Extremely simple and uniquely delicious - champignon soups with potatoes. A selection of champignon and potato soups


Mushroom soups, simple to make, usually not containing inaccessible ingredients, are nevertheless remarkably tasty and rightfully considered light and at the same time satisfying.

To enhance this last property, they are almost certainly prepared by adding potatoes.

Well, if you choose a variety of mushrooms, then here, by availability, champignons are perhaps the leaders.

Mushrooms produced on an industrial scale can be purchased in any season, and prices, again, are quite reasonable.

These two components, plus the simple, most often lean, broth, and the fragrant, hearty soup are ready, and time and effort has been spent - nothing at all.

Champignon soup with potatoes - general principles of preparation

• Champignon soup with potatoes can be cooked not only from fresh or frozen mushrooms, which are now available at any time of the year. For the first dishes, you can use mushrooms both in pickled form and canned in their own juice.

• Mushrooms are a universal ingredient and are always used interchangeably, that is, if necessary, fresh ones can be replaced with frozen, canned ones - stewed in their own juice or pickled, purchased or own-made.

• When choosing fresh mushrooms, get young mushrooms that do not have time to fully open. It is these mushrooms that are best suited for soups, especially if you want to cut them into plates. By cutting along the mushroom, you get a thin piece, on the cut of which there is a leg and a hat.

• Potatoes for liquid first courses from champignons are preferable to take medium-boiled, and for cream soup, on the contrary, it is very well boiled.

• When preparing mushroom soup with potatoes, vegetables and cereals, usually pearl barley, are added to the main ingredients (mushrooms and potatoes). If you do not like pearl barley, replace it with rice or millet.

• Vegetables and mushrooms are cut into slices of approximately the same size and dipped only in boiling liquid (broth or broth). Mushrooms are added at the end of cooking, along with sauteed root vegetables, often chopped champignons are fried with chopped vegetables.

• Cook mushroom soups with potatoes not only on mushroom or vegetable decoctions. Cooked on meat or chicken broth, this first will be more nutritious.

• In order for the soup to have a delicate milk taste, cream, hard cheese in grated form or cream cheese are introduced into them.

• Often, when served, sprinkle with herbs, this applies to vegetable soups from mushrooms and potatoes.

Fresh champignon soup with potatoes

Ingredients per one and a half liters of water:

• young fresh champignons - 300 grams;

• two heads of white lettuce;

• potato - 4 tubers;

• two carrots;

• a small bunch of garden parsley;

• baking flour - 2 tbsp. l .;

• hard "Dutch" cheese - 100 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Without removing the skin from the hats, rinse the champignons well and cut them not very coarsely. Lightly fry the mushrooms in vegetable (vegetable) oil.

2. Fry separately chopped onion until oil is amber, then add flour and, stirring constantly, continue to fry for another 2 minutes.

3. Dip the potatoes sliced ​​in centimeter cubes together with carrots cut into strips into boiling water.

4. Transfer the onion and mushrooms fried with flour into the broth for almost ready vegetables. Dip the Dutch cheese grated into small chips.

5. Slightly salt the soup with fine salt, add ground black pepper to your taste and continue cooking at a minimum, about a quarter of an hour, until cooked.

6. Half a minute before turning off, dip the leaves of parsley into small pieces into the soup, taking literally a few of its branches.

Mushroom soup with potatoes and chicken

Ingredients for 700 ml of water:

• 300 grams of white meat, chicken, breast;

• 100 grams of asparagus;

• three small potatoes;

• potato starch - 2 tablespoons full;

• canned sweet corn - 100 grams;

• twelve young medium-sized champignons;

• a teaspoon of quality sesame oil;

• green onions - 3 feathers.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the chicken breast thoroughly before cooking. Pour the entire volume of liquid necessary for preparing the soup into the pan with chicken meat and let it boil quickly. Remove the foam (var) and then cook with a minimum boil until the meat is fully cooked, 30 minutes.

2. Fifteen minutes after boiling, add chopped potatoes into small cubes.

3. Remove the prepared breast from the broth, cut into large slices or small pieces and lower it back.

4. In boiling chicken broth, add small sliced ​​mushrooms and cook for 12 minutes or until the potatoes are completely softened.

5. Pour diluted in 1/4 cup boiled, cooled water, starch and continue to cook, gently stirring, until the broth visibly thickens.

6. Reduce heat, add small pieces of asparagus and cook over low heat. Adding salt with small pinchings, adjust the taste of the soup as you wish, a little pepper with ground black pepper.

