out, said they had to go on a new one, they say no one expected the result right away. + correction is paid again. I decided to find another master and made a tattoo. The master praised himself. Yes, and the result pleased me initially. But two months later, my drawing began to go in gaps. Shading was done, now I want to try a hair tattoo on top of stuff. Please tell me, can I still save my eyebrows? Is it possible to stuff over the shading with hair? Thank you in advance for your response.

Nargiza 07/21/2016
Hello ! And you can do breastfeeding Eyebrow Tattoo?

faith 03/29/2016
please tell me after how many days you can redo the eyebrow tattoo ??? made a tattoo and the eyebrows are crooked and the shapes are not what I wanted (((((((((((((

specialist 01/28/2016
it’s just that it’s difficult to recommend and advise something from your words, you need to see your eyebrows) if it is within the permissible range and can be redone, then you can make hair with hairs, but it’s only brighter than the laser


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