Want him to stop drinking or want to be happy with him?


When someone in the family suffers from alcohol addiction, the relatives and friends of the drinker need help no less than the patient himself, since only their support and modern competent treatment can return a person to normal life. Most psychologists agree that to facilitate the recovery of a dependent person, it makes no sense to put pressure on him and take offense at the lack of a sense of will, it will be much more useful to try to figure out one’s own state, thoughts and feelings.

One of the most common misconceptions that psychologists and specialists of drug treatment centers have highlighted for people who are faced with the problem of alcohol addiction of loved ones is their belief that most of all they want their loved one to stop drinking. What do people really need in such a difficult situation? To understand this, psychologists recommend temporarily switching from the problems and desires of a dependent person to their own difficulties arising from alcohol, it is imperative to understand the priority needs, as well as how to achieve them.

For example, if a husband drinks in the family, the wife usually persuades him to stop daily, begs, threatens, asks him to do it for her, his children or relatives and says: “We want you to stop drinking!” Although this is reasonable, unfortunately, it rarely brings the expected result and, as a rule, the husband does not stop drinking.

A dependent person, drinking alcohol, has no intention of harming the family, just by drinking a little, he can no longer stop, unfortunately, the nervous system affected by alcohol works this way. Therefore, annoying exhortations and appeals, or even more so, direct prohibitions on drinking, no matter how sound they are, usually cause the patient a more likely reaction: "I do not want to quit, I want to drink another one!" In reality, in persuading her husband to stop drinking, the wife just wants: that he works, that there is peace in the family, that everything is in good health!

Thus, the essence of one of the most common misconceptions of relatives of addicted people is that in reality they want not so much the complete disappearance of alcohol from their lives, but simple human happiness and well-being, when everything is good in the family, all those close to us are healthy and happy.

But if, before, it was believed that for an addicted person there are only two choices - stop drinking completely or continue to drink alcohol “as before,” today modern medicine offers a new additional, and in some cases alternative, option - reducing alcohol consumption.

Not an absolute instantaneous rejection, which is practically unattainable for almost everyone and therefore ineffective, but an innovative method that proved high effectiveness in international studies. The purpose of this method is to help a person gradually come to a comfortable and, above all, without negative consequences for themselves, their health, others and life in general, level of alcohol consumption. Moreover, many people gradually, over time, give up alcohol completely.

To learn more, call the drink less hotline 8 800 200 00 08 or go to the lesser website.


Watch the video: How to Cope with a Spouse's Alcoholism. Alcoholism (July 2024).