7. Wash and dry the green onion, chop and add it along with sesame oil to the soup already spilled on the plates.

"Mushroom pearl soup" from mushrooms with potatoes

Ingredients for 1, 8 l of purified water:

• canned (stewed in its own juice) champignons - 350 grams;

• a pound of potatoes;

• pearl barley - 50 grams;

• carrots - 2 pcs.;

• two small parsley roots;

• onions, sweet onions - 2 heads;

• 50 gr. sweet cream butter, "Peasant";

• 100 ml of sour cream of 20% fat content;

• two large spoons of baking flour, white;

• 400 ml of kvass (beetroot), can be replaced with wheat;

• peppercorns - 4 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Onion, parsley root, chop carrots with medium-sized thin strips and fry very slightly in oil. Add the flour, dried to a slight color change in a dry pan, mix thoroughly and transfer to a pan with boiling water, boil for three minutes and strain on a fine sieve.

2. In the filtered boiling vegetable broth, dip the potatoes, cut into large (3x3 cm) cubes, boil everything quickly and, reducing the heat to a minimum, continue cooking.

3. After a quarter of an hour, add the cereals boiled in a separate bowl until half cooked, chopped small pieces of mushrooms from a jar with marinade. Pour in kvass, salt, pepper, adding a small pinch of ground pepper to the broth, and bring mushroom mushroom soup with potatoes to readiness.

4. Season the soup with sour cream and serve.

Creamy champignon cream soup with potatoes

Ingredients per 1 liter. liquids (water, broth, broth):

• a pound of frozen, chopped champignons;

• three potatoes, medium;

• 100 ml low-fat, 10% cream;

• cream cheese with mushrooms - 50 grams;

• 72% natural butter.

Cooking method:

1. Frozen crushed mushrooms, fry until golden brown in a pan in melted butter. Set aside a third of them, and lower the remaining ones into the pan to the boiling potato, crushed in small cubes. Cook without covering over low heat for seven minutes.

2. When the potatoes boil well and become soft, beat the contents of the pan with a blender until smooth.

3. Pour in the cream puree, slowly, stir thoroughly and put the saucepan with soup back on the stove, turned on at the very minimum fire. Enter the processed cheese and, stirring gently, cook the cream soup for another 8 minutes.

4. In the plates with the soup poured in the center, put the mushrooms that were left over after frying with a slide.

Mushroom vegetable soup with potatoes

1.5 L ingredients:

• 150 grams of pickled mushrooms;

• 400 grams of pork, ribs;

• three small potatoes;

• one medium onion;

• small carrots;

• beets - 1 pc., Burgundy;

• half of a small head of cabbage - "white-headed";

• 2 tbsp. l flour, wheat;

• 50 grams of tomato puree;

• 50 grams of dried prunes, seedless;

• Lavrushka - 1 sheet.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the pork ribs under the tap, scrap off heavily contaminated areas with a knife, and chop them into small pieces if necessary. Fill with water and boil a not very greasy broth, removing excess fat along with the foam during cooking.

2. Chopped pork ribs can be removed from the finished broth, remove the meat from them and return it or leave it in its original form, without removing the flesh from the bones.

3. Fry the finely chopped onion in fat or vegetable oil until transparent. Put coarsely grated carrots to the onion and fry for five minutes together. In a separate frying pan, without fat, fry a little flour with tomato paste.

4. Put the diced beets and potatoes in a boiling meat broth, boil for a quarter of an hour and add carrots with onions and onions, and after another 10 minutes. dissolve in the soup flour fried with tomato.

5. Add washed pruned chopped prunes along with pickled champignons and cook the vegetable soup until cooked.

6. Not earlier than five minutes before the end, dip the lavrushka, a small leaf in soup, add fine salt to taste and pepper if necessary.

Mushroom soup with potatoes - tips and tricks

• Dip the pickled mushrooms in the soup only after all the vegetables have reached full readiness, otherwise the acid contained in them will not allow the vegetables to boil well and they will remain solid.

• Soup to which cream was added and cream cheese should not be boiled, and therefore, when cooking, be sure that it does not boil.

• Chopped frozen champignons do not have to thaw; they can also be added frozen.

• Cream cheese is also replaceable with almost any hard, high-fat cheese if you grate it before adding it. Note that cheese should only be natural, easily melting when exposed to high temperature.


Watch the video: Pork Chops with Creamy Mushroom Sauce (July 2024).