Pancreatitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Pancreatitis - a group of diseases that is associated with inflammation of the pancreas. With the development of the inflammatory process, the enzymes that are produced by the gland are not secreted into the duodenum, as a result of which these substances remain in the gland and gradually begin to destroy it (the so-called self-digestion). Toxins and other substances released during this process can affect the brain, heart, kidneys and liver.

A cold water bottle can help with an acute attack of pancreatitis, which should be applied in the place where the pain is most intense. In the acute form of the disease, immediate hospitalization is required.

Pancreatitis - causes

The main cause of pancreatitis is gallbladder disease. In addition, the following factors that can lead to inflammation of the pancreas can be noted:
- surgery on the biliary tract or stomach;
- diseases of the duodenum;
- injuries and injuries of the abdomen;
- taking a number of drugs (antibiotics, estrogens, and others);
- infectious diseases (hepatitis, mumps);
- the presence of parasites;
- violation of the hormonal background;
- violation of metabolic processes;
- vascular disease.

Unfortunately, in 30% of cases, the cause of pancreatitis cannot be established.

Pancreatitis - Symptoms

Symptoms of acute pancreatitis include severe bursting pain and vomiting. Depending on the location of the inflammatory process, the disease manifests itself in pain in the right or left hypochondrium, in the epigastric region. The girdle nature of pain is not excluded.

Symptoms of chronic pancreatitis include lack of appetite, bloating and vomiting, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, and pain in the upper abdomen. The chronic form develops long enough, sometimes over several years.

In rare cases, the disease proceeds with inexpressive symptoms, which makes it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.

Pancreatitis - diagnosis

Typically, the diagnosis of pancreatitis is based on symptoms, so the symptoms of acute pancreatitis are well defined. The doctor can only determine the form of the disease and choose the treatment tactics necessary in each particular case. Laparoscopy is often enough performed - an examination of the abdominal cavity from the inside with a special tool. In the event that there is suspicion of the presence of a stone in the bile ducts, an X-ray and endoscopic examination is performed.

Pancreatitis - treatment and prevention

A standard approach to treating pancreatitis is to take medications that eliminate the symptoms of enzyme deficiency. Such therapy will help reduce the symptoms of the disease.

In acute pancreatitis, treatment is carried out only in a surgical hospital. Therapy is carried out on the principle of "cold, hunger and peace." However, in extremely advanced cases, surgical intervention is required. That is why you should be extremely careful about the early manifestations of the disease. Hospitalization is more likely not the first, but the penultimate call.

In chronic pancreatitis, proper nutrition is required. In the store you can not take products that contain a large number of food additives with an index E. It is necessary to limit fatty and spicy foods, carbonated drinks, low alcohol drinks and non-natural drinks. Sometimes you can afford dry wine, whiskey or cognac (undesirable).

Preventive measures include restricting the use of harmful foods, which are listed above. Only a healthy diet can protect you from such a dangerous disease as pancreatitis.


Watch the video: What is Pancreatitis? Q&A (July 2024).